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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Has nobody else realized that the story is the only thing going for MGS4. I mean the sneaking is way too simple now and the fighting has always been shitty as fuck. If it didn't have gigantic cutscenes with an extensive plot it'd be a pretty fucking terrible game.
  2. Which saddens me since it has Knights Of Cydonia. They really should have kept that for a title with drums/vocals.
  3. god forbid we take time out of our busy schedules to play a videogame
  4. Oops sorry god forbid I want to play the song how it sounds, on expert, without practicing for hundreds of hours! The best example of artificial difficulty is in Monsters, during the chorus. There is not that much variation in the strumming - hitting one power chord in the song should not mean having to alternate between RYO and RYB or what the fuck ever real fast for no god damn reason.
  5. 1. GH4 better be toned the fuck down, difficulty wise. 2. If it doesn't have Stairway To Heaven - hell to pay.
  6. Tell me there will be Sweet Tooth and nothing but Sweet Tooth
  7. Why hasn't there been a remix project for MMX
  8. There is something wrong with you if you did not like Iron Man, I think
  9. I am trying to get Dedede as my main but I hate hate hate playing as him online. Lag + slow characters = NOT FUN.
  10. You know what would be awesome. A Count Bleck avatar would be awesome.
  11. I would be very interested in discussing how the idea of sudden but avoidable death could change a person in a very small amount of time. Right after I read this again.
  12. Wait - does this mean it's finished, or is it one of those things where I read all of it only to find out it's continued in part 2?
  13. We accept Cave Story and only Cave Story If you really want to get on here fast, though, just remix something from FF7 or Chrono Trigger. Or better yet, the Ice Cap theme from Sonic 3.
  14. Yeah everyone let's all seriously take into account what Mexican newspaper says! Edit: Who the hell is Tim Van Rellim, anyway? I am pretty sure that the producers of the film are Stephen Chow and James Wong.
  15. No, about the two sequels being based on DBZ. Dragonball doesn't have a cheesy plot.
  16. Yeah it sure does make sense to say that a movie that isn't even out yet has horrible acting and a cheesy plot.
  17. I will be auditioning for Cait Sith, Red XIII, and Cid. Edit: As well as Reno and Rude.
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