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Random Hajile

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Everything posted by Random Hajile

  1. The first Sonic Adventure wasn't horrific. It had some things I didn't like but I enjoyed playing through it. And I've played most of those "top platformer" games and by god, Sonic 3 and Knuckles is STILL up there. You couldn't just hold fucking right to win Sonic 3 and Knuckles. You would start dying horrifically at marble garden. And in Sonic and Knuckles you started getting raped in flying battery. Endless pits in that one =/. And easy fucking games? Sonic 2 is NOT an easy fucking game. You have to know that game inside and out to beat it. I know this because I STILL have trouble beating that goddamn game. Metropolis and Wing Fortress zones suck. I loved S3K . Come on, as a little kid who didn't think flying through space as a yellow invincible hedgehog in a level called THE DOOMSDAY wasn't just the coolest thing ever? Come on the music was amazing ;_;
  2. I'd like to comment on DJP's assessment of Sam, he INDEED can play improv as well as most people play arranged. I met him in person once (Great guy!), and he banged out an amazing rendition of Magus' theme on the fly that I will remember for a long time hence. Sam! If you're reading this, Leon/Aaron says Sup . Same to DrumUltima and Jose the Bronx Rican who were also there . And Bahamut for that matter o.0
  3. here's my submission just a little one: Poets Someone once dared me to explain Poets and Poetry, And I simply replied that it was a reflection of me- For I think that people are blind to the very things they see And in my words they can discover what I aspire to be- I can take the time to craft them a picture, Build them a city, experience an adventure - For there's a certain power in trying to relate my causal experiences in regards to my fate- So- They now know my thoughts, what I choose to pen A carefully constructed facade, in a truthful, youthful blend Open hearts given a start will break apart into words of art, And all these beautiful things, will end. However, the end doesn't mean that there won't be a beginning, There's no falsehood in wonder, questioning isn't sinning. Poets are the explorers, the builders with words, They explore the condition, through adjectives and verbs- They give chase to the worlds flights of fancy, They are the ones who dream of romancing - But why are we so often, not heard?
  4. Thinker- This was a room conceived in the minds of the forward-thinking presumers. The walls, still and cold, lined with strands of torqued wire and unfinished concrete molding gently pressed a slow buzz-hum throughout the room. There were various screens of rapidly changing miscellanea displaying to most nothing, except a fierce suspicion that it was all nonsense and posturing. Would those writers from the 20Th Century, those dreamers of misanthropic, tinted-lens views of the digitized future agree? Perhaps. This was the swiss-watch integration of collective progress, the unheard lament of nature and her beautifully complex simplicity. These thoughts, and others like it, were birthed from the wandering mind of a man. Inside this den of code-infused mechanica sat a small group of people. In the hazy, splotched light they relaxed, seated upon random un-strewn objects. A makeshift table linked them in ways no computer could ever process. "Trip Aces", and a low, tense annoyance was displayed. As empty pop-caps were collected and makeshift money was redistributed, the thinker among them surrendered a quick beam of data to the winners credit card. This was honesty, fairness in its prime state. This, was a kept promise, worth? Unmeasurable. As the men started to chatter, the thinker rose. "Ey, ray" The winner called, gesturing towards the thinker. This was not his name. "We all saw the email. What're you gonna do?" Synapses fired, answers were conceived, judged, and discarded until this personification of the 21'st century arrived at a response, calculated and cold. "Simple, friend," He was not his friend. The thinker smiled, and from the winners savings account a sum of money was beamed to a waiting credit card. This, was practical - Clever. This was necessity, a prime example; Worth? Unmeasurable. As surely as this room siphoned, processed, calculated and directed the data from an uncountable number of events, places, phones, homes, minds, The Thinker would allow his infinitely calculated intentions their inevitable escape. "I'm going to kill them all."
  5. Lol <.< can never hurt to see what people think, can only help me get better I rather liked yours btw , It's got the kind of sass I can appreciate in a poem xD
  6. Nice , thanks for all the votes guys, I've been on vacation and coming back to see this was a surprise . I wrote that poem for the girl in my poetry group who I fancy . I'm glad to see people like it . Any critiques would be appreciated :D
  7. This is actually, 100% amazing.
  8. Paintings Once, I tried to paint a picture of you, With words. It didn't work. Somehow my colors didn't reflect your light In just the way I wanted. Frustrated, I tried again to master my brush And set it to it's task, But forcing it only marred the picture, And that - I couldn't have. I finally had to tell myself that I had tried To bridge two worlds. For my hued words were but your simile, My painting - Your doomed metaphor.
  9. I'll be playing a good bit of this soon . Added server to favorites
  10. Oh my God. What if that's not a 5? What if that's an S?!? What if this is THE CATASTROPHE?! WHAT IF THIS IS SNATCHER?!?!
  11. couppoetry.blogspot.com
  12. I do alot of freelance rapping. If anybody is interested let me know, and hit me up with a wip. I'll try and get something over it.
  13. Heaven in a Box - Once, On a trip during a series of gloomy days I sat in my seat; thus engaged - To ponder idle thoughts of simple possibility. For on the edge of these breaking clouds lining brightly their misty shroud - were hints bespeaking some infinite tranquility. For who, here, could possibly come to know, Whats behind those simple clouds, and glows with such beauty, and potential- ...Such lambent fury!
  14. Damn, Shlaboopashnoop is serious business. I absolutely loved this remix and hope to see much more from these guys.
  15. <3 Mining Melancholy. one of my favorite vg tracks ever. Def in my top 3. Prob. be Sonic 3 and Knuckles Final Boss, Hydrocity Zone from the same game, and then Mining Melancholy
  16. Processor - 4.9 Ram - 4.9 Graphics - 4.9 Gaming Graphics - 4.8 Primary Hard Disc - 5.3 Not bad for a lappie
  17. S3K was the best game ever, EVER. PERIOD. Epic as shit. Who can forget fighting robotnik in the Death Egg zone with all the emeralds, and after beating him... THE DOOMSDAY. C'mon. It was fucking called "The Doomsday" Epic as FUCK.
  18. Macs are no good imo because they don't offer enough of a difference from windows computers to warrant their price. The interface is smooth, nice. and well put together, but until I can buy a game and KNOW it will work with my operating system I'm not too interested in the niche market of Macs.
  19. I might end up resigning because I can't get my mic to work. QQ
  20. ITT we grats. GJ Guys, we did it. Now all we need to do is turn OCR into a matchmaking service. Then we'll be ready to take over the world.
  21. The Name What would you say to me If I told you that all things have a name? A name, created forever ago- A name singular, secret and sacred, A name that grants form? What if I told you That if you cried out The name of the moon, You could bathe at midday under its dappled falling shine; taking in its light? That if you called to the skies, You could surround yourself With a span of azure infinity, Paint sun-songs with hidden words, Or build a house of clouds while floating in blue nothingness? To think; You could merely utter The name of oceans - That vast implication; You could Summon distant, breaking shores for your own inspection and approval- to satisfy the merest curiosity? Would you say it was fantasy? Something august to ponder; And then regretfully forget? That to guide a symphony of creation with mere words and intention Is a blasphemy? Or maybe you would think it over - And softly, sadly say, "I could never..." But what if... what if I gently spoke to you the name of love, Tender yet bittersweet? Would you scoff at my audacity, To arrogantly manipulate its meaning by not letting it go free? Or would you see that sadly, I'll never be able to find the name for what you mean to me?
  22. Anyone interested in rapping/speaking parts for their tracks?
  23. Put me down for Lyric writing. Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought a rock-opera for The Opera Theme was in order! I am more than capable of doing some classy-growling (If you know me, you know it) and also, I am able to do the narrator.
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