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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. that actually goes a long way to explain how crappy the plot and dialogue are
  2. yeah that scene has always been good in the context of the game and anyone who ever argued otherwise is dumb
  3. I don't think it was actually an insult at your expense so much as a minute comment on the double-standards created by the idea of false-equivalence being abused but I don't want to put words in his mouth and I may be wrong
  4. the implication was that it was an insult and if the sexes were reversed you'd be accused of being sexist regardless of what the actual insult was
  5. so is "false-equivalence" just like a free password to say whatever you want now or what
  6. maybe I misunderstood your post I just assumed that question marks still followed questions
  7. kind of answered your own question here note how we've been talking about it for two pages now instead of something that isn't a waste of time
  8. I made some posts early in this thread expressing my disappointment with the quality of the video compared to the money she made from the kickstarter but at that point I was actually under the impression that that was more or less what she had set as her goal; I didn't realize that she'd set it so comparitively low to begin with
  9. I've been married since last October
  10. yeah see the problem though is that all of ash's disagreements with the video are more or less objectively correct like I suppose it's your right to have an opinion about it but that doesn't make it valid or intelligent
  11. okay I think people need to stop using the word 'trolling' now
  12. I'm gonna need some ointment after how hard I just facepalmed
  13. I think you guys probably have good points and opinions about that topic but I think it would be better to take it to another thread I don't know if this is minimodding or not please don't ban me darkesword no please what are you doing with that hammer no PLEASE NO NOT THE HAMMER
  14. oh hell yeah let's totally turn this into a thread about pedophilia and arbitrary standards regarding sexuality
  15. that video is stupid for all of the reasons Ash already said and Thunderf00t is a stupid fucking asshole
  16. but Yorda's characterization actually makes sense considering the story
  17. I think an interesting question to ask is if 'protagonist' is used in the literal sense here or if, in reference to video games, it explicitly refers to the main playable character(s)
  18. Samus' recent treatment in Other M strikes me as particularly egregious
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