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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I choose to rebel and be different against my teachins. I will show all of you one day that music CAN have more than one note in it! I WILL CHANGE THE SOCIAL NORM!
  2. "Good attempt at a mix, but you need to study the 7 facets of video game music. It's a scholarly article written by a scholar of some scholarly subject in a scholarly place. It tells you basically that music needs to have more than one note in it."
  3. I HATE IT BECAUSE... it's... hateful? Haha, just kidding. Good entry. The sonic space was really lacking in fulfillment though. Make sure you have strong chords, with a bassline following the chords to the rhythm of the drums and the lead sitting nicely on top, pulling them all together to give them something to support. It's key in this type of music. Also, you really need to work on the timing of the notes. It sounds like you recorded it without any real experience with performing and you just used a keyboard for note entry. That's all fine and dandy, but if you do that, you need to actually edit the MIDI data to make sure things fit the beats a little more, or it'll sound really sloppy. Timing issues are a HUGE turn off when listening to music. I do everything by mouse, but I also don't humanize my electronica synths unless I want something expressive. When I do, I make sure to make sure every note if the way I exactly want it to be.
  4. As a formal artist name, Neblix. But my usernames tend to be neblix. I think you had a great entry, just didn't have the ability to execute it the way you intended. Just keep practicing. If you had better production and filled the sonic space more, I would've been in trouble. xD
  5. All music has these facets. Pop music is usually happy or sad and ice cream truck music falls into the haunted category. Rock and roll = pop music Classical music contains all of these facets. Electronica, techno, dance etc. all have happy or sad or energetic in them.
  6. Hmm, you might have a point there. But what is an example of music that doesn't have these facets?
  7. Any particular reason you decided to go max bitrate but didn't decide to just export a wave file? Also, your integrated sound card can't do 32bit wav (I don't think so, my external audio interface does 24). Set it to 16. Also, is it a Compaq 515 by any chance? That's my current computer (building my own tomorrow) :3
  8. Any style of music can have any of these facets. It's up to the artist.
  9. You find an electronica song that doesn't have sequential structure. And "stuff on the radio" is written so it's catchy to get fans and make money, regular people don't give a damn about compositional substance or creative variety. That's why radio music on pop stations is just flat boring and follows the same formula, because people don't care. If you want to listen to music that pays attention to detail in the writing, the pop stations on the radio isn't the place to do it. If you want to avoid sequential structure in your music, sheet music is the easiest way to start.
  10. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were limiting this discussion to VGM and pop music. Cuz you know, there are other types of music.
  11. You haven't listened to a lot of music outside of video games, I can tell.
  12. I don't think we need anything of that sort. There's nothing wrong with sequenced music.
  13. This used to happen to me. What kind of system are you running?
  14. Instrumental music is not limited to video game music. Moseph is right, you pretty much just described music in general.
  15. You can be a guitarist and use FL Studio. It's called FL Studio Producer Edition. (you know with the nifty record button)
  16. Dude, seriously, stop begging for people to make your song. You asked in the Recruit & Collaboration forum ONCE and that's all it takes. Have some damn patience. As far as EQ is concerned, the best one is Parametric EQ 2, and FL Studio already has it built in. Also, if you want people to make your song for you, this isn't the place for that. Recruit & Collaboration forum is home to that kind of request. The Workshop is for people aiming to make their work better.
  17. As far as I know, the only person being rude here is you. You're being arrogant, ignoring the helpful advice people are giving you (they shouldn't be giving it in this specific thread, but that's not enough to warrant being called rude), expecting people to do work for YOU and calling them rude for not doing so... It's no wonder no one has offered to help. First step to collaboration: don't be an ass. (and stop generalizing OCR as if we all act the same. That's an incredibly ignorant thing to do) Saying what needed to be said, here's my advice: Give us a project file or some MIDI export. From what I can tell it's very hard to hear what exactly is going on in your rendition of the song, it would be easier to understand what's going on inside (what instruments are playing what notes) if we could see it for ourselves. And guys, seriously, he's not asking for production help, he's asking YOU to produce the song. Also, I've been on the WiP boards and the "technical stuff" is just to help you. If you don't understand it, that's pretty much your problem. They're giving you the answer or the steps to one, you shouldn't complain. Music production isn't an easy thing to learn, it takes years of learning your tools and honing your ears. I understand you don't want to produce this song, you want someone to produce it for you. That's fine, just don't be an ass to everyone; if you be an ass, why would they want to help?
  18. That's not really common sense at all. It's a n00b thought, but definitely not n00b enough to be called common sense.
  19. True, but I would think it's common sense that the more expensive versions give you better functionality.
  20. I don't understand why you always say this to everyone considering buying an NI product. It's useless, inapplicable advice because it's common sense. It's like saying you want a fast computer for $1000 and then some guy telling you to put a $1000 processor with three $500 gfx cards in it, telling you it costs more but is "worth it". "80GB more is better? LOLWUT?! I should go way above my budget then..." He probably picked Komplete elements because he couldn't afford the whole thing. The rest of your post is sound, and I echo for emphasis. Don't expect to get good sounding music right off the bat just because you have good samples.
  21. Uhm, he's not a woman, and his name is Splashwo Man... there are no FEMALE ROBOT MASTERS, DON'T BE RIDICULOUS.
  22. Black Wing Metamorphosis for a sweet 16, and then ninja your way out.
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