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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. if there's anything that proves that bad games will sell, it's diablo 3/sim city
  2. it looks good, regardless of how much I don't like Sonic this is incredibly offensive
  3. I think that the issue is that things like equal pay for women and etc. are actually self-evident examples of inequality (eg. are you paying a woman the same amount as a man, if not then that's inequality), whereas a lot of the things that people with "second-wave feminist" attitudes claim are self-evident examples of inequality are not anywhere near as clear cut the problem becomes that claiming that an issue is self-evidently an issue precludes information that is important towards determining the proper solution, while simultaneously making it difficult to universally acknowledge what issues are problematic because some people erroneously assume that some issues are more important than others (for example, assuming that the problem is that damsels in distress exist instead of assuming that the problem is that there are very few good female characters/protagonists)
  4. yeah trying to crush the used games market is kind of a shitty thing to do in a recession
  5. I'm retroactively making this canonical
  6. http://www.develop-online.net/news/44310/Microsoft-expects-next-gen-to-ship-1-billion-units ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  7. the problem with the second video is still the same as the first one; she's pointing out what the problem is but without giving any clear parameters as to what the solution is I think I probably asked earlier in the thread how, since we know what needs to change, how it needs to change, but it doesn't really seem like anybody knows or cares about that
  8. like how dragons really really hate the cold or how dark types hate bugs because they're god's chosen people
  9. the xbox one added nothing of value to this conversation
  10. I hope Fairy-type isn't true because then Sableye would have a weakness and that's unacceptable
  11. yeah but see the thing is is that everybody who uses their 360 for music and netflix and movies and whatnot has, and this should go without saying, a 360 with which to do those things if you eliminate all of the things that the xbone does that the 360 already does, you're left with a) the ability to use it to watch tv, which is arguably irrelevant since everybody who watches tv already has the means with which to do so and probably won't want to spend several hundred dollars just to make it slightly more convenient in some capacity plays blu-ray movies (I assume?), and c) plays video games so while I understand where you and others (notably zircon) are coming from regarding the average consumer preferring all-in-one devices, what I don't understand is why this justifies not showing off it's capability for video games, since in the current market that's arguably the only thing that matters about the device
  12. cars are more popular than unicycles but that doesn't mean that comparing them is meaningful
  13. angry birds et al. are a lot like michael bay movies you're not necessarily wrong to like them but to imply that the movie industry can - or, more pertinently, should - survive on nothing but is shortsighted at best in several ways
  14. I for one wonder how the statistics regarding people who exclusively own smartphones and use them for gaming compared to the people who exclusively own handheld consoles and apparently don't own smartphones are obtained in the first place
  15. playing good games, for one
  16. whether or not they interest you is not an objective indicator of their quality
  17. I have seen people with this issue before, but I think that an error is not comparable to intended functionality (i.e saying that Steam works this way so what's the big deal isn't valid if Steam isn't actually supposed to work that way)
  18. to me playing sports games would be like watching a movie about going for a walk outside why don't you just go fucking do it
  19. rumor has it that the system itself has a monthly fee, not just for an online subscription just a rumor, but still, ueguhgh
  20. something tells me that you and I have different definitions of reliable
  21. I know this might seem like a completely alien idea but I believe the issue is that some people - stay with me here, brace yourself - don't have consistent internet connections
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