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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. VGMix 2 much?

    I understand people's complaints that regular mixposts might seems fewer this year considering the amount of albums released. Let's just look at the sheer statistics of it:

    Albums released in 2011 (so far): 9

    Albums released in 2010: 4

    Albums released in 2009: 4

    and it just kinda goes downhill from there.

    As it has been for a while now, anyone who makes an album that is release through OCR, and is approved and QC'd by us through that, has the right to have some of the songs from the album as part of the OCR database proper. This is the nature of mixfloods. OCR Albums are not by-default consisting of all OC ReMixes. The best thing to think about is that an album is a separate entity from regular mixposts. This is why people submit album tracks to be posted on the site proper: just because you're on an OCR Album doesn't make you an OC ReMixer.

    Unfortunately I can see no way to get around the issue without playing some kind of favoritism. We release albums as we get them and have them ready to roll. It just so happens that this past year a lot of albums have wrapped up and we've been trying to release them as fast as possible so that we don't end up with an album queue years backlogged. There's also no way to remove the initial mixflood from the process without it being unfair to anyone who stars or releases an album after that time.

    There has been discussion of interspersing regular mixposts more between mixflood posts, potentially having it all spread out over a few days. It's been on the backburner simply because there are other things we've had to focus on for most of this year.

    Rozo's suggestion of always having a regular mixpost last kinda seems unfair to an album mixpost if that artist didn't have it as part of the mixflood. Same thing with excluding them from russian roulette or the database. That's basically like saying "your song is either part of an album, or a normal mix on OCR. you can't have both"

    Also the suggestion of having staff pick favorites as representatives of OCR is a bad idea. When blogs are implemented, yes that is fine, because then its their person opinion. A trailer of staff picks wouldn't work though, nor would anything over the "official" channels for the same reason we don't allow favorites lists in the forums.

    I'll make sure to bring this up at the next staff meeting though. As I said, it has been discussed before so there's no harm in bringing it up again.

    I'm kinda seeing both sides of the argument here, but it is certianly true that albums do distract from regular mixposts, if they're from the album or not, thats a fact as far as i'm concerned. While I do agree with Level 99 that we shouldn't show a bias for regular mixposts on the site, the fact that the albums get 10X the promotion from regular mixposts makes the regulars get pushed aside at that point. It works fine when there are very little album mixposts per year, but with nine released, its having a knock on effect because 1: album tracks don't get as much attention from both downloads and reviews as regular mixposts from what I can gather, and 2: the regular mixposts are getting pushed aside by the public because of the albums. As a result, anything thats posted as a mixpost on OCR this year is getting ignored either because people have too much to listen to Album wise, or they've already got it.

    For sure, its a problem that will be resolved once the album backlog is cleared, but if the album backlog starts growing quicker than we can release the albums, (which seems to be an issue with mixposts right now as well) then we need to either try to A: promote mixposts more to give them more spotlight (Yes I know you don't want bias level 99, but atm, there is obvious bias for anything album related as it is so this would probably even it out) or try and decrease the album flow by introducing stricter deadlines or having a limit on how many albums OCR can take on at time.

  2. Ok, I've just got back from the gaming con.

    Basically, got to meet the following people: Fishy, Protodome, Rexy, Lidawg, and Andy P, all of which were awesome. So the panel went awesome. We got rid of all the merch (people were asking for more than we could give them :P) and fishy and I both did performances with (as far as I could tell) good reception.

    The trivia went fantastic tho, the audience really got into it, and one of them even got the trick question of who remixed rabbit joint cover, which leads me to conclude that we had some OCR fans in the crowd :D

    Lidawg managed to get a recording of the panel iirc, so he might post that on youtube for people to see.

    We also played some bomberman (I bombed - no pun intended, fishy and proto were kinda cleaning house iirc) and I played some streets of rage with Proto, half the time we were trying to kill each other rather than the opponents as you do in that game...

    We also got to see brentalfloss do his slot, but we didn't get to meet him in person while I was there which was a shame, but was cool to see him in person.

    Overall, fantastic experience, and I hope we make this an annual thing :D

  3. I was just wondering if you guys were meeting before the panel or just gonna meet at the time of the panel? I'm just asking as I will be coming on me lonesome. Would be cool just to chill a bit and check out some of the convention. Am really looking forward to it and hearing the live music :D

    I'll be arriving at the convention at about 12-12:30, i'm not meeting anyone at the station, circumstances changed regarding that. When I get there, I'll be chilling with the others till the time of the panel, altho chances are some of it before hand will be prepping so yeah.

  4. Given a popular vote, it's an obvious choice really for the top spot. I could sit there and explain to somebody how "Generic Obscure Metal Band" is far superior to "Generic Pop Act of this month" but there isn't anything to say that it actually is.

    If the greatness of something is ordained by the masses then regardless of personal preference there is obviously something to it. Strip away any technical brilliance or lack of and it all comes down to just what track sticks with the listener more.

    At the end of it, the "typical" choice is usually the right one whether a person happens to agree or not. It wouldn't be my number one but I certainly understand why it is number one.

    I disagree. Typical vote usually comes down to popular vote, and people don't vote for the best tracks on the whole system overall. They vote for the best tracks on the system they will know of. I'm not saying MM2s Wily stage theme isn't good - it is - but because MM2 was a popular game to start off with, that helps increase the awareness of the track overall. Silver Surfer however, I am willing to bet was unknown to the masses until AVGN reviewed it, and even now, its under appreciated. Thats not the fault of the music, thats the fault of the game itself not being popular. I think most people would agree that Silver Surfers compositional creativity with the hardware is more unique and thus sticks out better, but Mega Man has better melodic content. This is irrelevant however because more people would say MM2 simply because they haven't heard the silver surfer theme before.

    Mega Man is a popular as fuck game franchise with iconic tracks for the system, therefore its safer to go with a familiar series for number 1. That doesn't make it the right choice, but the typical choice.

    For the record i'm not saying that Silver Surfer is the best on the nes. I haven't heard every track on the nes, but my point for going with a familar Nes track still stands. I doubt anyone would put something obscure like a Shadow of the Ninja track at 1 for example, even if they thought it was the best.

  5. Personally, the way I vote is that I do a score system and vote for the tracks that get the highest... half of it is arrangement and production, the other is my personal enjoyment out of it. That way, if a mix is lacking in some areas of arrangement and production, but I enjoy it anyway, it'll still do well in comparison with a mix I thought hit the compo criteria perfectly, but I didn't enjoy in the slightest.

    Its up to people how they vote, but if a track I didn't enjoy hit the top of my list over a bunch I loved to bits, I'd feel I was doing an injustice with my voting.

    Also, for the record, quite a lot of the time I use more than just the main theme of the tracks in my remixes. Because of that, some people don't hear source usuage I use because they don't dissect the sources enough. For example, the 16th note arps I use in the intro of my remix were all from wilys theme, but people might not hear them as source because in the source, they are only used once or twice as part of a bigger melodic phrase, which was in the background.

  6. The problem with the flute is that its too strong in the mid highs. Bring down the mid high EQ on the flute and bring up the lead to a comfortable level. That should help fix the issue.

    As for the lack of bass, I'd considering bringing up both the kick and the bass slightly. If the bass lacks bass frequencies then add some to help fill out the low end.

    Personally I think that messing around a little with the drum quantizing has done quite a bit of good. It still sounds slightly loose but not terribly so anymore. It might be worth going through your instrumentation to move some midi data thats quite far off the beat closer to it (snap turned off mind you) its annoyingly repetitive work but it works well, and if you do this every time you do a performance, it'll become second nature and ultimately your mixes will sound tighter performance wise. Of course, sometimes you won't need to do it but its always a good idea to check if you can't hear the timing issues yourself.

    One thing i've noticed is that your synth lead has legato portamento added on it. That means if the midi data overlaps, the note pitch bends or "glides" to the next note. Automate the portamento so that its not quite as strong in some sections I suggest, most notably around the 3:20 section. I'm not saying remove it, just bring it down a notch, or even better, use it in some parts and not in others... you'll have a really strong degree of control on your bends if you automate the portamento and ultimately, you'll help bring your leads to life.

    Hope some of this info helps, but this is pretty strong arrangement wise. Keep at it and mark this as mod review when you're done and i'll swoop in and give it a listen :)

  7. Badger? Badger? I did no stinking badgering! It was more like a bribe.

    A bribe suggests that you offered me money or some other form of favour or desirable in order to corrupt my original naming of my re-arrangement of these exquisite pieces of music. You did no such thing, you just kept asking me to do it which is another way of saying badgering, no bribing involved.

  8. @WillRock, seriously dude, I really love your Air Man part in your music but I was wandering what kind of under story I don't know to call your music Air Man in a G-String

    It was indeed bach. Prophecy kept badgering me about changing it from Air on a G string to Air in a G string tho... BLAME HIM! HE'S HE CULPRIT! :D

    @At mindwanderer - I appreciate your opinion, Treasure Hunter is a fan favorite, alot of people think thats the pinnacle of my work, so I can see why you don't think this is quite as good. That said, I dunno why you're comparing Air in a G String with Treasure Hunter, thats like comparing apples with oranges :P

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