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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. chargin' chucks are objectively the scariest mario enemy
  2. gonna just post this again
  3. yeah see the thing here is that you're saying that's what the series IS whereas every other person and/or source is saying that that's what it WAS a video has already been posted in this thread where the developers of Mario games contradict this objectively; 3D Land and 3D World are, according to Nintendo, the next step in Mario games just stop posting about this bub
  4. so what you're saying here is because none of the main Mario series games have been on a handheld (which isn't actually true) that it's therefore impossible for any other handheld Mario game to be considered a part of the main series well that's uh wrong yeah, jumping on stuff in levels until you get to a flagpole? I've never ever seen that in a Mario game, it must be some kind of crazy spin-off!!! seeing as though the main Mario team is the team that makes main Mario games and this is a Mario game made by the main Mario team I'm having trouble discerning how you've reached this conclusion
  5. 3D Land is a main Mario title
  6. that's exactly what it fuckin' means god damn
  7. maybe you're just bad at video games yeah the game is just objectively not laggy either your TV is crappy or your perception is just wrong either way you're wrong here
  8. other m samus looks cool, even if other m was poopgaem
  9. I mean saying that they're stupid arguments is like really mature and intelligent of you but unfortunately throwing a hissy fit isn't proving anything darkesword said on the topic wrong, so
  10. yeah that's cool but see you're wrong so
  11. really you think so because I think the exact opposite thing
  12. yeah man colors are terrible everyone hates those let's have some more brownshoots
  13. I think he's talking about downplaying 3rd party characters in response to all the people crawling out of the woodwork and suggesting fuckin' BAYONETTA and SEPHIROTH and MARCUS FENIX
  14. if by 'strong' you mean 'new star fox' then yes I agree it wasn't very strong if by 'strong' you mean 'brownshoots' then get out
  15. if there's one thing I hate about smash bros speculation it's when people don't just seem to have any idea I'm hoping it's not because melee was dumb
  16. just because half of the internet has assumed that 'next-gen' means 'has da grafix' instead of reasonably assuming that it means 'is on a next-gen console' doesn't mean that's what nintendo means when they say it
  17. Super Smash Bros. Scuffle Super Smash Bros. Fisticuffs Super Smash Bros. Wrestlemania 2014 Super Smash Bros. Ansatsuken Super Smash Bros. Street Fighter Turbo The New Challengers Arcade Edition 2024
  18. I heard at some point that there was supposed to be a group re-release of all of these for the DS or 3DS. Is that true? I'd really like that.
  19. yeah you can sort of skip chain of memories because a) it's not good and the second game kind of summarizes everything that happens but that being said birth by sleep, 365/21 days or whatever it's called and dream drop distance are all great games and at the very least I think that birth by sleep is kind of required playing for plot reasons I wouldn't be surprised if they summarized DDD in KH3 but birth by sleep is kind of huge
  20. you mean something like preventing them from using it without a constant internet connection
  21. my experiences with the changed game aren't going to retroactively change my poor experiences with the original game
  22. I'm of the opinion that a game should be you know finished and good before it's sold to people if [game] comes out and is bad and then is patched into something great, [game] will always be a bad game in my mind
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