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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Maybe they didn't show off a new Mario Tennis because they aren't making another Mario Tennis yet did you think about that
  2. Mario Kart with voicechat would just be me screaming constantly while I get hit with blue shell after Bullet Bill after blue shell
  3. it's not like anyone has said this already
  4. oh well I was talking about rock band
  5. Team ICO is pretty much the highest point of the PS2 right there
  6. ...yes, yes I can see that
  7. oh I am sorry I forgot all of the good songs you have to pay more money for that sure is awesome
  8. Nintendo has said that the Mario and Zelda teams are 'hard at work', but unfortunately something tells me that's all they're going to tell us.
  9. I am pretty sure nobody else here even knows what you are talking about, let alone what this 'secret' is
  10. sorry atma but with rock band 2 and gh4 on the way rock band is no longer a viable buy
  11. Aerith dying is the Darth Vader spoiler of video games If you do not know it by now, you need to stop whatever you are doing and kill yourself
  12. I bought my Wii for Metroid Prime 3.
  13. I wouldn't recommend Rock Band period. Terrible guitar, terrible drums, only a few good songs. If you don't already have it, don't get it.
  14. i mean they are making a new halo game and sony is having a press conference so it must be halo!!
  15. If this thread is going to degenerate into the 'omg ff7 remake' bullshit then please someone lock it immediately.
  16. Here's the secret - it's gonna be bad
  17. Did anybody really expect that much out of this game anyways.
  18. I love Animal Crossing. I also love voice chat. What I don't love? Is Pelly.
  19. I will get this solely for the fencing thing.
  20. ...I am pretty sure this is exactly what it does
  21. At least Kevin Smith had the balls to admit they did it the old fashioned way because it's cheaper.
  22. Could this eliminate all further useless stick waggling Only time will tell
  23. Free of charge if you live in the States I suppose
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