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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. That's just wonderful. My finals are projects instead of tests, which mean I have to work on them this week (as opposed to next week, when finals days actually start). There might not be a submission from me. We'll see, first I have to finish my finals as well as pull away from Just Cause 2 on my new PC, hopefully then I'll have enough time to crank out a good tune this week.
  2. Hmm, then maybe I'll dual boot. Games and music on Windows and then everything else on linux.
  3. If this smartphone UI isn't allowed to be disabled over the more productive regular desktop UI, I'm switching to Ubuntu. Don't have to buy it, and I can run anything I need through WINE. Thank Intel for Core i7 processors.
  4. Just wanted to post a little thank you note for referring me the parts for my own build, Brad. My rig runs screamingly fast! I ran Just Cause 2 at max settings and 32xAA so smooth while installing other games and leaving various stuff open in the background (and staying around 50 celsius the whole time). Projects I had at over 100% CPU on my old computer are now 20-30% on this machine. I am really happy with this machine. If anyone want the specs (or pics if you're that interested), just PM me. Brad really helped make the most out of my budget, and I am not disappoint.
  5. I have completed my new computer. You guys are going down.
  6. Mac Pro starts at $2500, so yeah I guess roughly 2000, erm... (I don't have the symbol for pounds on my keyboard.) A computer that can handle your stuff is a must. I got so sick of my music making running like crap on my laptop that I just went for the latest core i7 processor and built a computer a few days ago. Runs cool, quiet, and fast as hell. Haven't been able to test music making yet, but I have a feeling I won't be running this processor near half of full load for a long time... So first step should be computer.
  7. Keep in mind, I am very biased against considering software service to even be relevant because I can google and fix any problems that would come up in the way. I also don't need garbageband, so my opinion should be taken lightly for anyone seriously reading my posts. The opinions I express are a computer enthusiast (I'm not calling myself an enthusiast) point of view. (aka more computing power + lower price for that same power = better, computing power is everything, can fix most problems that occur, etc.)
  8. Maybe I'm just biased but that seems like $700 down the drain... (or rather, for "build quality and design factors"). I don't think it's safe to say that it's "not a bad deal" (realistically that's horrible) but I guess with macs you get what you expect and what you pay for, and I can respect that people just want to pay to be safe.
  9. If you have an eSATA port on your laptop, forget about firewire. It's really overrated. Go for the external hard drive. I personally would get a Caviar Black Internal Hard Drive and put it in an eSATA/whatever port you want enclosure to turn it into an external. If neither eSATA nor USB 3.0 ports are on your computer, then USB 2.0 or firewire will have to do.
  10. Would you really be okay with spending $2k on a machine worth $1k just to use Logic? 0_o EDIT: Not even $2k, it's like $2.5k.
  11. I'm going to laugh so hard if you guys are pulling these numbers from the super ancient database of who has what DAW that no one bothers to update and still has listings for users who are long gone.
  12. There are threads in Reason section. Your forum options aren't displaying threads from a long time ago.
  13. If you wanted that in an apple desktop you'd be paying twice as much.
  14. If you're not worrying about graphics, a 2 1TB hdd's, core i7 3.4ghz 2nd gen, 16 GB ram, 700w psu desktop runs around the price of a dual core i5 macbook pro. Around $1K.
  15. Firewire is "faster" because of some weird CPU overhead situation where USB has more data throughput but more CPU intensive. In short, firewire will be a little faster. As far as sample loading, you're going to experience longer loading times than with an internal hard drive. The RAM has absolutely no bearing on this. RAM is primary storage (not really any bearing on speed_, we're talking about secondary storage. (hard drives)
  16. Google images? xD Not just looking at your computer? Gigabit ethernet is internet and mini DVI is a display connector. You need a FIREWIRE PORT to use a FIREWIRE DEVICE.
  17. That's pretty darn useless. An adapter connection will make the connection as slow as the slowest bus. If you have a USB 3.0 adapter to plug a 3.0 device into a 2.0, it'll still only be as fast as 2.0. The port is not what you're looking for, the speed is.
  18. No. USB 2.0 is USB 2.0. I'm pretty sure your mac book doesn't have a USB 3.0 port (it would be blue inside). Also, do not get Goliath. It's simply a smorgasbord of a bunch of different instruments. It's like Complete Composer's Collection's little brother. And don't get Voices of Passion, seriously. Pianos Gold has much more practical use. If you don't want either, then Ministry of Rock is your next best bet. The guitars are awful (even in the sound demos) but the drums and bass isn't bad. RA is also an eastern smorgasbord, but it's a little more specialized to eastern instruments/ethnic. I recommend -Symph. Orch. (Platinum if you can, has lots of articulation, Platinum plus just have different quality bit depth samples) -RA -Silk -Gypsy -Pianos Gold -Storm Drum2 bundle -Symph. Choirs bundle This is the only configuration I see worth getting from there, although if you really wanted 200+ GB of piano samples you could go for Pianos (a step up from Pianos Gold).
  19. Just so you know, the Complete Composer's Collection comes on a 3.5inch 1TB hard drive. (so you don't have to worry about space You could get a nice USB or firewire (if your crapbook pro supports firewire, search for an image of the firewire ports and see if you have one on your computer) enclosure for it, or eSATA (faster than USB 2.0) if your computer supports it. As far as processor and RAM you check out for the requirements/recommended specs, but don't expect to be able to run a lot of instruments at one time. 4GB is a must for if you use sample libraries. As far as preferences, I would say not to with Ministry of Rock and Fab Four. The sampled guitars in those are crap, and I've heard good drum sounds from Storm Drum 2. I've also heard voices of passion has good sounds but not much for the practical use department. Here's what I would get: Symphonic Orchestra Platinum Pianos Gold RA Silk Gypsy Storm Drum 2 Pro bundle Symphonic Choirs bundle This maximizes satisfying your need for good, sampled acoustic instruments (and choir).
  20. That just sounds like me when I was 10. It's horribly dissonant, you're right, but I don't seem to understand the difference between playing random notes on the keys and your "Japanese dissonance".
  21. Then I am in no rush to upgrade from my 260. Also: it is complete. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15510436/File%20Sharing/Final%20Build%20Pic.JPG Gonna build tomorrow, friend's coming over to take video. (and give an extra hand or two when I need > 2)
  22. Skryp's way is so much more complicated. Just go into piano roll and press alt+R, customize to your liking.
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