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Everything posted by Poke'G
True. But to sit back and do nothing... just doesn't sit well. You read comments complementing him on what someone else did and, well, it's outrageous. It's relatively easy for us to make others aware and try to hurt his credibility. How effective that is depends on the person. Although I should say this isn't "attacking", at least not in a malicious sense. Posting and messaging are legitimate ways to address this. It's not like we're going bat shit insane and proposing to take physical retribution like some tried to do back during the whole OCRAPS BlueBomberLucario thing.
I don't know. I thought the relationship that came up instead sufficed. Connery may have been overkill. Lucas himself has said Connery would only have had a cameo role had he accepted the offer.
Yellow outlined in black is simply the easiest on the eyes to see and read. I hate subs with crazy cute font in a color that blends too easily with the picture. I absolutely agree with Otaking on the simple is better front concerning fonts. Yeah, I get that. But for this topic, it just comes across as trying too hard and overly elitist. I guess because now it's so easy to do, and the methods have changed so much that quoting "authorities" on translating or subtitling as if it were science just seems a little silly. This is a topic more subject to opinions than "This is the way it is because this person says so because he did it a lot, years ago, and with half the resources used today." I was kind of expecting him at some points to go "Uphill. Both ways." Fansubbers are becoming their own authority on their own hobby, and aren't going to give a shit about professionals. As far as I know, no fansubbing group has been hired for any US distributor, so American professionals don't really have much to be concerned about. Not so sure about other countries though. I've never had a problem with phrases like that, and "I can't believe I was beaten by that guy!" is completely usable English. Fansubbers do get too literal, but those aren't good examples. I do have to agree with the openers and enders. I've never liked the karaoke stuff because not only is it not necessary, but alot of times when the opening switches the next sub is delayed because they have to "perfect" the timing and such. The actual Japanese characters make no sense either. All they do is cater to this group that believes they can learn Japanese from anime alone, which is a group that hurts both otaku and people legitimately studying Japanese culture. Are any fansub groups out there minimalistic? Years ago, my preferred group pretty much used yellow arial, one line of karaoke, and left names of people, places, moves in Japanese. Problem was they waited on DVD rips and thus fell behind everyone else. I don't know if they're still around or not. I cut back on fansubs when I realized their over abundance is hurting the industry, and Geneon's recent collapse confirmed that mindset for me. Kind of surprised Otaking didn't bring that up (hurting the industry in general, Geneon is too recent).
I'm actually surprised the fridge sequence hasn't been getting more hate. Most of the movie was pretty standard Indiana Jones fare, which is full of crazy unbelievable antics. I really think the doubters just went into the movie ready to harp on it no matter what they saw. The fact that Lucas tried to change up the formula just a tad didn't help them any. I read most of the complaints and see: "DIFFERNCES??? BAD MOVIE!!!" It may not rank with the other three, fine, I'll grant that. It's not a bad movie though. Um... the Nazis all pretty clearly died in horrendous ways in Raiders. I guess their pain was up to our imaginations, but not their fate.
I guess for now we sit back and wait to see what he does with our comments waiting for approval. If he ignores us, there's not a whole lot we could do except get as many people to comment on it so that screening becomes a chore. Is there any way to let Gxp know?
My first impression was just that, these guys are amateurs, why does he care? He makes some valid points, but others I think were just him being overly picky. In general, I agreed with the basics of every complaint he had, but then felt he took many of them to the extreme. For one, I appreciate signs, newspaper headlines, and the like translated in the picture when necessary. I really don't think it takes away from the viewing as he suggests until it's overused for insignificant items (such as the garbage bin example). His critique of not translating Japanese words also gets too picky. While I agree that nuances like family titles, san/sama, and a great majority of vocab does need to be translated or removed, some of the more specialized words are just better left in Japanese. At one point he criticized using "daimyo" which I've known the meaning of for a good long time, and hearing it as warlord is ridiculous. It's like translating "sushi" to raw fish, "ninja" to assassin or to use an actual film title, Seven Samurai to Seven Warriors. He also mentions other languages not being treated like we treat Japanese, and the first thing I thought of (in relation to "daimyo") is how often I see German's fuhrer left alone, even in native English works. While the fansubbers are out of control, leaving some vocab alone is perfectly fine. He also puts the professionals on a pedestal like they're infallible, which is not the case. I was amused that he kept quoting the authorities of translation, who are really only the authorities because they've been doing it for so long and they have the credentials to say they have. Had some of these fansubbing... styles... been used back they were learning, would there be a problem now? My greatest complaint is that he accuses the fansubbers of using their eyepopping methods for grabbing attention, yet he throws into his rant animated add ons, some of them completely useless to his purpose (What the hell does the MGS stinger have to do with any of this?). It kind of detracts from his ability to call the fansubbers out on being hypocritical.
Man, I hate the idiots on You Tube looking for cheap recognition.
Yeah, I never said that VGMix was a bad thing, there's just some bad blood between some of the users. While those prejudices do need to die, the way the sites are run is a good counterexample against what Pezman seems to propose. To achieve the unity he spoke of in his editorial, yes that would nip the allegiances in the bud, but would destroy the variety Darke mentions.
I've got to agree with this, especially in the case of site administrators. People sometimes build up sites well aware of their competition. They strike forward for their own ambition, the fact that they feel the competition should be operated differently, or both. It's interesting that Pezman brings OCRemix forward in his article, when OCRemix is a standing example of community division. VGMix exists because people out there do not agree that a small group of people can say what is and isn't worth listening to. I don't want this to delve into a judge debate; I bring it up because that is the reason my friends have given me for not using OCRemix, some of them with a tone of spite and/or hate. Sad thing is, one of them is the one who showed me this site years ago, right before the split. I know this is what the article is arguing against (the "Our way/site/forum is better." mentality), but here you have two completely different ways of giving remixes to the masses. When VGMix went down was even an awesome chance for unification, but the site instead rebuilt on its own, dead set in their own method. Not to be overly pessimistic, but people have opinions. While some can coexist and merge, others cannot. Pezman speaks of a dream that simply cannot be.
More awesome music Brush. Thanks. The vaguely Gundam track sounds sort of like TWO-MIX, so that might be why. If it is them, it's a song I've never heard.
Poke'G replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Ha, awesome. Is it a DL station thing, or will there be someone with a Nintendo sanctioned cart like with the Mew giveaway a few years back? -
I find the timing of recent announcements by the Vatican suspiciously convenient in that respect. As for suspension of disbelief, the only part of the film that I thought defied common sense where it mattered was the fridge scene. Is that even possible? (Damn this is hard to do without saying too much)
When is hijacking someone's personal account anywhere ever called for?
Wait, can we start talking spoiler material now? Cause I've avoided using the A word, as have others here, seeing as it was such a guarded secret.
The crystal skulls are a "real" artifact, and the film dealt with a "real" theory behind them which is no different than the other three. The film was pure 1950s B-movie just as the others were pure 1930s adventures. I felt the artifact was well within the bounds of Indiana Jones. Jones doesn't have to deal with something purely religious in nature. Much of his expanded universe deals with other fantastical archaeological finds, such as Atlantis or the ruins of Babylon. And the television series dealt with purely historical material. I agree this is not the best Jones film, but it's no travesty either.
I'm going to mull it over before I rank this one with the other three. That's not to say this was a bad movie though. I liked it, and it was full of Jones humor and action, which is the most important part. It was awesome to see the man in another era too. As mentioned earlier, this one dares to be different, and my group of friends were sharply divided over it. Cryptic, but once you see the film, you'll know. I had heard rumors about George Lucas purposely not approving the earlier script treatments because he wanted Indy to face a certain something. Looks like he got his way.
The series is fairly successful, so I'm not that surprised someone who's not Uwe is going to give the franchise a go. I look forward to seeing how this turns out.
Did anyone actually see Speed Racer?
Poke'G replied to Avatar of Justice's topic in General Discussion
But Cloverfield broke the record for January opening, and turned a profit fairly quickly since the movie was made cheaply. A sequel is already in the works. Speed Racer on the other hand, if what I heard is true then Warner put in over $200 million into this, only to make a little over $20 million its opening weekend. I believe this weekend it only made around $8 million and didn't even scratch the top three. The film and possibly even the Wachowski Bros. careers are dead in the water. And that's very sad. I saw the film last night with my friends, and like l-n-j-i-n, I have to say it's some of the most fun I had with a movie in a while. Speed Racer was a campy ridiculous show that is always poked fun at for that fact. The film embraced that campyness and made a ridiculous movie. We were laughing our asses off the whole time. I highly recommend to fans of anime, crap anime, or Speed Racer. -
I don't think anything at the moment can dislodge Wing from my pedestal. The mobile doll saga was just too epic and clever of an analogy for nuclear armaments. War without soldiers. Although the Goddamn yaoi fans have tried. Good Lord have they tried with their shitty stories and their obsessive fandom controlling nature. I've seen the first parts of 0083 though, and I really, really want to see the rest of that. I've heard nothing but good things.
Did anyone actually see Speed Racer?
Poke'G replied to Avatar of Justice's topic in General Discussion
Wow, from your guys' feed back in this thread, one wouldn't know the movie is bombing terribly. Spread the word I guess. I'm seeing it tonight now that I'm back in Americaland where you don't have to wait two to eight months for a movie. -
Poke'G replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I'm not too familiar with handheld emulators, can they emulate linking to other units, either via network, or even just running the same emulator on your computer at the same time? The question leads into is the Shiny Gold hack compatible with the real GBA Poke'mon roms? -
You've never heard Faye's Japanese voice, have you? It's one of the rare occasions where the English dub actually improved upon the Japanese version. In Japan she comes across as wannabe cute school-girl, but America it's as a sexy vixen. I could never take Faye seriously listening to her in Japanese. As for moé, yeah, Ed is about as close as Bebop got to that, with Ein being the mascot.
Cowboy Bebop is definitely up there. It's just a shame that it's not very popular in Japan, as no one, no one has ever heard of it. I've even checked out my university's manga club, and they were clueless as to what Cowboy Bebop is. The most common response I get when it's brought up is being asked if it's an American show. It's amazing how differently the two countries seem to have received it.
Poke'G replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Maybe, but if they did, I know I would never want to leave. -
He's credited the OC Remixes too. It's just a link to the site, but I think that suffices.