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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I rescind that statement; I restarted the game as an Elf in the Alienage, and the acting through that path was much better. Although I still don't like how they can't seem to decide what accents to use.
  2. I've never found L4D to be particularly frightening - the different between say, L4D and Silent Hill, is that in L4D, I can basically kill every zombie I see with either my almost infinite ammo shotgun or, if worse coems to worse, my infinite ammo pistols. And if somebody dies, we can just bring them back to life in a magic closet later. Whereas in Silent Hill oh my god what is that what do I even agh god it's spitting shit at me OH MY GOD THERE IS ANOTHER ONE BEHIND ME OH MY FUCK AAAHHHHHHHH HAVE YOU SEEN MY DAUGHTER
  3. Also, in my opinion the source engine is still the best looking engine on the market, simply because the characters have a tendency to actually look and move and act like real people - as opposed to other games that have cruse, plastic figurines that move in vaguely human patterns amongst a world with incredibly (needlessly) detailed flora and fauna that have no reflection on the actual game at all.
  4. so is this coming out soon or am I going to have to sit through another overplayed RPG album
  5. This is sort of bullshit. If somebody is mistreating another on the server, it's up to the admins to put a stop to it, regardless of who the person or the admin is. Anyone who would call out Rambo for defending Bonzai is a retard. That being said, I know I haven't been around much lately, but I'd probably take issue with everything else Rambo is in his previous post.
  6. bleck: demoman is op if you're too good with it pros: sandman is op if you're too good with it hurrrrrrrrrrrr
  7. the sandman is banned because competitive players are whiny babies edit: if you stop and think about it the logic eventually boils down to players saying 'if you didn't stun me I totally would have killed you!!!' which is kind of hilarious
  8. A lot of people are comparing this game to the novel series A Song of Ice and Fire - if you're a fan of ASOIAF, don't listen to them. They are so incomparable it almost hurts.
  9. There is a large difference between insulting someone and insulting something a person has done.
  10. This has happened to me twice now, and both times I had to stop playing because I couldn't stop laughing.
  11. The thing about KOTOR was that it was great except for how shitty and boring actually playing it is. The thing that made Mass Effect so great was that it was basically KOTOR except with less Star Wars and it was actually fun to play. The thing about Dragon Age is that it has reverted back to the KOTOR model of not really being fun to play and also taking out a lot of what made KOTOR great in the first place. Also yeah, the gratuitous splatters of blood on your person is kind of needless and distracting. And the voice acting is just awful.
  12. oh my god I never would have noticed that
  13. you shouldn't even get 4.2 firmware, even if you don't have any homebrew
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