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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. yeah as much as I hate EA I don't think this is really a big deal; it's not like previous star wars games have had a track record of excellence or anything
  2. for a guy who's quick to tell others that he's not interested in their opinions you sure are flashing a lot of shitty opinions here
  3. they were also pretty bad edit: no wait shadows of the damned was good I was thinking of something else dante's inferno was terrible though
  4. I like watching subs because I don't understand japanese; that way if there's poor acting, it doesn't detract from the rest of the experience for me
  5. yeah but for the past few pages I don't think anyone had been saying that, so
  6. the negative behavior that people show online is an extension of negative behavior that those same people express in every single aspect of their lives if you've really never noticed anyone get called a faggot/nigger/whatever outside of a video game, you must not be paying much attention to the attitudes that people continue to have towards other people in society
  7. it's probably not too smart to imply that a big insulting opinion about a group of people is more or less a fact, especially when said group of people includes almost one hundred percent of the posters here
  8. but isn't this sort of implying that the only people who have the power to actually change something for the better are men and isn't that kind of a patriarchal idea
  9. Link isn't a character! Nintendo itself has gone on record to say that Link isn't supposed to be a character within the story itself so much as your avatar into being part of the story; he has no personality, he has no defining characteristics save for the color of his hair and clothing, and he has no set backstory (since Link refers to several entities, not just one). The problem with the argument that it would be bad to change the character is that, because Link isn't actually a character, literally the only thing that would be changing would be his sex - and as such, the implication is that Zelda games would be less good if the protagonist was a woman as opposed to a man. One could argue that Ganondorf, for example, shouldn't be changed into a woman, because in most of the games he appears in he's the same character, and as such changing his sex willy-nilly would make no sense to his overall character arc. Also, Ganondorf's existence has actual backstory that opposes randomly changing his sex (the concept of Gerudo kings). But Link? Link is literally a blank slate. If in the next Zelda game, it turned out that Link was\could be a girl, literally nothing at all would be different. Hell, if you went back to Ocarina of Time and changed Link into a girl? The entire game's story would thematically be exactly the goddamn same. You have literally no reason to be opposed to this that is not basically sexism at its purest. I'm not disagreeing with this with Peach and Mario, but I reiterate that "Zelda rescues Link" and "Link (who is a girl) rescues Princess Zelda" are both good ideas that are irrational to be against developing.
  10. anyways yeah see what you're saying here is that changing the character's genders would objectively change their character traits and I'm pretty sure that's how sexism works like yeah there probably would be a lot of people who would have a problem with it but the thing is that doesn't really matter because the opinions of people are irrelevant if their opinions are rooted in sexism (and/or racism or ageism or any other kind of discrimination)
  11. no it's not, and here's why so you're not saying it would be better, and since you're not going out of your way to say that it would be exactly the same, you're therefore saying that it would be worse this just turned on-topic because you're saying that a zelda game would be less good were the protagonist a girl, which is exemplary of attitudes that started this topic in the first place so what you're saying is that because a bunch of people have dumb and wrong attitudes about sexism in society, nintendo should therefore accommodate those people primarily in other words what you're saying here is that nintendo would be in the wrong to consider what people other than straight white males wants in other words you just became an exemplar of everything that's wrong with society, congratulations it doesn't matter which you were talking about, both ideas have the same value in this discussion
  12. so you're saying that a zelda game where link could be a girl would be objectively worse
  13. it's kind of dumb to imply that something shouldn't change for the better just because you don't have a problem with it
  14. zelda's only allowed to do heroic things in oot when she's disguised as a man tetra's only allowed to do things when she's not actually a princess spirit tracks was bad and I don't care about it
  15. the real problem isn't that rescuing people is a bad thing, it's that the person who needs rescuing is almost always a woman to wit, the problem is not that the hero is rescuing the princess; it's that the princess always needs rescuing, even when the villain's plan only seems to involve kidnapping the princess as an afterthought that being said, this is why I think that the zelda/peach examples aren't actually good; in more or less every game that zelda is kidnapped, it's because zelda is somehow the key to whatever the villain's plan is, and I'm okay with ganondorf kidnapping princess zelda if it's because she has the triforce of wisdom and he needs that to complete the triforce or something like that however, I do think it's reasonable that we should expect the stories to have zelda be an actual character as opposed to a thing that has a triforce piece, and that she should be making an effort to do heroic things even if those things aren't necessarily exploring dungeons or fighting monsters - and it's probably important to point out that this is exactly what happens in skyward sword also mario games are cartoony as fuck so who cares
  16. I think you need to go over that post again and reformat your arguments into something more readable
  17. I'm a bit jaded after MK vs DC I'll have to watch some videos before I get this
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