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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. this patch is going to have to be pretty god damn amazing to make me want to sit through Act III again
  2. I've never seen a Gundam show that had a plot that made sense or was really deep if you want giant robots, you watch a Gundam - if you want an interesting plot, you watch The Big O or RahXephon or Space Runaway Ideon
  3. how does it feel to not know anything about music
  4. nintendo gave us zelda and as such everything that sony or microsoft has done or will do for videogames is comparitively meaningless
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIjW17IPRdg --- but yeah most people who try to say that mario sunshine or mario galaxy weren't very good are either retarded or butthurt sonic fans
  6. there I fixed that right up for you
  7. next time there is a scrim can somebody maybe let me know on steam that would be fantastic
  8. do you understand the meaning of the conjunction 'or'
  9. casual gamers are what jealous nerds like to call people who are too busy being not terrible people to play world of warcraft OR people who do play world of warcraft but don't take it ridiculously seriously
  10. casual gamers are what jealous nerds like to call people who are too busy being not terrible people to play world of warcraft
  11. I think two guys who dress like robots and wrote an entire album based around the idea of technology vs humanity are probably able to write a film score about a computer world
  12. I agree with mostly everything garian just said except I don't think he pays attention to how bad people suddenly become whenever they play on Dustbowl 'guys all we need to do is take down that sentry' 'OKAY I GUESS I'LL SPEND THE NEXT TWENTY MINUTES RUNNING INTO IT REPEATEDLY EXCEPT FOR WHEN THERE IS AN UBER BECAUSE THEN I WILL EITHER BE RUNNING AROUND SPAWN TRYING TO KILL ONE BLOODY SPY OR I WILL JUST BE DEAD' this applies to basically everybody who has ever played on the OCR server including all the good players and myself
  13. the best thing about turbine is how I'm always on the team that doesn't understand what 'capture the flag' means
  14. guys the warcraft story is very serious business
  15. it should basically just be Thrall: The Movie
  16. this could be good if he just tries to do as good a job as possible with the source material instead of going to any lengths to please the sweaty disgusting people who play WoW
  17. I think the reason I barely buy any new games is because barely any good games have come out
  18. I really want to do Star Light Zone but I don't have any credentials
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