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Everything posted by Moomba

  1. In fairness, there's a difference between choosing to exploit something that breaks the battle system (abusing Genji Glove in FFVI) vs a battle system that's broken to begin with. You can get through the entire of FFXIII just pressing auto-battle and occasionally changin paragdims - there isn't even a need to find an exploit. Not that I'm hating on FFXIII - I didn't hate it as much as most people seem to have, but auto-battle should never have existed. If you can add a function to a battle system that would pick exactly what you would have chosen anyway, then maybe the whole system needs to be rethought.
  2. I love some of the LoTR fandoms reactions to this, they're so hilarious: http://i.imgur.com/e9WwU.jpg
  3. I got a weird message while trying to access Paypal through Steam: "The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it." The last part made me laugh.
  4. Bwah? I thought they'd taken the extremely negative reaction they'd had over their "vocal themes" way back when they were first shown to heart and decided to improve it... Oh wait, this is Square Enix... I forgot they have a different idea of "listening" to the rest of the world...
  5. I was originally going to try and do Emil/Karma or the track to the extremely spoilerish boss battle towards the end... But Emil/Karma is too awesome as it is (and the trance remixes on the arrange album really preclude any of the things I would want to do with it) and the latter is somewhat majorly spoilerish :3 Shadowlord is awesome too... but I get ideas just from listening to it... you could almost say it's arranging itself!
  6. Any bets on this being set far enough after MGS4 that Sunny is now in her late teens/early twenties and wearing a skintight combat suit...? Seems like it could be a logical progression given the studio <.<
  7. Did someone say anthropomorphic Pokemon?
  8. I have no idea whether this has been posted already... This made me lol.
  9. I'm up to around 70 hours and despite having come across loads of random glitches (most of them hilarious - I managed to launch an NPC several miles using a door) the only crippling bug I've come across involved saving during the final boss battle completely screweing everything up. The only fix was reloading an earlier save. Oh... and an "essential" NPC that turned inexplicably hostile and refused to stop attacking me until I modified him with the console, killed him and revived him... I have no idea how that happened
  10. Nichijou. Completely nonsensical slice of life. Sort of cool if you like that sort of thing.
  11. Y u no kittens? I voted Instruments, I get the feeling a lot of people might not get the university joke... (I'm not even sure I do...)
  12. Okami is a pretty awesome game; you should check it out.
  13. Not the best of those posted so far, but just feels so right.
  14. For the first 15 seconds I didn't think it was going to work... but then. So. Perfect.
  15. I just wanted to quickly comment on this. It's not really fair to compare it to Skyrim, Skyrim being a single player game and FFXIV being an MMO. Why? Skyrim only has the single player at any given point in time, whereas as an MMO, in addition to loading the surrounding maps also has to load all player models, their equipment and appearance and any companions/pets they might have. Add to this the fact that FFXIV is more graphically challenging on the system than Skyrim is and you begin to see lag (especially on lower end systems). This is why the game already has "imaginary" zones within the larger zones because early on in the game there was already fairly large lag due to the masses of character and monster models being loaded in each given region. Don't get me wrong, I don't want it to abandon seamlessness any more than anyone else... I just don't think it's fair to compare it with a single player game. Although, I really don't get why they're changing the graphic engine... are they planning to lower the graphical quality in order to make it more feasible for the PS3? I know the reason they've delayed the PS3 version so long is because there's just not enough RAM on the PS3 to run the game. Tbh, the way they've worded this slightly annoys me too... and I would never have noticed if they didn't say anything about it... but then again, maybe I didn't play the game long enough for it become a noticeable problem.
  16. http://vgmdb.net/album/7 Technically the iTunes tracklisting could be considered the "official" tracklisting. However, the tracklist most people know for the OST, what I assume was a fan translation (I forget), seems to have more literal translations of the Japanese track titles - some of the "official" titles have no relation whatsoever to the original Japanese titles (also the literal translated titles are way cooler in many cases IMO. Jesters of the Moonless Night > Court Jesters etc).
  17. I'm also really enjoying Penguindrum, though it really enjoys trolling its viewers. So much misdirection, withheld information and constant dangling of answer like a carrot before snatching them away. But I guess that's one of the things that makes it really worth watching. It did start to get a little eh after the first few episodes due to the constant focus on Ringo, but fortunately it managed to quickly pick itself back up after it got past that. There's actually a fair few surprisingly good (Haganai, C³, UN-GO, Ben-to) anime this season, some letdowns too (Horizon, though it was considered an impossible adaption for a reason and there was no way Guilty Crown could ever live up to the hype that was generated by claims of being on par with Code Geass) and of course, the expected, and completely awesome Fate/Zero which people should watch regardless of what they know of Fate/Stay Night :3
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. If only :[ Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Not quite KH3. As far as we're aware, KH3 still hasn't even entered development. To be fair, they rerelease I & II every few years in some form and they also remade III and IV. Even if there were people who would consider those "dated", it didn't stop them from doing it so I don't see why it would stop them from approaching V-IX. I'd really like to see V and VI and IX updated. Not entirely sure how I'd feel about a VII remake - while I'd love one, I'm not sure Squenix would be able to resist trying to tie it in more thoroughly with the rest of the complilation and risk screwing it up. Of course, they'd need to tie it in to an extent, but it would be pretty easy to accidentally start convoluting everything.
  20. I'm not completely sure, but I'd like to think you mean Macross 7 since it's undeniably the best of the Macross serieses. I also want to randomly plug Shiki which I forgot about earlier - back to the original concept of Vampires, none of this *sparkle sparkle* "I love you" crap. Just blood, murder, mystery and moral dilemmas.
  21. Hmm I should have been clearer - I meant cultivating crops. But I'm sure there are also people raging over exp and drop farming.
  22. Endermen are actually terrifying now! It's awesome! I love the way they often teleport juuust before you manage to land a hit on them. I've heard a lot of rage that farming has now become a fairly important aspect of the game, but I quite like it - it's a nice addition to the survival aspect of the game.
  23. The only changes I'd be interested in seeing to the game (other than improved graphics which may not happen anyway since it could just end up an upscaled port) would be the addition of trophies for some of the awesome stuff ingame - particularly Penance and the Dark Aeons. Other than that, I'd hope they keep it pretty much the same as the original. In fairness, given that it wasn't so long ago that Squenix's profits experienced a rapid drop, I wouldn't be surprised if this (and Theatrythm and several other recent projects) have been designed mostly to try and make relatively easy cash.
  24. Steins;Gate has apparently not been mentioned once within this thread despite being awesome. In terms of more recent anime, Tiger & Bunny is also definitely worth watching. Just quickly skimming the chart for some of the stuff no-one has talked about so far: Going back a few years, it's almost unforgivable to not watch Gurren Lagann. Eureka 7 is also pretty decent if you can put up with the protagonist. I would also recommend everything Macross (except the parallel timelines). Who couldn't love anime where music wins wars? Personally, I prefer everything Macross 7 onwards far more than the original series though. Oh also, Eden of the East, and a generally high percentage of Production I.G. anime are really good. On the subject of Laputa/Last Exile style anime, there's the currently airing new series of Last Exile and possibly also Elemental Gelade. I'm sure I could think of more, but I seem to be blanking on anime in general this morning :[
  25. Interesting quick note - from what I can decipher of the scan, the world's name is "Prankster's Paradise". There's also mention of a circus (which would make sense) and that there will be two identical Jiminys. Presumably one is the real one travelling with you and the other will be a resident of the dream world.
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