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Everything posted by Moomba

  1. Everyone is, of course, free to not listen. But I find it a hard anime to recommend to anyone unless they enjoy watching people type on a futuristic keyboard while talking about what basically amounts to hacking... while sitting in a giant pirate ship. Imagine what more they could do with it! They have giant laser cannons, the handheld versions of which can shoot through a tank! But no-one cares because they'll never actually use them anyway. Heck, during the "battles" Marika's entire class of high-school girls spends their time giggling while talking about how awesome and fun war is.
  2. Did you miss the part where they're not actually pirates? Or even privateers for that matter? They're what basically amounts to a stage troupe who are paid to "rob" ships. You claim I have a short attention span? If I had a short attention span would I watch the -monogatari series? I somehow doubt it. The core of the matter is that Mouretsu is a dull anime which has taken nine episodes to finally decide to go anywhere... assuming it actually does go somewhere.
  3. *Socially Acceptable Insurance Fraud With Pirate Costumes I'm sorry but except for the "Space" part, the entire title is a blatant lie. Add to the fact that nothing significant has happened in most of the episodes so far and they just sit around talking and interspacing it with discussions of Electronic Warfare while preparing for their next stage show... of which we actually see very little. If you want entertainment this season, only Daily Lives of High School Boys and Aquarion EVOL can really cut it.
  4. [C] is undoubtedly the perfect example. It was still pretty good, but wow, towards the end there things pretty much went straight to hell. It's unfortunate, but anime often gets cut in the middle of a run. The positive side is that the nature of how anime is produced (the episodes aren't made in a batch and then aired, they're made as they're required) means that even if it's not a good ending, an ending CAN still be created in the time remaining, rather than having to cut off in an odd place, even if the cancellation is very last minute.
  5. Assassin's Creed III is supposed to end the trilogy and Desmond's story, anything beyond that will end up with a new protagonist etc. However, I'm willing to bet there will be several additional ACIII games. I don't doubt they will milk it like crazy.
  6. Still waiting to hear from people whether or not it actually works... I'm placing money on not. I'm probably alone in this out of people who actually like the -monogatari series, but I vastly prefered Bakemonogatari to Nisemonogatari so far. Nise seems to have degenerated to being mostly fanservice and the dialogue isn't quite as witty anywhere near as often as Bakemonogatari was.
  7. Darker than Black was a great anime overall, though I'm not a huge fan of the second series and how they decided to portray Hei. I'm also not sure why they didn't air the OVAs of the events that happened between the first series and the second series... between the first series and the second series. It would probably have made a lot more sense. The end of the second series was especially irksome, mostly because it seemed partially like a cliffhanger ending and yet we're probably never going to get a resolution.
  8. Familiar username! Would I be right in guessing you would be the same TNE from the KHWiki (or whatever it's called these days)? Regardless, welcome, to you and the many other recent new members!
  9. This seems familiar... Reminds me a lot of the Revelations opening!
  10. Looking pretty awesome so far! I wonder if we'll be low-tech for the whole game or gradually move up with the addition of hidden-gun and stuff. I actually kind of like the idea of sticking with a longbow and stuff. Also, that image with the deer... hunting? Maybe we'll go MGS3 style living off the land while appearing out of nowhere to assassinate targets! That could be pretty interesting. It certainly looks like there might be a lot of wilderness this time around!
  11. Yes, but not to the extent that there would be during the American Revolution. In AC1, if you were caught by the guards, there was an actual incentive to trying to escape and hide by blending into the crowd or using hiding spots. Combo kills from ACII onwards meant that if guards caught you, you just needed to take a couple of minutes to slaughter them all and the alert went away. Sure, ACII and Brotherhood had sections that demanded stealth, but those weren't exactly frequent. Additionally, while Brotherhood had loads of Assassination Targets (and a very large number of optional ones), in Revelations you... never actually do any assassination. Sure you kill a few people here and there, but that's never the objective, just something that happens to come along. I just hope ACIII brings back the game's namesake.
  12. I'm really hoping, now that we have the addition of muskets and pistols pretty much everywhere, that the game will return to a more Assassin-y approach than it has been in the past few games. In AC1, there were serious benefits to not getting spotted by guards, but since they added all that combo killing stuff, you can work through enormous amounts of them without even breaking a sweat. When everyone's shooting you to death with muskets, suddenly stealth kills become attractive again!
  13. I enjoyed Revelations gameplay wise, though the whole bomb mechanic (fun though it was) seemed kind of pointless when I only used bombs once or twice - there was never really any demand for it. The story was eh and completely unrevelationary, but I wasn't expecting anything from it really given that it was originally going to be a handheld spinoff but they suddenly decided to stick it on the consoles. Except Revelations. I was expecting those. Misleading title right there.
  14. The box art seems to suggest the American side and given that the options are the Imperialistic British Army vs Underdog Independence-minded Americans, it seems like it would be a given who the Assassins would side with (especially since the Church of England could be considered the Templars for the purpose of the game). But yeah, I'm hoping for a more neutral stance like in the first game. I can imagine them going with something like the entire revolution being part of a great Templar master plan with agents on either side of the war.
  15. We also apparently have: This which was accidentally leaked by Gameinformer Provisional Box Art Fun times! If it's a troll, it's a pretty damn elaborate one!
  16. She definitely wasn't. Revelations was a pretty... unrevelationary game. I'm having a hard time even remembering any female characters who played much of a role in the game.
  17. Sort of. During the end segments of Brotherhood, a new female character who would be central to Desmond's quest was mentioned as someone he'd meet soon. So far, the most important characters in each of the games has been the Assassin, so it seemed like an interesting possibility to have a female ancestor for a change. But yes, a male character does make sense given the rest of the story so far. Strong female leads are cool though
  18. I had a quick look around and didn't find an Ass Creed III thread anywhere, so instead I shall create one! Leaked image suggests that the "final" game in the trilogy is going to be set during the American Revolution: I will admit to being slightly dissapointed that our Assassin does not appear to be female.
  19. 1.2 is coming tomorrow! Woop!
  20. It seems GAME and Gamestation in the UK aren't going to be stocking ME3, or any other EA March release for that matter. I know quite a few people who are pretty angry over their now-cancelled pre-ordered collectors editions. I don't think GAME are going to last much longer... Also... ME3 DLC gun for Xbox 360... tell me that's not the real RRP.
  21. Ahh, that would be the way that makes most sense! It would also be very nice if 1.2 and the Bukkit update for it are ready at the same time!
  22. From the sounds of things, it seems the plan is to rebuild the Minecraft Server API from scratch rather than including Bukkit as part of the standard build. I'd guess it will probably render Bukkit obsolete. I could be wrong though.
  23. That does sound like a good idea, though it might be an idea to use more than one name, just for the off-chance that no-one manages to get their first choice name (this almost always happens to me, whether beta, alpha or release >.>)
  24. What? So the "Drop" wasn't because the entire soundtrack consists only of Dubstep? Damn. What have I been telling people?!
  25. I'd really like to get into the beta since I didn't manage to get into the most recent closed alpha of PSO2. Between the two of them, I'm probably going to lose a lot of time to MMOs in the relatively near future >.> A pity it could prove hard to co-ordinate some sort of group if we do manage to get in and can't talk about it under the NDA. Kinda hard to find out who has access when people are strict about it.
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