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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I think it depends on the video game, really, and also on what kind of criticisms or observations we're talking about here for example, I don't really think that saying 'why does princess peach always have to be kidnapped' is somehow invalidated by whether or not you've physically pushed the button that made mario jump no in fact I've agreed with most of if not all of your criticisms of the video - it's just that most of the people who are bringing up whether or not she "stole" her video footage are people who are looking to discredit her without actually acknowledging her opinions or the fact that there's an issue in the first place if you really disagree with sarkeesian's videos, you need to come up with substantial and reasonable reasons to do so; coming up with some arbitrary bullshit like 'nerrr she used a let's play video instead of pushing the buttons herself and recording it happen' to denounce her series with is symptomatic of a large unwillingness to really acknowledge the issues that need to be acknowledged, here in essence while I believe that there are probably better people out there that could be speaking about this very real issue than anita sarkeesian, I think that it's better that we have her and her videos than to go on pretending like this shit ain't a problem
  2. I think that video games as an interactive media are fairly unique as far as entertainment goes and as such can't really be directly compared to other media this way a more apt comparison would be to say that somebody read Moby Dick without physically turning the pages as most book readers do, and then cue me saying that whether or not you turned the pages doesn't really matter probably
  3. yeah it probably can but see the problem is that it doesn't matter okay first of all it's spelled plagiarism second of all plagiarism is the theft of ideas; since she only used the visual part of any LPs that she ripped from and not any audible commentary, she isn't actually stealing anything of consequence from anybody, since an LP is not a product of creation but rather a recording of experience if you think that writing a song is the same thing as playing through a video game then you've got some pretty funky ideas about what it means for something to be an original work actually people donated to her kickstarter before the videos were made and as such I'm pretty sure the money she made from it can't ethically (probably also legally) be considered to be profit since she's not actually asking for any money to see the actual videos, anything she uses in them is still covered under fair use
  4. no see the point is that having a significant amount of development funds go into something that the large majority of players probably either skipped in haste or watched for free on the internet is actually - surprise - a waste of time and money for something that is completely inconsequential for a game if one is the kind of person that's really disappointed that their video game isn't going to have enough non-interactive cutscenes you're probably bad at this whole 'video games' thing
  5. sakurai didn't say there wouldn't be a story mode, he just said there wouldn't be cutscenes and even if there isn't a story mode honestly who cares
  6. because kids def don't buy games no mo
  7. this is how every company in the history of the concept of a company has functioned
  8. whether or not it's reasonable has to do with what particular mode of entertainment we're talking about; because in this case we're talking about video games, the primary situations/themes that the game attempts to deal with are largely irrelevant to the defining portion of the game, i.e for any of the games that you've mentioned, the fact that they deal with "mature themes" isn't actually by and large what makes any of those games good however in contrast there's at least one example brought up already in this thread (by me) of a game that is in itself made less good because of the presense of "mature themes" basically the point here is that having "mature themes" in a video game is either going to a) have virtually no meaningful impact on the game itself or is going to actually make it worse basically what this boils down to is whether or not you want video games to be TV shows where you occasionally push a button or whether or not you want video games to actually be video games, a medium defined by their interactivity and not their ability to tell a compelling and meaningful story (which by the way has only happened maybe three times in the entire history of video games) note: a lot of the games that rama has mentioned aren't necessarily bad games in my opinion but the ones that are good are always good because of the gameplay not because of the rating on the box
  9. so do you have any actual reasons to think it's a bad game or is this our daily example of you being an idiot in this thread
  10. the virtual console has always functioned in such a way that high profile releases that involved more technological and/or legal work than usual would cost slightly more money given the wealth of things in earthbound that could get nintendo sued I'm surprised that it was released at all let alone at - goodness gracious - an extra dollar
  11. the "mature plot elements" necessitated a large cast of supporting characters as well as hours worth of cutscenes in a game that was part of a series that was famous for having no or close to not cutscenes and was all about exploring strange new places alone the thing is that other m is, gameplay-wise, actually pretty solid - the "mature plot elements" are literally the only reason everybody hates that game I don't think that actual adults need entertainment with arbitrarily-defined "mature" themes to make themselves actually feel like adults this whole discussion is moronic and you should all feel terrible
  12. so is this supposed to be satire or what
  13. man of steel was a great movie fuck the haters that being said I've always been a staunch holder of the opinion that a batman/superman movie will never ever work ever
  14. probably not gonna play this because math doesn't give me a boner have fun everyone else, though
  15. link is actually towards the bottom of the current SSB tier list
  16. I haven't heard any reasons to give a single fuck about a concept as vague and arbitrary as 'cuteness'
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