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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I see that brandon has changed the topic to tropes vs. genders even though that's not really what the discussion is about
  2. introducing................ .................the NEW LEGNARIY
  3. you're a fucking idiot and I know that it's been a long time since I've gotten angry enough to outright insult somebody on these boards but I'd like to think that I'm justified in doing so this time since it's in response to you implying that the valuable efforts of intelligent people to determine what is best for themselves and for society on a variety of social issues are all a waste of time so as to make yourself feel better about your own inability to recognize your ignorance and stupidity w.r.t a variety of topics I'd rather be banned for being insulting or whatever than let you get away unscathed with being a smarmy fuck about the feelings and opinions of literally every poster on this forum
  4. yes, because there's only one woman that I know of in the other thread posting with any regularity assuming that "a bunch of women" are going to be posting in any threads on a forum that has less than ten active female members that I can think of is, yes, crazy so you're implying that women don't care about this (non)issue, and as such you've definitively proved the existence of a double standard there's nothing really to debate about this topic because it is a complete non-issue; saying men are naturally inclined towards apathetic ignorance might seem like a good justification for your own incompetence at intelligently considering social issues but for the rest of us men who aren't prideful idiots it's actually really insulting what does this even have to do with anything jesus fucking christ
  5. I think that 'people are unwelcoming to unattractive people' is not really a women's issue nor is it something that can conclusively be dealt with in any capacity that does not involve forcing people to not care about physical attractiveness (which is arguably impossible) saying that a company that makes games that cater to men is probably biased against hiring women is a fallacy the concept of 'discomfort' is a really vague idea that I don't really think justifies action in a lot of situations, as it can constitute both reasonable and unreasonable reactions; for example, I believe that saying "maybe I don't want to consider a career with this company because this poster of Miss Fortune shows off her cans" is unreasonable, as the physical appearance of the character arguably has nothing to do with your career, nor is it reasonable to assume that this character's design will play into your social and professional interactions with the people who make up this company, and Riot is a company that has recently been taking significant steps with their art team to curb their arguably sexist female character designs in favor of things that are more reasonable and attractive
  6. this isn't really an issue nor will it ever be this thread is a waste of valuable time
  7. I was going to say something about how the existence of these lists isn't actually sexist and to imply as such is a kneejerk reaction to something harmless but djp put it better than I would have
  8. so yeah I think the lesson here is that implying that the proof that something is sexist towards women is the lack of equivalent male variants is disingenuous when that isn't actually true
  9. I know everyone else here is hell bent on just ignoring the stupid and offensive posts you're making so I'm going to bite the bullet here and ask you to maybe stop making stupid and offensive posts
  10. while I think you're right, I also think that a lot of people are being unfairly defensive of her because they're afraid that if they do anything but support her than they must be sexist yes, personally attacking her for lack of a better criticism no, expecting her to actually make the fuckin' videos is not somehow unfair yes, it is unreasonable to expect people to work to a schedule on free material no, it's not unreasonable to expect people to work on material that they've been paid to work on etc. I think a lot of people shape their criticism and/or praise of this video around expectations that their social surroundings have regarding feminist topics, and I think people need to stop fuckin' doing that to the people who didn't like the video; the video being shitty doesn't mean that you get a free pass to insult her or ignore the very real issue of sexism prevalent in video games and society at large, so stop being fuckin' dickheads to the people who did like the video; just because sexism is prevalent and some of anita's points are valid doesn't mean that the video isn't shitty or that criticism of it is unwarranted, so stop being fuckin' pretentious
  11. Psycho Mantis et al. weren't known to be a part of FOXHOUND until it was led by Liquid Snake, which wasn't until after Solid Snake had been a part of, and subsequently, left the group. If we assume that Ground Zeroes happens shortly after Peace Walker, and MGSV is nine years directly following that, then it takes place in 1983, which is still twelve years before Solid Snake joins FOXHOUND. However, considering the unknown elements, this should all be taken with a grain of salt.
  12. so this is already my goty sorry other games, there's always next year
  13. I'm not so sure about Psycho Mantis but yeah who the hell else in Metal Gear would be wearing a duster and cowboy boots
  14. remove the entire ending of Mass Effect 3 and replace it with something that isn't twenty minutes of gratuitous fart noises
  15. that was because of MGS2's overall thematic thing, though - since then info on upcoming metal gears has been pretty straightforward
  16. snake with a missing arm and yet nobody has mentioned liquid snake yet
  17. literally, as opposed to figuratively???
  18. yeah see here's the difference dmc3 you can mash through the whole game but you'll die a bunch and look like an idiot doing it; it's possible to beat for people who want a shallow experience but there's a wealth of challenge in it for people who want to spend time actually getting good enough at the game to be as stylish as the game expects you to be this is called depth DmC you can mash through the whole game and look awesome while doing it and the game tells you your score is SSSSS and gives you a blowjob because you pressed attack good for you junior this is an absence of depth - it's a shallow game for shallow people who don't actually play video games
  19. hey I like playing video games too and that's why I don't like DmC maybe we have different ideas of what 'play' means here, like maybe you think 'play' means 'press a button a lot of times mindlessly while the game tells you how great you are until the credits roll'
  20. phantom pain is a sequel to ground zeroes, and ground zeroes is the sequel to peace walker edit: actually I think ground zeroes might be the tanker chapter\virtuous mission of phantom pain, not sure yet, still reading things
  21. I meant polished as in like it looks really nice and buyable to consumers you can polish a car with a rotting engine to a mirror sheen
  22. the dmc vs DmC thing basically boils down to whether or not you like video games like yeah DmC has good art direction and sort of good music and it's a very polished game but if you actually you know like video games then you'll recognize pretty early on that it's shit
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