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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. It seems whatever was causing the problem logging on to the OCR server has been resolved.
  2. I find it amusing that none of the "Concrete Men" picked Concrete Man's theme as one of their choices.
  3. OCR server should be connectable now.
  4. Has been a while. Hop on IRC. At least we can all gripe together.
  5. Server's being stupid for a little bit. There's something about Lynx or some other nonsense that's preventing logging on. Hopefully, that'll get cleared up shortly. In the meantime, the OCR server, while still up, is unconnectable.
  6. You could keep with the wolf/dog theme and call yourselves Team Treble.
  7. Naw. No need. Just loaded up the game itself. Google didn't have it anyway.
  8. We're both wrong. It's Knight Man. Centaur Man is Ancient City and Yamato Man is Impregnable Fortress. :/
  9. We should have another invisible poker game.
  10. That's not that obscure. It's just Centaur Man's stage...
  11. Going for ones that haven't been mentioned yet: I recommend Gabriel Fauré (particularly his , his , and his ), Astor Piazzolla (particularly ), , Roy Harris, Maurice Duruflé, (the Tallis Scholars are usually the definitive group to go for on recordings of pieces of this era, not just Tallis works), , , Erich Korngold (for as well as classical works, basically the guy John Williams ripped off ), Johannes Brahms (particularly ), Edvard Grieg (particularly the ), , Arvo , Anton Bruckner (my theory professor would kill me if I didn't include him), Ravel, Benjamin Britten (particularly his , I recommend the recording conducted by the composer himself), Jean Sibelius, etc.
  12. http://www.steamcalculator.com/calculator.php?account=Abadoss I certainly didn't PAY as much as it says I did. #bargainhunter
  13. Do you honestly want someone going around with a tape recorder to make a true Musique Concrete piece for Concrete Man?

  14. Just to anyone in general: Now that we have server lists, there's no excuse for not adding the OCR server to your list and dropping by every once and a while.
  15. Speaking of servers, I haven't seen you on the OCR one in a while...
  16. Amphibious. Crossing. You two should be good to go.
  17. Folks. Until we get somethings worked out (hopefully shouldn't take more than an hour), please don't log into the OCR server. We're upgrading to 1.8.1. I'll let you know when it's okay to log on.
  18. Just as a reminder to everyone: Until Bukkit releases a recommended build for 1.8/1.9 the OCR server will still be on 1.7.3. If you accidentally pressed the update now button or updated just to see the new features, that's fine. Just replace your MineCraft bin folder with the one provided in the link below if you want to hop on to the server. That is all. http://angryitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/bin.zip
  19. No worries. I added it to the last post I made.
  20. That's because we're waiting for Bukkit to finish it's recommended build before going to 1.8. We're still using 1.7.3 for now. The link to the bin folder is a few pages back if you want to hop on. {edit} - http://angryitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/bin.zip
  21. You're still on the list. Let us know if you need help picking out a claim.
  22. Remember folks. Until Bukkit gets a recommended build up and Multiplay updates to that build, stay on 1.7.3. If you need to roll back to that version, here's the link to get the bin folder: http://angryitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/bin.zip
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