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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. How so? Just because we aren't paying you doesn't mean that you don't have to buy something to use it. It's not YOURS, so you deal with not using it until you buy it. You have to pay for things like everyone else. It's absolutely frustrating to see unskilled people (in general) pirating things like EWQLCCC and can have them readily available while on the flip side being a skilled person who actually pays for things you want because you're honest but can't because you don't have much money.
  2. ................................
  3. Those are the most important things. You can't ignore them and keep them out of the discussion because you don't use them. Don't pick on Kontakt 4 if you don't even understand what it is. Kontakt Player is just that, a player for NI samples. And why would you need to ask? If I said I bought Kontakt 4 for half price $200, I obviously am talking about the $400 REAL KONTAKT 4 (not the utterly useless Kontakt Player). What matters not in zircon's case is if they checked... what makes it possible or not depends on the intelligence of zirc himself and if he's that derp enough to make a demo track with a pirated copy and work with the people he stole from. Whether the people check or not, that's just something you don't do.
  4. You do realize you just asked the most derp question ever posed to me? I paid for Kontakt 4. It's not a package, it's a SAMPLER that comes with a SAMPLE LIBRARY. Kontakt 4 =/= Kontakt Player. Kontakt Player is a crippled version of Kontakt 4.
  5. In other words, the more you pirate, the more you get a reason to (albeit a stupid one).
  6. Wait I can just PRESS A BUTTON AND LOAD A VST?! THAT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!!! Well no derp, dude, but can you use it properly? I think not. I had a similar experience with Image-Line (FL Studio). They said that because I said I would buy it ASAP when I was in a situation that allowed me to, they're fine with me using it.Also Dew., I got Kontakt for $200. It's called a sale. (yes, music software has sales too!) That's HALF the damn price. That is saving a dollar per day in a glass jar for not even two thirds of a year.
  7. Someone had to do it for those who didn't think it was blatantly obvious.
  8. Press 2 the same time you open the piano roll. It's 27 milliseconds worth of effort. If you love something and you're passionate about it you would sacrifice for it. If you don't love it and you're not passionate about it, you don't deserve the same stuff that people who do love it sacrifice for. I'll say it again; you don't deserve it. And developing skills doesn't come from buying software. It comes from using it. It doesn't matter if you buy Cubase or download REAPER, you don't have to spend any money developing skills because software does not teach you anything. The only reason to buy software is to "upgrade" your sound when you find that your current stuff is too limiting. If you pirate it, you obviously don't love it enough to sacrifice for it, which also probably means that you don't have the skills for it.
  9. Yeah, that sounds great. You'll be too drunk to notice me ninja my way out.
  10. REAPER, Audacity, Kore Player, Kontakt Player, Reaktor Player, Zebra 2 demo, soundfont player, soundfonts... Dabbling in music to see if you like it isn't like guitars where you need to buy a GOOD one right off the bat. The free stuff is more than capable. How do you like 9 but not like 10? 10 is 9 with more features... Also, if you say "I don't feel like spending money on FL10" I am going to fall out of my chair laughing.
  11. It wasn't as awesome IRL. I blocked it real easy, but knowing Shariq, he probably didn't punch fo realz.
  12. Some people go "well it's on the internet as a download so it's free and they're not losing any money". I don't really count this as a valid point to persuade something to pirate or justifying pirating in general. They intended to sell their product and you're using it without a real license. For DAW's themselves, you don't even own the music you make. I don't know about anyone else, but for any software music-related, I actually READ the terms and conditions to make sure of what I can and can not do, and I've seen in the FL Studio one that Image-Line actually have rights to your music if you didn't get a license. I KNOW that "it's not like they would ever bother" but I don't think that should be relevant. I don't follow the "it's not stealing if you're not caught" (or whatever they say, "stealing isn't bad if you're not caught" or something like that) crowd. Plus, I like looking at my Kontakt box and thinking "I paid for that." which translates (for me) to "I earned that." I think Rozovian is asking "what's the incentive to buy something instead of just pirating it?"
  13. http://www.kvraudio.com/news/native_instruments_discontinues_kore_product_range_16744 They are discontinuing. I am sad, because it was my first sampler/sample set that wasn't soundfonts.
  14. Edit events are good for when you're actually recording automation (and good for editing very flexible stuff like wah)
  15. I think Snapman is trying to say that sounding unrealistic doesn't really mean it's BAD. Going for absolute realism, yeah of course you don't use GM bank guitars but GM bank guitars can have a good sound in their own way (just maybe not how a real guitar sounds). I wouldn't call $450 cheap. Shreddage is cheap, the sampler is not.
  16. Need to brush up on my Gen. You guys won't see what hit you.
  17. For tempo changes, I just use automation clips. I never have any problems.
  18. I don't care if the rest of your edits are actually correct or not, but by calling Batman lame you kinda just threw your entire post away.
  19. You take the pattern and the paint tool and you hold down the mouse button and drag straight right. But that's boring. Make some variations in your drums!
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