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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. morello's evil tome is great on anyone building AP and who needs CDR real bad (Xerath) it's even pretty good on some characters that don't need the MP regen (Vladimir)
  2. alistar doesn't really need the sustain - because he's a tank he can stand to just go back and get mana if you really want to fix this I suggest getting chalice of harmony early on
  3. I like how you said major death instead of major deaths
  4. that's because there are gamers out there who actually want to have fun
  5. the leveling system is bad because you can only use the worthwhile runes at level 20+ and no game should be designed around rewarding people simply playing it rather than playing it well
  6. guys we're not allowed to have fun in dominion we have to figure out how to force a laning phase
  7. guile in a vs game more like hey what the hell this isn't captain america
  8. akali seems like a really good idea for a few minutes after you solo an entire team that can't target you but then everyone gets sick of your bullshit and buys oracle's and then you spend the rest of the game feeding don't play as akali
  9. the trick to winning on dominion is playing draft and banning gangplank
  10. I'm pretty on the fence about this game - everything about it seems to have some excellent Valve touches, but the core gameplay sounds like the same archaic bullshit. I guess I'll give it a try if it's free?
  11. they probably won't though because removing oracle's would make akali unstoppable
  12. the way it's going to work, I think, is that once you have a point in the stealth move you're always stealthed until, like Tensei said, you get close enough to an enemy champ that they get vision it sounds like it'll be pretty cool, especially for Dominion
  13. Once Dominion comes out I will never stop playing it because Flash is useless.
  14. actually yes one of the reasons for the upcoming stealth rework is that having to constantly buy oracles to counter one character basically means you're losing out on a big chunk of gold which gives them an unfair advantage by just being a character that can stealth for that long
  15. I am fairly certain that anyone who is only buying characters that they think 'look cool' or whatever are probably people that don't play this game all that much anyways
  16. so instead of paying forty dollars for twelve extra characters you'd rather pay twenty dollars for four your opinion is dumb and you should feel bad
  17. that's what I was afraid offff
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