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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. no of course not I must literally have only played the one game as twitch it's impossible that I would have thought to try anybody else in this mode rolleyes emoticon
  2. I don't really have fun in urfmode 'cause all the things that other people say are 'fun' are either OHKO combos or instant ten second stuns and those things are pretty much just constantly happening to me
  3. even 80% cooldown reduction and infinity mana can't make twitch fun to play
  4. I can't believe that they just went out of their way to mutilate kassadin's (admittedly awful) kit because a burst mage with a ranged targeted silence is horribly unbalanced and yet the entire lol community has somehow convinced themselves that LeBlanc is totally okay. Like, am I even playing the same game as these people? If she really is Not That Bad, can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to do anything but feed against her as Vel'Koz or Heimerdinger?
  5. you get a jungle yi and a fiora top, enemy team gets amumu jungle, galio mid and wukong top
  6. Please don't play as Yi. He has no goddamn CC. For fuck's sake, you schmuck. ~ ancient haiku
  7. sometimes I feel like I've been playing a chinese fake version of lol all along where lee sin is just ridiculous and everyone else is playing a more reasonable version where he doesn't have a kit that gives him enormous damage and tankiness and mobility and sustain for essentially no cost
  8. hey remember when [nintendo console] wasn't doing well and everyone constantly proselytized about how this was the end for nintendo
  9. twitch is really good at using runaan's to apply a piss poor source of damage really quickly and making everyone laugh at you because you're a chump (relyance I'm going to reply to you eventually just you wait)
  10. It's impossible because it's not possible to separate individual contributions to a team's victory in a manner that doesn't arbitrarily define what individual actions are most important to a team's victory - i.e, it's not possible to determine who on a team did 'the best' without having a strict definition of what, exactly, 'the best' is actually supposed to be, and to have that Riot would essentially have to pare the game down to a binary contest of specific measurable values, thereby enforcing a metagame that rigidly opposes the concept of strategy and more or less fundamentally ruining the game. The healthiest possible thing to do for the solo queue ranked system would be to stop pretending like it's actually possible to accurately rank skill levels for solo players - this is especially obvious when you consider that, for the most part, having a solo skill ranking system in the game is more or less meaningless anyway?
  11. trying doesn't actually solve the problem, especially if the goal is, like I said, impossible I mean you can easily say that being stuck with someone significantly less 'skilled' than you are is going to be more bearable if you know in the back of your head that some irrelevant measure of effort has gone into making the matchmaking less bunk, but something tells me that everybody who says that is basically lying
  12. life hacks; if you know something is gonna make you sound like 'that guy', don't say it
  13. you don't having a(n accurate) rating system for a team game is literally impossible
  14. I'm okay with Mewtwo not coming back if it means we get someone else more interesting.
  15. yeah let's force developers to make games with features that are only accessible with a separate 250$ device that's a genius idea somebody get this man a cookie
  16. The only way to solve the itemization problem is to have individual items available to characters based on their role/class/whatever; there's virtually no easy way to fix the itemization problems with marksmen and supports (and, to a lesser extent, junglers) that can't inherently be taken advantage of by fighters and mages.
  17. I'm not too broken up about the 'ranged carry' actually having to be carried through a game.
  18. I made everyone a christmas video
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