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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. Post a couple more mixes to pimp the drive. We only have $752 to go before the goal, right? We can do that!
  2. And you all mocked me for using cobble! HA! HA I say!
  3. I think I got mine in, but I also had to do one for several other projects. Is there a way to see which ones I've submitted?
  4. Well... at least a quarter of the way. There's three other rules.
  5. I was noticing that you'd added another. On a side note, the canal is now running under the highway. You might want to create an entrance/exit for yourself.
  6. So, are we going to call this "Last Half of April and All of May is Support OCR Month-and-a-Half"?
  7. Decided to take some screenshots of my work on the server. Here's the gallery: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2005523&id=186200115&l=87be6d4532
  8. Please don't ever talk about your "Gray Fox"... TMI...
  9. New building at spawn. A portal bureau for inter-dimensional travel. Yay!
  10. Texture packs are client side and do not affect the server. In otherwords, yes, you can.
  11. You updated too far into the future...
  12. Grant is an awesome human being. Have you taken him out to drinks yet?
  13. So, I wonder... will domesticated wolves attack other players?
  14. Yeah. Yeah, I think I would definitely want this.
  15. I could always suppliment it with my army of pigmen. Phill should be getting a video up soon, yes?
  16. You know, when I asked if you wanted a border crossing, I wasn't expecting to end up with three. No worries. It'll just be a very open border between us.
  17. Thanks. I noticed your little note too.
  18. I'm surprised no one's mentioned just normal Mario. A red longsleeve shirt, a pair of blue overalls, and a hat. (Moustache optional.)
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