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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. the only way I can play my wii was to use a relatively low quality tv, but I can use the wii u to play wii games on my nice computer monitor with the hdmi cable like what
  2. because the launch window game drought of a console doesn't feel as bad if you can still use it to play other games for example I'm using my wii u to play metroid prime 3 right now, and really appreciating how the hdmi compatibility of the wii mode is opening up new options for where and how I play wii games compare that to the xbox one where you'll have probably a new call of duty game at launch and several sports games and then uh literally nothing at all for probably a year people are a lot more willing to shell out dollars for a brand new system if they know that it's not going to sit around doing absolutely fuck all for the first year, even if what it is doing is arguably of negligible importance
  3. the xbox one doesn't play 360 or XBLA games
  4. I'd consider buying one myself if I wasn't such a big fan of playing video games
  5. mallow and geno are owned by square enix iirc so that might be a thing
  6. while I enjoyed SMG and (to a larger extent) SMG2, I also think it would be cool for them to move back to a more abstract base for designing levels I always had this feeling in SMG/2 where the goal was presented to me and it was clear almost immediately what I was supposed to do to accomplish it, whereas SM64 almost always felt as though I had to figure out how to accomplish that goal in addition to actually doing it, which was a nice layer of depth that SMG/2 didn't have (but SM3DL totally did, I love that game) LITTLE MAC 2014
  7. console war console war never changes
  8. it's not that the wii u is doing badly and that pointing that out is somehow bad, it's that you've repeatedly done so in a manner that makes unfair and/or irrelevant comparison to the other console companies there's a difference between rama saying 'the wii u isn't making any money' and you saying 'the wii u isn't making any money and that's why it's bad and the ps4 will be so much better'
  9. honk honk honk

  10. no mirby what this thread has turned into is "brandon is a twelve year old boy that thinks the console wars are real"
  11. that's because the implication of those statements was "compared to the PS3"
  12. it's called being an adult and you'll get there when you're older
  13. I'm not sure if this is true, nor am I particular sure what it means biggest publisher as in most revenue? as in most different series published? as in most critically acclaimed publisher? and regardless of which one of those it is, it still doesn't really matter; nintendo consoles have always had slow starts characterized by a lack of core franchise titles, and we're a few months away from that not really being an issue anymore if anybody really thinks that EA not publishing shitty sports games and browngray shooters for the wii u is some kind of death knell for nintendo I invite you to reexamine the history of video game consoles
  14. not only is this true, it's true of literally every video game console ever made; every single console comes out and has barely any games for the first year
  15. being a story oriented game doesn't mean that you're not responsible for having good gameplay
  16. Look! Up in the sky! It's the fuck that nobody gives!
  17. why would anyone like something I don't like
  18. I think some of the animosity towards the newer games probably comes from how bad they are
  19. man it sure is hilarious when people point out that these fantasy video games aren't very realistic! ha ha ha ha ha!
  20. I'm rolling my eyes so hard and fast right now I think I might achieve flight
  21. anyone who thinks that a sequel to FFX, considering the plot and the ending, wouldn't have an upbeat attitude doesn't understand how story works
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