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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Why do you say that, RD? I still think the only characters that could work are The Riddler or maaaybe Catwoman.
  2. astaroth takes the award for most hilarious move The Hitler Walk
  3. fuck anyone who plays as talim fuck them mitsurugi 4 lyfe
  4. who cares also hey are you guys from ontario I am from ontario!
  5. hey guys I thought they said they would lessen the ring outs
  6. trust me when I say he's not I know exactly the type of person he is, and only Canada seems to have these idiots Edit: Make the radio stream nothing but Beck.
  7. or maybe all the english ones that they just haven't felt like releasing I have Star Fox 64 now WHERE THE FUCK IS STAR FOX
  8. I have never seen, in any class-based game, someone call someone a troll because they played as a certain class. And I'm sorry, but disagreeing with the order to do such is not 'griefing' in the least. If every player who has ever killed me as a scout is a griefer, then basically half the gamebase needs to be banned. I'll be the first to agree that this is a little extreme, and probably the only other person than atma ballsy enough to say that this is probably just prejudice against atma. The fact that everyone I know with dislike of atma is now defending someone (a certain someone many others who have nothing against atma mostly agree is either a troll or very much pushing the limit) who, citing Bahamut's zero tolerance policy against trolling, should have been banned, is simply proof of this. I think it's important that everyone say what they think about this. Opinions are important in a matter such as this.
  9. is anyone else getting pissed at the virtual console nothing good since like april
  10. you don't have to really beat a soldier in a straight fight if he is shooting rockets from the other end of the map into the place where you come from
  11. At first I though he's definitely dead, but people involved with the film have said some things that may hint at otherwise.
  12. The thing about the Soldier that in my opinion makes him cheap is the fact that crits are determined somewhat by how much damage you have been doing that life. Seeing as though the Soldier's main weapon is powerful and does splash damage, they can rack up damage pretty quickly. This is why, and I believe many will agree with me on this, Soldier's seem to get more crits than any other class. And since a crit rocket can kill you in basically one hit unless you're an overhealed Heavy, I think this isn't very fair. This could technically apply to the Demoman as well, but the Demoman has less health (unlikely to stay alive as long) and his projectiles are usually easily dodged.
  13. Zaid's idea of the perfect RPG is Final Fantasy 7
  14. No actually is the word number '3' and the word 'Down' had a contest in which they determined which word was most similar to 'Down' I am pretty sure 'Down' would win Not to mention if this is a cellphone keypad then why is 3 Down
  15. I have played more than twenty hours the past few days and I have played dustbowl ONCE
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