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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. you know that sound you make when you're taking a really huge dump just form words with that sound thread over
  2. every cutscene that is just characters talking is short, efficient, and even mostly well acted all of the cutscenes with samus' monologues are long, boring and shitty I really hope in subsequent playthroughs that you can skip them
  3. the funny thing is how higgs' voice actor is better than samus'
  4. wait is this a real thing so I'm not crazy after all!
  5. my initial impressions; Bad: - cutscenes are long and boring - samus' voice actor is terrible - ridley looks dumb (haven't gotten to him yet but I've seen the screenshots) - environment design isn't bad but it's no Metroid Prime either Good: excellent controls fast move speed makes me happy fighting things is fun
  6. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned how stupid everything looks
  7. being female does not make someone automatically understand sexism that being said you sure did write a long post that has nothing to do with metroid
  8. he probably doesn't notice that anyone said anything because he is too busy flexing and driving trucks
  9. actually you probably should since it is further supporting the stereotype that men are irrational and pigheaded
  10. okay seriously the op song came out over ten years ago
  11. certainly not like she does in other m
  12. what you're ignoring is why and when these units were sold
  13. uh Samus has a pretty well developed character also I am not looking forward to cutscenes and character development because this is not really a thing that Team Ninja has ever been good at
  14. you'll never play it because it is only being released in south korea
  15. this game is only coming out in south korea
  16. I don't think I've ever even seen a critical finish happen in sc4 maybe that is because I play with people who are actually good at the game instead of with people who spend the entire time losing and complaining that the game isn't as good as Marvel vs King of Guilty Gear 12 Tournament Moe Edition
  17. cheese is the reason why playing this online is a waste of time
  18. I agree with everything Malaki said.
  19. how about character creation that doesn't suck
  20. the best way to enjoy music is to just never talk to anyone about music
  21. I'm not sure how you can give a shit about what you hear at all if you like animal collective
  22. we've clashed in the past but no hard feelings mate, right good luck and have fun
  23. honestly I wouldn't mind if the backburner got the health boost back after all this time
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