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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. ahh i can't believe people are still uppercasing the first letter of my name

    just sayin

    also this project is going to be fucking awesome

    Your name requires breaking writing laws if its the first word of a sentence. IT MUST BE CAPITALISED.

    Also Damned... remember that Deadline we set? The december one? PUT IT IN THE TITLE OF THE THREAD LIKE RIGHT NAOW.

  2. gameboyheader.png

    The Game Boy 25th Anniversary Remix Album

    The Idea:

    April 21st, 2014 is the 25th anniversary of the classic portable gaming system, the Game Boy. But, for a portable that had over 600 games, was the launching point of multiple series that are still around today, and was one of the most successful gaming systems in history, it is woefully under-remixed. That needs to change, and what better reason to do it than a big celebratory remix album?

    The Plan:

    There are over 600 games to choose from in the Game Boy library, and that's just the 8-bit games. Each of those games has anywhere from a half dozen to a hundred songs used in them. That's tens of thousands of songs to choose from.

    But that is far too many to choose from. WillRock and I decided that we have to set some restrictions in order to make this album feasible.

    Rule 1: Only Game Boy and Game Boy Color games can be chosen. This removes all of the Game Boy Advance titles and cuts the list from over 1500 games to just about 600. Even then, that's still a lot to choose from.

    Rule 2: Only one remix per game or series. This prevents lots of remixes from more popular series taking up most of the album. This also lets more obscure music from more obscure games get some attention. There is more to life than Mario and Zelda music.

    Rule 3: Spin-off games are allowed. This exception allows titles that are based upon, but are still different enough from their parent game/series to warrant being counted separate. For example, Wario Land and Mario Land; Wario Land came from the Mario Land games, but stands as its own series. In the event that a remix of a spin-off game or series uses music originally from its parent series, it will be considered for acceptance, depending upon how much or how close it is to the original.

    With those three rules, it may seem like a lot of choice has been removed, but really, it hasn't. Just look at the tracklist so far. It's a wide variety of games and it's not even the full list yet.

    The Staff:

    Project Directors: The Damned and WillRock. Shared duties and authority, this ensures that there should always been someone in charge to deal with any problems that arise. It also helps that WillRock's musical talent covers my complete lack thereof...





    Brandon Strader





    Level 99


    Sir Nuts


    While they aren't working on a remix right, the following people have asked to help with their own talents. If you need a vocalist or instrument, contact them to arrange something:

    Orangedragan - vocals

    The Remixes (in no particular order):

    1. Batman - WillRock

    2. Alleyway - Protodome

    3. Pokemon Pinball - Halc

    4. Dragonball Z - Legendary Super Warriors - Brandon Strader

    5. Donkey Kong Land - Rexy

    6. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 - Drakken (WIP!)

    7. Pokemon (Main Series) - Dusk (WIP!)

    8. Final Fantasy Legend - Moomba (WIP!)

    9. Smurfs - TheGuitahHeroe (WIP!)

    10. Castlevania - Sir_NutS

    11. Mega Man - Lidawg

    12. Legend of Zelda - TheGuitahHeroe

    13. Solar Strike - Malcos (WIP!)

    14. Crystalis - DaMonz

    15. Kirby - Pu Freak

    16. Metriod - AMT

    17. Tetris - Nintendude794

    18. Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories - timaeus222

    19. Warlock - Argle

    20. Duck Tales - Theory Of N

    21: Action Man - Sixto Sounds

    22: Super Mario Land - G-Mixer

    23: Donkey Kong - Chernabogue


    The Time Table:

    April 2014 isn't that far away, really. Factor in a few months before that date to allow for distribution and website setup and all that, and we're actually talking more like January 2014. Factor in that all of the art, music and website stuff has to be ready before then, and we're suddenly looking at late 2013. That's almost two years, but it's still a lot of work for that amount of time.

    That's why we're going to be adhering to strict time limits and deadlines. There will be some flexibility to allow for special circumstances, but mainly, we have to follow the deadlines. If we start going over them, we'll start to run into the time needed for setup and distribution. If that gets used up, we have less time to meet the release date of April 21st, 2014.

    Want to Help Out?

    With the large number of member that OCR has, there is a serious talent pool available. Anyone that wants to join needs to be either a skilled remixer, artist or web designer. Submissions aren't mandatory, but would help a lot.

    Remixers. We need them. Without remixers, who would remix? Not enough remixers means not enough music for the album.

    Artists. We're going to need album artwork, website art, CD cover, the whole thing. This may require more than one artist, depending upon how much we need.

    Website designer. This will be the last big part of the project. We'll need someone that can design the site, make it and have it ready for OCR staff to put up for the albums release.

    Et cetera

    That's about it. We're aiming for a two year turnaround on this. It won't be easy, but it is doable. Other remix albums have come around in less time without suffering any quality issues. We can totally do this.

    So, good luck, work hard, and remember to have fun with your work! Don't get too stressed! Get plenty of sleep and eat your vegetables!

  3. BTW: Any tips on upgrading from Garage Band to a real software suite? I haven't bought Reason yet but maybe I can convince myself it will be a good Christmas present to myself ;) I just don't know if I can adjust to it....

    I do believe you can open your garageband files in logic so thats a fair choice... it has good plug in support but doesn't have VST which might be slightly limiting... not so much so as Reason however, which is self contained (I use Reason). It might be worth a logic guy to comfirm this stuff for sure... Rozo??? :P

  4. Burn The Castle - I've noticed this one has got quite a few 1st place votes and I can see why. Immensely enjoyable stuff, perhaps the track I enjoyed the most out of the whole compo, with the exception of my first vote. However, Production issues brought this one down for me. For the record, this one deserves a special mention, because this track so narrowly missed my vote... broke my heart to do it :(

    Double Doctors - Main Finger put together some class remixes last time, and he's carrying on the trend here. Overall a solid piece of work, and for the most part this was awesome stuff. Pretty decent production, and the arrangement was cool, but it has to be said, I thought doubling gemini man's theme was a cool idea that didn't work out so well at the tempo it was... it felt rushed and unnatural. Also, I can't say I liked the use of the sample... it made me think a little too much of some shitty youtube poop videos for my liking.

    Good mix :)

    Dubious Brother - aww man I'm digging wily's theme in here. Another mix that broke my heart not to put it in the top 3 but that goes to show just how solid all these tracks were this round. There was an awesome arrangement going on here, and the production was fine... it has quirks but nothing that detracts from the music.

    I thought the use of the sample was cool, but it did borderline annoying for me, can't understand why tho... sorry ben, I know you dig that sample! :P

    Overall, awesome work.

    The Knight who says ROCK! - This mix is AWESOME. I love the combination of synths and guitars, and the synth samples are good enough for me to dig. The mixing is ever so slightly off, and the arrangement seems a little standard to me, but the enjoyability factor here is mega. Got my second place vote :D

    The Last of the Clan - I thought the intro was pretty funny :P

    This mix gets thumbs up for the production skills, and the attention to detail on the different sounds really adds to the character of this mix. Pretty different stuff but its executed very very well. Got my third place vote :D

    She's a Squirter - Pretty strong stuff from brandon here, yet another mix I was forced to leave out of the top 3... broke my heart once again. Really cool mix overall here, really creative use of the synths overall, a successful blend of different styles. The production wasn't all there, but that was overshadowed by an epic arrangement. Great job!

    Totally Rad Winter - 80's! Gotta get my first place vote right? OF COURSE IT DOES. Not to say I voted blindly, the production and arrangement while neither are perfect, are both pretty damn good overall. Looking forward to more! 1st place vote.

    Two Minds Without A Single Thought - I commend you for taking such a hard to remix source. Its evident that this mix isn't quite as strong as the others, but it gets props for trying something ambitious with an ambitious source :D

    Under Construction - No this isn't the mix from sound of speed. DAT BASS. I dig it, don't ask me why, but that bass is epic. The production is a little rough around the edges but overall this is solid stuff. Nice work.

    And yeah... this has had a very consistant and stupidly tough voting round. Usually the first rounds of these compos, people are just getting into it... well you know what, if this is you guys warming up, I'm fucking excited about later rounds, I mean god DAYM.

    Excellent stuff all round :D

  5. thought i'd write an album review of this piece of 9-bit bloop-step -

    Trending Topic is the 3rd LP from OCR's Chiptune god halc, and as the album title suggests, this is one trendy bitesize offering.

    The reason I say trendy is because halc has changed his style to incorporate Dubstep elements, and its a transition that has been executed with style and flair.

    However, its one of halc's shortest offerings yet, with only 5 tracks and clocking in at under 20 minutes. No filler material here.

    The album opens up with Modesty Lapse, which starts with a rather lengthy build up, but this is just to prepare the listener for a dubstep assault, and frankly, its epic. The processing and creativity in the synth design on show here is completely overwelming, with plenty of attention to detail, and you'll be blown away by the constant evolving textures. This is fueled on beats and synth automation alone, with few melodic hooks, but the craziness of the whole thing will leave you shell shocked.

    After an awesome comb filtered synth opening the track, #FUBAR showcases dubsteps infamously overused wobble bass, and while this is technically impressive, there isn't anything that dubstep fans won't have heard before somewhere. Once again, the evolving sounds once again are completely blown out of proportion - in a good way. However, clocking in at only 2 minutes, this leaves one thirsty for more.

    Vitamins for Speakers is a collaboration with Skrypnyk, who introduces some interesting production ideas, such as automated panning on the drum delay. The bass and the lead in this track intertwine fantastically, melding themselves into one single entity seemlessly. At this point in the album, it suggests the possibility of getting stale, thanks to the similar style of all three tracks, but this is remedied with track 4.

    Be more Chill is the most accessible track of the bunch, with more atmospheric pads being carried by a thumbing bassline, which leads into a manic synth solo by yours truly. Due to the change in pace, it lacks the creative flair of the other tracks, but it is a welcome deviation, and ultimately a more accessible listen overall.

    Finally, Dead Pixels opens up with some jungle beats, which slowly morphs itself into a Dubstep powerhouse of a track, with some phat beats, sexy hooks, and ultimately is the best track on the album. This is down to the more controlled nature of the song, where even though the processing isn't as manic, the writing is more melodic in nature.

    So now for the conclusion. The Production here is absolutely top notch - everything fits in the soundscape perfectly and the sound is punchy and powerful. When you consider the amount of sound design automation going on here, its suprising everything fits together so well. Stylistically, Considering the change in pace from previous albums, this collection of 9-bit dubstep is a great success in terms of stylistic intent, and plays to the stengths - and the weaknesses - of dubstep. The album has a tendency to get a little repetitive due to the nature of the style halc has adopted here, which considering the length isn't exactly a good thing. However, dubstep inspires creativity in automated sound morphing, and halc uses that to his advantage here, and to great effect. This album is more creative than much dubstep, which makes this more specialist in style, but the execution here is steller.

    Basically, if you like dubstep or chiptunes, then you should download this album. halc might have changed his style to better suit mass appeal, but he's done it tastefully, creativity, and ultimately, successfully.

    Awesome Work halc. Also, love the synth solo in be more chill, ballin stuff ;)
  6. OA showed me this mix - seems like eons ago now - when it hit the panel, because he thought i'd really dig it, and dig it I fucking do - pretty awesome glammy stuff. I really don't think this is mix of the year tho, I think you guys are over reacting there. Each to his own tho. My only critique on this is that the production sounds too rough for glam... it lacks the production cleanness and is more rough sounding than much of the style. Maybe thats what they were going for however.

    I do think the synths are biggest weak point, they sound too vanilla.

    Yeah it sounds like i'm hating on this mix, and believe me i'm not, but as good as it is, it could be better, and i'm sure with time, these guys WILL get better and kick some 80's ass.

    Hope they continue to submit :D

  7. Prologue! unts unts unts

    The Grand Robot Master Royal Battles - Chapter One

    Many months passed with WillRock on the throne. On this particular day, he had managed to finish building the biggest spaceship ever, and it had only put one country into poverty. Soon enough, he'd be able to put his Grand Robot Master Plan into action, and he'd even written it out on his Macbook Pro for future reference. Soon, he'd have his weapons built, and then nothing would stand in his way.

    Meanwhile, elsewhere in the castle, Jewbei and AMT, two royal guards, were filing away this said document on a memory stick as backup. This was done on WillRocks orders because he was king, and backing up files was far beyond a kings job.

    "Ok my man, here are the top secret files... Its the file called "Top Secret Nuclear Weapons Building Plan" said Jewbei.

    "Can We open it?" asked AMT. "I'd love t' read a top secret document, aye I would"

    "No way man!" Shouted Jewbei. "We ain't allowed to read top secret documents, King WillRock would pop a cap in our asses! Lets just put this sucker on a mem stick and get the fuck outta here"

    "Ahoy, whats this! "TOP SECRET: T' true heir t' t' throne o' MegaRock". Me bucko, I've gotta read this, that idiot we be callin' a kin' be a disgrace t' t' world!!!

    Jewbei Protested, but AMT opened the file, and what they read inside made their oil turn cold.

    "Holy shit, DarkeSword has a little BRO? Dude, don't you realize what this means?"

    "That bilge rat shouldn't be kin' away, I say we deck him an' crown neblix."

    However, at that point, halc, WillRock's right hand man walked in.

    "What the hell are you idiots doing?"

    "Shit dude, lets get outta here!" cried Jewbei.

    "Aye Aye!"

    And off they ran.

    halc went to look at the macbook....

    halc slowly made his way to the throne room. He wasn't sure what to think. Not only had Jewbei and AMT found out a terrible secret that would mean WillRock was no longer king, but he'd let them get away. They were probably on their way to find Neblix right now.

    He slowly approached WillRocks Throne. halc waited behind the throne for WillRock to face him.

    "This had better be good. I have told you not to bother me when i'm in my throne room."

    "Sire, AMT and Jewbei were snooping in the Top Secrets folder. They had a opened a document that said Neblix was the true heir to the throne, he's DarkeSwords little brother!"

    WillRock turned his throne around. One half of his face was obscured by shadow, but there was no mistaking the look in his eye, or the danger in his voice when he next spoke.

    "You're quite... sure?" he said softly. He stood up, his eyes widening. "And I assume you have Dealt with AMT and Jewbei?"

    "Well sire, they... they got away"

    WillRock grabbed halc by his 9-bit neck. "What do you mean they got away?!?!?!! If this gets out, a rebellion shall start! Tell nutritious to send out armies to every town and village, keep them self contained! Any Robot attempts to leave, his village is to be destroyed, do you understand? As for you... I want you to go to the Southern Peak where Neblix resides... and you are to destroy him."

    "Yes Sir... You can trust me to get hold of the boy"

    "I trust you to await what will happen to you if you fail!"

    And WillRock chucked halc out of the throne room. halc, in a heap on the floor, picked himself up and started to make his way out of the castle.

    He would make his way to the Southern Peak, and destroy Neblix. If anyone got in his way... he would destroy them too.


  8. I've noticed people are doing rather interesting narrative stuff, so you know what? I'm gunna join in!

    The Grand Robot Master Royal Battles - Prologue

    The world of MegaRock was for many years a peaceful sanctuary for many robots. Long since abandoned by their creators, robots scattered from throughout the galaxy came to this planet to live peacefully. These robots live on perpetually-powered batteries, which help sustain them for thousands of years. This planet was ruled by the king of all the robots, known by the name of DarkeSword, who ruled the World from his Royle Palace.

    However, several years ago, the great King DarkeSword made an announcement which would change the fate the of entire planet. He had grown tired of so many years ruling MegaRock but was at a loss of what to do.

    He had no heirs to speak of, so he started a battle tournament which would decide who would rule MegaRock. Through this method, he'd be able to find a King or Queen worthy of his throne. He named the tournament - The Grand Robot Master Royal Battles.

    The GRMRB was a 1 on 1 tournament, with 4 rounds and loss meaning elimination. Of course, there was much interest in the GRMRB, and it attracted only the most ambitious and powerful robots in the world.

    However, the nature of the tournament was too ambitious for some, and unknown to Darkesword, an underground movement known as the Revenge Rounds, was held amongst the losers, to sabotage the GRMRB. The Revenge Rounds was held to find someone to challenge the champion of the throne, through the same methods as the tournament itself.

    Zircon, A robot who was undefeated in combat, won the GRMRB and thus the throne. However, the winner of the Revenge Rounds, a Robot known as WillRock, challenged Zircon for the throne of MegaRock. Zircon, not wishing to risk his throne simply had WillRock publicly denounced for treason and thrown in the Royale Palace Dungeons, along with everyone else who was involved with the Revenge Rounds. However, WillRock, with the help of a powerful magnetizing robot named Txai, managed to break out of the prison, and with the help of the the rest of the Revenge Round robots, took over the Palace and kept King Zircon prisoner. He forced DarkeSword to host another GRMRB, threatening to take out both Zircon and Darkeswords batteries if they didn't comply. His intentions were simple, to win the GRMRB, and become king publicly.

    Thus a new GRMRB was held. WillRock fought his way to the final round, only to be stopped by Txai, who had his own plans to seize the throne. A massive battle erupted and Txai emerged the Victor. He was crowned King of MegaRock. Txai's involvement in the Revenge Rounds was not public knowedge, unlike WillRock, and WillRock threatened to expose Txai as a traitor publically unless he agreed not to throw WillRock into the Dungeons. His hands tied, Txai complied with the demands.

    However, shortly after finishing the Tournament, WillRock got the help of halc and Nutritious, both being good friends with him, to once again break into the Castle. This time, with halc and Nutritious helping him form a small army, he invaded the royale castle and took out the batteries of the imprisoned Zircon, as well as King Txai, making them stop working. With the two kings out of the way, he once again forced darkesword to host another Tournament, while keeping the whereabouts and heath of Txai and Zircon secret. As far as the rest of the world was concerned, they had simply vanished.

    However, The Robot public started to suspect foul play. Two Kings disappearing without a trace, as well as WillRock's Reputation for treason, and his publicly unexplained freedom was a cause for concern amongst the Public.

    Another GRMRB was called to action, and WillRock, whom many suspected of being behind the disappearances of the previous kings, got to the final round. He was up against Prophetik, who was a right and just Spring Knight of the Cyber Peacock, a holy order of protecters for the planet. WillRock managed to beat the Knight in a climatic battle and was winner of the tournament. WillRock attempted in his rage to remove Prophetik's Batteries but Prophetik managed to get away from him.

    WillRock finally ruled MegaRock, and appointed halc and nutritious his personal advisers and bodyguards. In his position of power he removed DarkeSwords Batteries, making him stop working until he was needed again.

    After becoming King, WillRock plunges the World into darkness. However, WillRock finds out to his peril that Darkesword in fact has a secret brother that has a claim to the throne. Frightened that this information meant he would no longer have a claim to the throne, WillRock sent halc to bring back Neblix to the castle where WillRock would decide what to do with him and Darkesword. However, the information reaches the ears of two of the royal guards, who pass on the message that WillRock is not the true king. They set out to find Neblix, and join him as his personal protectors against halc's impending arrival. As word spreads, Various groups of robots, many of them contenders from the Tournaments, but also various other robots from around the world, formed alliances against the king. WillRock, sensing danger, brought together a powerful army, headed by halc and Nutritious.

    And thus, the War of Thrones began.

    Who shall win the War of Thrones, and what shall become of the world of MegaRock?

    And shall Darkesword, Txai and Zircon ever get their batteries back?


  9. Haha, if people are getting all butt-hurt about stuff before the compo even starts, then I'm really looking forward to seeing all the frusty people during the Remix Gauntlet!! :)

    Before butthurt there must be drama. Before drama, there must be trash talking.

    On that note, Block Rockmen Beats, teh team of witch I reside, will rock all ur asses, because we r Teh Block Rockmen Beats, and we Beat ur Blocks off, because we r teh Block Rockman Beats. We r, the Beast fucking team, on this plant. Anyone who disagrees, fuck them, ya no. We are hear to put out a message. We r da block rockmen beats. WE ROOOOOO. We dont try to negocate or come 2 terms... FUCK U, ya no. N' we shall win, n' if u dont like it then fuck u! ya no.

  10. Are you suggesting that tracks that aren't good will be remixed? Or that only good tracks can provide good remixes? Or that our remixers outnumber the good tracks offered by the Game Boy library?

    Who is this n00b and why is he in control of quality?

    I'm assuming thats sarcasm but JUST IN CASE I meant popular sources, not "good". Bad choice of words on my part.

    And brandon I shall get to your WIP asap... sorry its taken me so long, been pretty busy lately :)

  11. Here are a few of my personal favs this year

    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02180/ - A mix of LeChucks theme from Heroes vs villains, pretty awesome Stevie Wonder style funk, many people (quite rightly) reckon its the best track on the album.

    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02190/ - Probably the best green hill zone remix EVER, fantastic melodic electro-pop.

    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02242/ - bLiNd did Drum n' Bass and completely hit a home run. One of his best.

    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02254/ - The Overclocked Plaid Muffins need no introduction, they are basically the OCR's ultimate collaboration group.

    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02256/ - Protodome completely jazzed out the Missingno Tracks and this was his best offering on the project imo.

    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02259/ - Level 99 and Akumajobelmont joined forces in one of OCRs best project mixes.

    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02312/ - Awesome piano rendition of a Zelda classic... get this one.

    This really is the Project year for OCR, there are many that you will have heard before i'm sure but there are some real gems this year. There are many more to come as well, its been a great year for OCR :D

  12. I'm really loving the creative way the sources are utilized here, and the harmonies are just so lush and beautiful... a fantastic piece of work here, like everything else you do.

    Yes its rather liberal but I have no trouble making the connections to the sources here. My biggest gripe here is the cut off ending. It just stops dead, sounds very unnatural. Thats the nitpick of nitpicks tho.

    I'd love to collab with you sometime :D

  13. For the record, I'm in charge of quality control so its probably more ideal for any newcomers to contact me for that reason. To be safe, it might be worth contacting both of us via PM, that way its more likely one of us will reply to you :)

    And GuitahHeroe is on board with LoZ! You guys better claim your tracks quick before all the good ones are gone! :D

  14. Yeah this is cool. Pretty catchy stuff, and like protodome says, nice chords (for the record, protodome is the chords master so getting that praise from him is a good thing - NICE chords)

    One small production crit tho - you might want to lessen the automated panning on the Rhodes, nice idea but its a little too strongly panned and its a little distracting.

    Nice work tho, WillRock Likey!

  15. I think the response to this mix shows us that Dubstep isn't really a style you can just make a generic mix for without some form of backlash. Something tells me this had to happen but its a real shame it had to happen on the first post of a newly crowned OCRemixer, who probably is still trying to perfect his style, and is probably going to take these criticisms to heart when he reads the response.

    Honestly, I'm not really a fan of dubstep. But if you play this to the dubstep crowd, they would probably dig this, and I am sure there are plenty of people who will love this mix.

    For the record, I think that this was waiting to happen - Dubstep is a fairly limited style of music compared to some others (many same gimmicky ideas that the style relies on + tempo and instrumental similarities some other styles are more lenient with) and the fact its so overground means that the fans will have heard something like this before, and the haters will just hate. This just happened to be the mix that people made an example of.

    Lastly, a quick message for Teagan Kelk - Don't be discouraged by the response here. Keep on submitting because you'll only get better as time goes on, and we'll love to hear how you progress as an artist.

  16. Can't say i'm digging this. Dubstep for me is a limited style as it is, and while some of it has merit when people really do something creative, this doesn't cut the mustard for me. As it is, this is very generic, the wobble bass gimmick is used quite prominently here, like so much more dubstep, and those drums sound so generic and cheap it hurts. The synths generally seem rather cheap sounding to me, and the arrangement isn't so inspired... for a first mix this is ok, but dubstep is way overground now and I think its time that we heard something different. I feel kinda nasty for picking on this mix, and i'd like to have it known that I mean no disrespect to the mixer of this song. Its just Dubstep is the in thing right now and if you want to stick out from the crowd with dubstep, you really gotta come up with something special.

    Dubstep fans will be sure to dig this, but for me... I've heard this before, too many times.

    Sorry :(

  17. Great idea; it's always nice to see the original Game Boy get some more love. I'd like to take part in this. Was gonna grab Wario Land, but I see that's been taken. I'll have to think about what I want to tackle. Hmm... put me down tentatively for Skate or Die: Bad 'N Rad.

    As for credentials, I do have an accepted mix, but it hasn't been posted yet. I also have a couple WIPs (links in my sig) for your listening perusal.

    EDIT: Wait, Wario Land hasn't been taken. I was thinking of Donkey Kong Land. Um. I guess still put me down for Bad 'N Rad, as I know no one else is going to take that, and I don't want to claim Wario Land (keeping someone else from taking it) and then end up switching to Bad 'N Rad instead.

    Yep that sounds agreeable to me, nice mix :)

    Bad 'N Rad Claimed

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