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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. because you've decided you want to be a cool kid
  2. every single one of these burger joints is a god damned grease pit you fat fucking slob
  3. icefrog's design modus has always been complication = competitive
  4. the fact that smash players think items should be turned off is the exact thing they're talking about it doesn't matter if they've kept them off since the first game, it has always and will always be dumb
  5. my stool is green and my stomach feels strange please help me
  6. because any bad thing is fun with friends eg. space jam, world of warcraft
  7. you know how in the lol thread there's always one asshole who doesn't understand that dota has always and will always be a shitty game this thread is kind of like that
  8. I never surrender because CS games can go either way all of the time I never play SR because why would I play the bad part of the game when I can play the good one
  9. game freak has previously confirmed that they aren't making a pokemon gray though it could be a translation error on my part
  10. this isn't why I disliked it in fact some of my favorite pokemon () are from gen 3
  11. gold and silver remakes had me excited because gold and silver were great I am not excited for this because ruby and sapphire were shit
  12. yeah the best thing to do with bad players is try to be helpful because everyone getting pissed off because someone is bad is not going to make them any better
  13. yes it's a combination of knowing how to keep the right distance (which is a general caster skill) and having keys mapped to smart cast once you've got those it's pretty much q then r then w then e and then walk away until your cooldowns are done
  14. yeah sorry I was mostly afk ooooh wellll

  15. the 'best' champs in the game are the ones that yield high-results with the least effort that's why sivir, despite being fucking terrifying in the right hands, is almost never played because very few people actually have the right hands
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