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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. would it be cool if we made a new thread to continue the discussion
  2. maybe there are people out there who still care more about video games than they do about having a thing that plays music and movies and shit at the same time like seriously if I want to listen to music the five seconds it takes to put my ds in one pocket and get my ipod out of the other does not bother me and I am going to be bold and say that nobody watches movies on their ipods NOBODY
  3. no they don't they buy the ability to use the disc the ideas, code, music, pictures and whatever else that is contained on the disc do not somehow magically become their intellectual property
  4. I don't know, that's how I remember the original Left 4 Dead's release going down.
  5. I mean the recent Pokemon thing is a good example of a bunch of websites (and by extension hundreds or thousands of people) getting fucked over by trolls and pranksters
  6. yeah if anything the discussion should be around whether or not YouTube should take down videos or accounts for what apparently amounts to no reason at all
  7. you're both being condescending to each other by implying the other doesn't know what condescending means take this shit to pm
  8. 'tried' is somewhat less assuring than 'trying'
  9. I think the thing you're missing here is that isn't actually what happened (since otherwise I'd agree with you)
  10. not to mention there hasn't been anything worth buying in the shop channel since Cave Story came out
  11. nobody should ever listen to music without paying for it pirates are ruining the music industry how will metallica ever survive
  12. does anyone have any of Usa's stuff
  13. touhou is one of the reasons I am embarrassed to be seen on the internet
  14. there are still methods of unlocking everything in game for free and as such the microtransactions are nothing to be bitching about
  15. I am in love with the new flamethrower I am going to marry it
  16. Answers to both those questions: 1) Aqua has just been in the Realm of Darkness. It is a very large place. It is unlikely that anyone would find her there if they were not looking specifically for her. The secret ending takes place after KH2, and she's still there. 2) Terra wasn't completely screwed over - it's implied that the hearts of the original Xehanort, Terra and Eraqus were all contained within the new Xehanort's body. Now as we know, the new Xehanort eventually splits into Ansem and Xemnas, so I'm not sure what happened to them, but it can't have just been an abrupt end. We'll probably see them in some way at some point again.
  17. it's fully backwards compatible with ds games
  18. they did this in mp2: echoes and everyone complained that the environments were bland
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