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Everything posted by Megaman1985

  1. It makes me a sad panda that bLiNd didn't take We're The Robots
  2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled
  3. I wonder how long it will take for the Music to be remixed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ek2pU0WiGE
  4. I approve of this thread okay not to get off topic but as seeing as we are unearthing some of disco dan's hidden mixes, i wanna know does bLiNd also have hidden mixes
  5. Hi everybody if you want to hear some great tunes check out my OCremix Imeem page But be warned the remixes are my personal favorites as i tend to like a certain kind of sound. (Note: I do not take credit for ANY of the remixes on my imeem page as i would never able to create those masterpieces) http://www.imeem.com/people/bN3v8-/playlist/fsm58uuV/overclockedremix-music-playlist/
  6. Out of all the remixes on this album, i only kept bLiNd's three mixes. Bridge to Eternity & Path of Deception(both10/10)... when i listen to these two, i feel like these are the originals. Golbez 'N Goblins(7/10)... this one not so much as i listened to the others first & thought this would sound more or less the same as those.
  7. Congrats to him & i couldnt agree with djp more... we need to see more remixes
  8. nice:tomatoface:
  9. To be honest i wouldn't mind hearing a whole album done by bLiNd
  10. i would never pay for old software(nes, snes, sega) again, emulators have made it so dang easy for me to have every game.
  11. Disco Dan, Blind, AE all have wonderful remixes
  12. 10/10 i really wish more nightclubs in my area would play this type of music
  13. Lupin III - Original run 24 October 1971 –26 March 1972 Lupin III Part II - Original run 3 October 1977 – 6 October 1980 Lupin III Part III - Original run 3 March 1984 – 28 September 1985 still a great series though
  14. hey thanks alot i really like his work & i just found out he had more remixes then what is up on here so i been trying to find all of them.
  15. what happened to them?
  16. theres nothing there
  17. does anybody know where i can get Disco Dan remixs besides here? i typed it in on google & there wasnt any good from what i seen.
  18. This soundtrack SCREAMS for a Disco Dan remix!
  19. damn i wish i could go but money is tight oh well theres always next year
  20. everybody should just chill out, the soundtrack is not that bad. im happy that sonic 2 is getting the HD treatment.
  21. looks like you guys had alot of fun, sucks i couldnt make it i hope there will be a Otakon Convention meetup!
  22. i geuss ill see everbody at the Otakon Convention
  23. it seems i cant go... i gotta babysit for my cousin.
  24. thats good cuz i only got 15 bucks to spend thanks to gta4
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