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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. guys how do I get better with cody
  2. fireballs all of the fireballs
  3. looks almost exactly the same if you have any sense you'll use adblock to remove the entire ratings and comments frame from every video you need better internet
  4. you know what else has aged badly every sonic game ever made
  5. why would it excite anybody imagine a version of windows where all you can run is IE this is conceptually the same thing
  6. the only thing that prevented me from using Chrome before was no AdBlock now it has AdBlock and I am using it and while it displays .gifs really slowly for some reason it is otherwise pretty smooth
  7. how did facebook go from some student's personal address book to being some kind of internet supercompetitor I mean all facebook has really done is stick a bunch of buttons on every god damn web page that let's you let everyone know you like things
  8. talking about what games you think are secretly bad is just a really subtle way of talking about what games you actually think are the best
  9. this is another one of those cleverly disguised favorites threads
  10. to me it seems that her problem is that for almost all of her moves and combos you have to be RIGHT AT THIS EXACT SPOT for them to work like there is absolutely no flexibility; either you're right at that exact spot where she needs you to be or it just doesn't work
  11. makoto more like an anti-air move that goes straight up more like hahahahahahaha poor makoto also it is just me or does her Super mode not add a noticeable amount of damage at all
  12. okay my gold account is working for real this time
  13. no seriously pokemon: racist edition what the hell is the matter with you
  14. sceptile had a badass air to him this new guy just looks like an asshole
  15. nintendo doesn't change anything - people rage about series getting stagnant nintendo changes something - people rage about it not being enough nintendo changes everything - people rage about nintendo FORGETTING ITS ROOTS
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