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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. the best thing is when the person who says this has a really nasal and irritating voice
  2. do we really have to do this here I mean seriously
  4. yeah I think I might go for Hephaestus as well
  5. hey yeah let's all spell his name wrong repeatedly
  6. Because this way makes them more money.
  7. history shows that that basically never works beyond simply making corruption look nicer if you really want to change anything you have to start blowing up buildings
  8. I don't really think how good of an admin I think they are matters in the face of the fact that they are an admin authority has nothing to do with who deserves to have it
  9. guys an admin told me to do a thing and I didn't and they banned me the admins are terrible you guys
  10. why would we need Yang when we have Gen
  11. I'm pretty sure the name is pulled directly from the credits
  12. pretty sure we were all happy with the thread the way it was
  13. more like somebody shut her up
  14. I got it! Sonic and Knuckles both fighting the boss?
  15. if you have an annoying voice just don't ever talk
  16. all of the characters except Sazh are terrible
  17. this game sure is boring so far
  18. Final Fantasy VIII becomes pretty great when you realize that the point of the story is in actuality how patently ridiculous the whole thing is
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8qtteb9FBY dohohoho
  20. oh god everything I know is wrong
  21. They don't make them, is why. I'm not sure anyone makes VGA cables for the Wii.
  22. everyone likes Wily 2 better it is the god damn Ice Cap Zone of Mega Man
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