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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. We really should do something like this as an extension of the Super Audio Cart project, and as a proper resource. @djpretzel @zircon
  2. Recordings are copyrighted. We can not sample any sound chip that is sample based and have Super Audio Cart remain legally clean and free to use without royalty payments. All SAC sounds are created from sampling synthesis hardware (generated waveforms), not sampling any sound chips that store samples. For example, the SNES sounds are 100% original sourced recordings that simply are converted to a format suitable for use on the SNES, and then sampled in that form, they are not recording the sounds of actual game soundtracks.
  3. Komplete 10 is discontinued. Komplete in general never has a Black Friday discount. Your best bet is to buy it from a retailer like Guitar Center where they do cyber monday % discounts based on how much $$$ you spend.
  4. I don't know, personally I never really understand why people get mad about this kind of stuff. There's a difference between "I'm disappointed because I really want to spend money to just get things I want" and "Blizzard is an unethical business with a horrible business model because they're not letting me give them money for things I want". You're not doing the latter obviously; I was kind of springboarding to talk about the larger issues with the playerbase complaining a ton about the loot system. If you go on the Blizzard forums, it gets pretty bad. Lot of people trying to make the case that Blizzard is bad people for doing it this way.
  5. I bought loot boxes and got Witch Mercy 3 times. Then in a random level-up box afterwards I got another one.
  6. Yeah, you're so good and experienced:
  7. A good Widowmaker on Shrine will die against a team of good everyone else You're continually using skill as a way to try and shift the conversation of the viability of the character, when that's not really how it works. If you make suppositions like "if widowmaker player skill above a certain point and the enemy team is at or below that point or the players at or above that point are playing characters Widowmaker is strong against, then of course Widowmaker is OP HURR DURR" We're not talking about that. We're talking about kit design, map design, overall meta (her winrate in competitive is bottom of the barrel). Skill is irrelevant; it's a team game, someone particularly good at something doesn't translate to how it interfaces with the other 11 players in the game so much as how that player is contributing to composition. If your entire argument is that you get killstreaks with Widow, it's a really weak argument. The people you play against are shit. That is the far more likely scenario than that the general Overwatch community has no idea how to play Widowmaker effectively but you somehow do. And for the record, Widowmaker is 4th place in KD despite her shitty winrate, so your citing of killstreaks isn't really contradicting anything; it's actually coinciding with the statistical trend that Widowmaker is good at killing people but not at winning the game. Symmetra has the highest winrate in the entire roster, and Mei has a higher winrate than Junkrat. As for offense, Reaper has the highest winrate. McCree statistically fairs better then Pharah. Tracer fairs better than 76 (but they are both bottom of the barrel). You're right about Genji though; Shimada bro is dope. http://masteroverwatch.com/heroes/pc/global/mode/ranked
  8. "i was playing and it was like this so that's the meta" "no i was playing and it was like this so that's the meta" I think you might have misinterpreted my post, because you're talking about viability, strength, etc. I'm not saying I don't find him strong or viable, I'm saying the playstyle in which he's most effective isn't very fun for me to play. I like to play him as infiltration (so the opposite of a sniper, not what you thought), using vision and scatter in corridors, getting behind lines and getting surprise kills on people. That's not how you're supposed to play him, and he's less effective that way, but I like it more, and wish it was more viable. I am not asserting that is the direction Blizzard should take him. I simply would enjoy it. That's all I'm saying. And yes I know I could just play Genji. That's not the point, I like Hanzo's kit more.
  9. Maybe what you're referring to is when people write virtuostic music that requires expertise in order to play (like piano etudes or super fast shredding licks). People hate on that because they feel like the performance is distracting from the music... which is incredibly stupid and, again, juvenile as Skryp said, because the performance is the music.
  10. This title is very misleading. You're using the word perfection as if to discuss aspects of striving for perfectionism but what you actually mean is writing music locked to sequencer grid (mechanical). I've never met a single performer who strives for a robotic performance void of expression. There is a case for experimental/electronically enhanced genres like prog metal, but it's done for effect, intentionally, to evoke a sound. It's not the default means of expressing a performance, but a specific feeling for a specific kind of music. I have never met a computer musician who's tried to add performance mistakes (wrong/pitchy notes, missing beats, etc.) into their humanization methods. We add velocity changes and timing offsets, but never to make the performance sound wrong, as if the person playing sucks at their instrument. If I were judging something like that, I'd scold for doing so much work to make samples sound human only to make the virtual performer sound like an amateur. There's no contradiction here. Everyone is striving idealistically for incredibly tight and expressive performances. It's just that in computers, the tightness is done for us, so we have to add the expression. In performance, we have the expression, but we have to perform to the best of our ability to add the tightness. This extends to cover expressions in tempo; for example, the difference between an amateur pianist doing rubato (playing void of tempo masked as expression) and a professional pianist doing rubato (playing with elastic tempo changes that keep the lines and phrases in correct proportion). This is why in proper piano practice, you're supposed to play the piece as strictly in time as possible, so that your fingers understand how it's constructed vertically and horizontally, and then you move on to adding expression and dynamic. The problem with a mechanical performance is not primarily that it sounds unrealistic. That's a nasty side effect. The real problem is that it lacks expression. If something has expression, even though it is unrealistic, that is a lot more forgivable.
  11. After playing 60-ish hours of Hanzo I feel compelled to say he still needs some work. I think the problem so far is that they're trying to focus on his damage output and methods to try and balance him and not enough on his overall kit. So they're doing this weird dance where they're playing with his hitbox and arrow speed to figure out what makes him technically "balanced". However playing Hanzo is still only kind of viable and generally kind of unfun, because he has really bad movement problems. Hanzo's only mobility is his wall climb, and the wall climb registration is inconsistent af in this game. If you're caught as Hanzo, generally speaking, you're pretty much dead on the spot. You don't really have a lot of escape opportunities, or things that can viably buy you time to get out, unless you're in a location where the wall situation is convenient. Contrast with Widowmaker, who has a grapple hook, and Ana, who has her heal grenade that can give her a decent tipping of scales. While he's technically very strong in the math, the experience of playing him still leaves a bit to be desired. I don't really feel the same kind of confidence and control as I do when I visit some other Heros. And I'd have no issue with them nerfing some of his damage aspects in order to grant him better control and versatility. I think buffing his damage to compensate for his rigid gameplay style would imbalance it too much, especially for the "git gud" players who don't care. tl;dr His ideal style right now focuses too much on preventing bad situations, and basically leaves hollow his ability to react to bad situations already occurring. I think they could keep his balance where it's at right now but shift the playstyle to be more accommodating.
  12. I think Bleck's right, in that I think this has to do with entertainment industry in general slowly approaching a state of (unjustly) hyper-optimized being. Everything is more efficient, easier, faster, more productive; as a result, patience is thrown out the window, we cut to temp scores; taking risks is subconsciously considered inefficient, and therefore something that needs to be cut out of the process.
  13. Android has a limited selection of audio apps because the OS's ability to process low-latency audio is hacked together and not very good. You won't really find a vibrant and inspiring mobile music making environment unless you switch to iOS.
  14. An acoustic album of arrangements of the Americana Dawn music has been out already for a couple years. https://shnabubula.bandcamp.com/album/americana-dawn-civilized-folk Also, I imagine someone who wrote music would have a very easy time "midirip"ing it... Composers don't really do that regardless, they tend to just organically rewrite stuff instead of grabbing MIDI's from past projects.
  15. Overwatch. Where it's possible to obtain technological super powers and become a funny and charming god of war. Isle Delfino from Mario Sunshine for that s u c c u l e n t s e a f o o d. @DarkeSword talked about Mario Kart beach locations, they're (at least, the more recent generation of games) are often based on Isle Delfino's aesthetic. Also, the world of Assassin's Creed, just to soak in the alternate world history where every major world event had something to do with the hidden (and for a good portion, religious) conflict between assassins and templars.
  16. What he was saying is that it doesn't make a difference whether it's "just a few samples here and there" or more prolific use; the company can still find it objectionable even if it's "just a little bit" and be in their right to claim on it, like you said.
  17. Absolutely fantastic read. @Brandon Strader you'd be interested in this as well.
  18. After my legality concerns were addressed, and OCR staff has now agreed that a revised submissions agreement and 501c3 filing is necessary moving forward, I'd also like to do the same, DusK. I encourage the YT ads.
  19. This is not off-topic, this is stemming from DJP's invitation for people (who Brandon is talking about) who have a problem with the YT policy to step forth and say their opinion; which so far, still hasn't happened, all that's happened is digging up snippets of out-of-context posts from alternate media in attempt to support the claim that a majority of the community does not like the YT policy. And some of them don't even have anything to do with the YT policy. They're just generic "OCR is dumb lol who would join OCR"
  20. Specific names I don't really care about for any active reason, but in anonymity the concerns are noise. Are these community reactions or just reactions of random internet people on theshizz or otherwise after Brandon told them excessive and patently untrue distortion of what OCR is actually doing? Just read the comments, a great majority of them sound like people who are not members of the community, but rather people outside of the community who have issues with it (people who have existed since OCR started).
  21. If people want to have their voices heard, they need to make them heard; otherwise it's just noise from the void. If these people aren't going to back up anything they say, or inform themselves of what's actually going on outside of what Brandon Strader is framing it to be, their concerns are moot.
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