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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. baw baw abwwwww if you can find a better thread to talk about Dragon Age in other than the Dragon Age thread I'd love to see it
  2. I loved both of those games and still didn't like Dragon Age.
  3. is there a good reason for this plot point or are they just ripping off final fantasy x
  4. holy shit this but also holy shit dude spoilers
  5. remember a few nights ago when I said I rarely saw any action ever taken to combat team stacking I wasn't joking
  6. if it takes about as long as it took for you to tell me how sad you think I am then maybe I am already finished
  7. more like everyone is mad that bleck differs in opinion
  8. verdammt = blast it I am expressing my distaste with the idea of a trilogy being made of a game which I consider sub-par
  9. let's cock up the forums in celebration
  10. people have been saying this as if it's some sort of crime
  11. yoshi's island isn't a mario game it's a yoshi game
  12. guys look how much I know about the CIA you guys
  13. Maybe that has to do with the fact that you always have three teammates regardless of whether you're playing multiplayer? If Nintendo designed a Mario game where you constantly have 3 horrible AIs following you around, then I'm pretty sure you'd all still be bitching. The Co-op is fine. Quit jumping on each others heads like retards and you'll see how well it actually works.
  14. I love how many people are saying that co-op is bad because they suck at it
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