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Everything posted by Moomba

  1. Haha, that was pretty cool! I don't think I've ever seen anyone parody a TV opening in Minecraft before xD
  2. Yeah, it's pretty cool - they actually cycle through FFI-XIII when picking the names for new servers so there's currently two towns each from FFI-V and one each for the rest up to XIII. I wonder which VI town they'll pick for the next server (if they add another at any point)
  3. After one time purchase of the disks and for now, yes.
  4. Did someone say wider? I hope I get a beta key at some point - been dying to try the game out!
  5. Agreed - TWEWY was definitely the game to best utilise the DS' capabilities without being solely based on random minigames. It's a pity there aren't more games like it and I really hope Nomura isn't just stirring the pot by suggesting a possible sequel >.>
  6. Is that... a companion cube?! xD
  7. Just out of curiosity and perhaps slightly off topic, does Zimmer himself actually have any role in Revelation's music? Or is it just one of his underlings from Remote Control? I have to be honest (at the risk of being flamed); I don't really see why Remote Control Productions was brought into the franchise in the first place. In my opinion the themes Jesper Kyd wrote for the earlier games far surpassed the new theme. On the plus side, at least he's still doing the majority of the score.
  8. Lol Jeb just posted the link to the 1.9 Prerelease and it crashes on world generation for me every time Guess I'll wait until they officially release 1.9! Edit: *cough* There was nothing here, honest!
  9. I've been fortunate enough that even after several years, my DS is still in good working order, shoulder buttons and all. I think it's time to charge my PSP up again though - I really feel like replaying BBS now :3
  10. It's a pity Days is quite repetitive with all the storyline details so spread out. You really had to work for those snatches of story @.@ BBS was awesome though; quite possibly my favourite of the games so far. The battle system was somehow even more streamlined and enjoyable than KH2. It was just fun to play!
  11. Has there been any real news on the PS3 version since they revealed they weren't releasing it in March after all?
  12. When was this? I don't remember hearing about it D:
  13. Unless something has suddenly changed without me being aware, the game currently lacks a monthly fee. However, last I heard, they were still planning to start charging monthly once the game was up to an acceptible standard of gameplay.
  14. It may lead into KH3, but there's still no guarantee that KH3 will be the next game released after it - as far as we know, KH3 still hasn't entered development and I can imagine Nomura wanting to milk Sora a little more before moving on :3
  15. Pfft, if someone wakes up at the end Inception-style, it'll be Utada :3 Yeah, they'll probably save the awakenings themselves for KH3, but I won't be at all surprised if while going through all these "Worlds submerged in sleep" we'll also be looking for the key to waking them up.
  16. Aww, I liked Riku with long hair With these themes of sleep and BBS connections, I'll be pretty surprised if the game doesn't focus on awakening Ven in some form (what with him being trapped in the chamber of repose or whatever it was called) I guess that's a decent explanation as to why we'll be reverting to level 1. I wonder if it also means our combat styles will be very different to the earlier Kingdom Hearts games? Perhaps more similar to Terra and Aqua rather than Ven? Xehanort is Sora from the future come back in time to change the fate of the universe! Yes please.
  17. I suspect that's pretty much exactly why he said it D: Unfortunately, the trouble with KH is that despite claiming all these "rules" that exist (being changed by the corridors of darkness for example), we see waaaaay more exceptions to the rules than we actually see things conforming to the rules. It makes you wonder just how flimsy the laws of the KHverse really are xD
  18. Yeah, that was the original line of speculations... until Nomura said this in an interview: -- Roxas, the "Sora + Ventus" Nobody, was able to use a Keyblade. In contrast Xemnas, the "Terra + Master Xehanort" Nobody, wasn't able to use a Keyblade. Why is this? Nomura: I'd rather that point remain a mystery. It's possible that he intentionally wasn't using one. (taken from a translation of the BBS Ultimania) Damn you Nomura *shakefist*
  19. Hmm, with all the changes, maybe it's time I consider trying to get back into FFXIV. I played it through Alpha and on release and kinda enjoyed it. The only thing I absolutely hated about it back then was that other than grinding, there was absolutely nothing to do. I spent most of the time grinding crafting classes since grinding Disciples of War and Magic were reaaaaally slow through the 20ies back then in my experience, even with leves.
  20. The whole Xemnas/Keyblade thing is something of a mess really and I'm still curious how Nomura intends to clear that up without it feeling like a complete cop-out. If Xehanort could use a keyblade and Terranort could use a keyblade and Roxas and Xion prove that Nobodies can use keyblades (heck the criteria for keyblades has really dropped since the original game @.@) why could Xemnas not? Most speculation seems to point to the idea that Xemnas just... chose not too <.< Someone pointed out to me yesterday that while the most obvious thing to assume is that Xehanort has regained his memories in that scene in the trailer, it's also possible that in doing so, Terra could possibly have momentarily emerged - hence attacking Braig. Of course, Xehanort is pretty screwed up anyway, so it's just as likely that he's chosen to do it >.>
  21. It's posssible that that's how they're assigned numbers, yes - I guess we don't really know (or we do and I can't remember D:). However, Roxas was definitely born before Xion. He's born during the first visit to Hollow Bastion when Sora unlocks his heart. Xemnas doesn't harvest the memories used to create Xion from Sora until their battle, which only happens if you come back to Hollow Bastion later. We also know from the BBS ultimania that Xehanort was the first of the apprentices to die, with the remaining five following shortly after.
  22. It's possible and seems fairly likely (at least indirectly), but I seem to remember that Organisation number was decided in the order of who became a Nobody first, which means Xehanort would have to be the first to die so it's safe to assume that none of the dead apprentices we see in the trailer are acutally dead (unless Nomura is going off the rails again )
  23. This happens to me a lot in SMP recently - though I suspect it may just be because the area you have to look is higher than it should be (I haven't actually tried it out). On my server we've been building them elaborate underground dwellings and watch them rearrange the furniture :3
  24. If you're interested in video game audio in particular, the Game Audio Network Guild is a very friendly community of industry professionals, students and apprentices in the field. Worth checking out at the very least!
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