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Everything posted by Velocifero

  1. Musta been easy for him since he lives in Philly . It was cool and sent his message home.
  2. I love how he goes into the history of everything, so you know where it all comes from. This movie of his seems to be his current masterpiece. Taking a bit of everything he's been doing and making something out of it. After watching all the AVGN videos, i've been watching his movie review videos. He's got a lot and they're all entertaining and informative.
  3. Haha that was probably for kids. I don't remember seeing a big boy version there the two times I went. You think David could resist that? Nah..
  4. Yeah good times, good times. Even without Stevo's beard, we had a fun time.
  5. Well unless you're in the wave pool the entire time, we should be ok. Besides the wave pool, most of the water park "rides" had lines of 5-10 min. Ditto pally ol' pal.
  6. Orrr we decide who wants to drive and have them pick us all up, since like you said, parking can suck. There's foodstuffs by where the water park and amusement park meet. Snap that's this Sunday..
  7. I'm definitely going to go if my funds allow it.
  8. Holy shit, I rented this over 10 years ago when it was actually available to be rented, and even then I really liked the music to this game. Good luck!
  9. ^ Yeah a normal shaped D pad is more ideal for old school gaming imo. Since I have a PS3 and would thus be free, I think I'm going to try to sync it up. I downloaded GamePad Companion http://www.carvware.com/ and get some response, but still nothing on ZSNES. *edit* I figured it out, just had to assign the buttons to the controller. The GamePad Companion works great! Free too. Guess I'll use this for now.
  10. Ah yes, thanks guys I see it now. Yeah it was late and I guess I didn't look hard enough. I guess now my debate is either to get a controller that's good for any emulator I might play or a USB controller adapter and as authentic a controller as possible. But I have heard of lag issues with the adapters. I haven't started playing N64 or PSX emulators yet but I feel it's only a matter of time. Maybe a USB PS2 controller or the 360 controller are the best after all. The d-pad on ps2 controllers are nice.
  11. I've been reliving my childhood as of late playing some SNES and NES emulators (ZSNES and Nestopia respectively) and now desire to use an actual controller instead of the keyboard. I've done some googling but I found it hard to find controllers with a turbo feature. It's for a Macbook Pro laptop, but I'm sure any PC controller will work. I've heard the xbox 360 controller works well, but again, I'd like the turbo for those pesky button-mashers. I've seen these USB controller adapters and might consider one of those if my old turbo SNES controller still works. I know on Nestopia, you can assign certain buttons to be turbo, but I haven't figured that out on ZSNES. I'd want something simpler like the old school turbo switch anyway. What do you guys use or recommend?
  12. Oh my goodness, that sucks man...Did your car have an alarm? If not, it's probably the greatest investment any car could have and I highly recommend getting one. You seem to be in good spirits. Though I don't know how. That's so shitty
  13. Dropped Jose off at the train station and got home a little bit ago. Had a blast! And it was awesome meeting everyone (some again ) Can't wait til the next meetup.
  14. That's awesome, thanks bub.
  15. I was wondering if I could hitch a ride back to Arlington to those in the city? If my sister comes down I was thinking of car pooling the two of us to BBQ so she can just leave from there to go back to Delaware. If Bahamut or anyone else can possibly do that, I'd appreciate it.
  16. Are you going to be icing bros...
  17. Snap. Where at? I lived in Wichita for over 3 years.
  18. BS, you're so close
  19. I use this as my Halloween ringtone, when the organ comes in and plays the castle theme. Haha my brother uses a shorter version of that as his text tone on his Droid. He's got some reactions from it too.
  20. I've used many in the past and switch it up to suit the holiday, but currently I'm using Hi, Score! (Ranking Display) by Shael Riley from the Blood on the Asphalt album. I start it right from the beginning. It's pretty dope.
  21. Yeah when he started popping Yuenglings every now and then. I'm trying to pace myself and space out catching up on his episodes, but it's hard because they're so addicting. Now and for a couple years he's been doing the shows in Philly. We should get him to come to one of our meets.
  22. Cool, I'm right off the apartments on Army-Navy Dr.
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