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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. when did we begin to measure simplicity in number of clicks jesus fucking christ 'uhhh this program takes half a second to open guess I'll just find a different program'
  2. Observe how the poster called EdgeCrusher proceeds with the trend of constantly obfuscating the term 'internet troll'.
  3. just hope that ETG doesn't ban you at random times for no reason
  4. that's somewhat more acceptable although it's still dumb if it's going to fuck with the stats also you're*
  5. it's irritating because the humiliation is designed to be a reward for victorious players nobody should be allowed to mess with that just because they can also while I don't really care about stats I DO have to question why we have them if they are just going to be fucked up
  6. I would like to point out that atmuh is not the only one who cares about the slaying I think it's pretty irritating edit: also I think that the statement 'the admins got together and decided that the admins doing shit with admin commands wasn't annoying' is kind of dumb
  7. I've been playing on Expert and I very rarely take more than ten damage from goo
  8. he is a nice guy who doesn't want to be pals with a nice guy
  9. I've heard a lot of people whine about the Spitter being overpowered. I attribute it generally to not being able to comprehend the idea of not standing on the goo or barricading in corners/small rooms.
  10. see archaon knows where it's at also yeah I fuck up apostrophes a lot
  11. I believe the entire point of having the stipulation that we were talking about a 'gaming computer' was that you don't really have to upgrade anything at all but yeah anyways enough 'I have an xbox and I'm butthurt that everyone buys it for the PC' nonsense Let's instead talk about how retarded the people who are claiming that the Spitter is overpowered are (HOW ABOUT NOT STEPPING ON THE GOO, JACKASS).
  12. I thought the exact same thing but there totally isn't ocr is prized for it's subtle wit
  13. pretty sure the reason I'm angry is not because people will dislike me but rather because it's been six years sicne KOTOR came out and I'm STILL choosing between SAVE THE KITTENS or THROW THEM INTO ACID if the game were like REAL LIFE as you say I could probably you know not stop at the village and instead just go to the god damn castle where I wanted to go in the first god damn place
  14. okay you can either go on a tedious rescue mission and earn the ire of morrigan for helping some useless drunk OR you can kill the old drunk and earn the ire of alistair for being an asshole either way somebody is going to get pissed at you HEY BIOWARE THANKS FOR TAKING OUT THE BIPOLAR ALIGNMENT SYSTEM FROM PAST GAMES AND REPLACING IT WITH AN ESSENTIALLY IDENTICAL BULLSHIT JUDGEMENTAL SYSTEM that's the last straw I quit this game forever
  15. yeah isn't it awesome when the a game runs really slowly because it's trying very hard to display a very high-quality leaf on a tree that's thirty feet behind you
  16. actually if you could you probably already would have
  17. I haven't gotten Leliana but unless this accent is Russian than I doubt it will sway me from Morrigan
  18. I've had an xbox360 for almost a year now and I have a grand total of two games for it
  19. yeah guys I don't want to buy a 500$ computer to play games on I'd much rather just buy a 300$ console and 50$ controllers and a 30$ headset and a 100$ adapter so I can connect to the internet and a suscription to the online service for 80$ and than games for 60$ apiece and 10$ for DLC that PC gamers get for free and
  20. not to mention people who play PC games online as opposed to console games have a much lower tendency of being ten year old boys
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