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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. eh, halc submitted a 30 second wip for the first GRMRB in the first round. I don't think its a big issue if the other person doesn't submit a full song either, or anything at all for that matter.
  2. I'd assume that if both starpheonix and devastus drop, whoever wins out of Gario and TheGuitahHeroe automatically wins the second round, but starpheonix might as well submit what he's got because if devastus doesn't have anything, Starpheonix would technically win I reckon. It comes down to what darkesword decides to do I guess.
  3. Thanks for the responses! I really wasn't sure if everyone would dig this, its a little different to my usual stuff, but its great to see positive reception Hope you guys continue to enjoy it
  4. Hehehe yeah this album. What with Protodome's album released around the same time, I like to think of these albums as being two sides of the same coin, being roughly the same style, but this one is so much more weird and experimental. Gotta say, I think this is one solid fucking album, great job dude, a nice continuation of what the original pixel perfect started.
  5. successful troll is successful. Good stuff, snare seems fine to me, typical WALL OF SOUND metal production and some nice chops from romeo
  6. They are a combination of synthesizers and samplers. All done in reason, minus guitar work, which I recorded in REAPER.
  7. This might seem like an unorthodox thread post, but I figured you guys might get a kick out of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1ZXRnrwsjc&feature=channel_video_title Basically, I took the 1950's alice in wonderland film, condensed the video to 20 minutes and wrote my own "narrative soundtrack" over the top. The idea was to help tell the story using music. I was inspired by "the dark side of the rainbow" doing this, so if you like weird stuff like that then give this a listen. Yeah its quite long but hopefully you guys will enjoy it all the same
  8. I have also finished! Thanks for putting me in the second bracket like I requested darke
  9. Noted. I changed my picks a few days before the sign ups where finalized, so its my bad.
  10. heh, dream on dude Don't think that'll happen anytime soon
  11. eh, I say if they really wanna post wips let them. it might sway voting out of their favor for the reasons prophetik said but if they wanna take that risk then its on their heads I guess
  12. i'm not talking about people nicking your ideas I'm talking about losing the element of surprise from your music if you tell everyone what you're doing, most specifically telling who you are pitted against in the round
  13. if you ask me its not a good idea to broadcast your strategies to everyone in the compo... maybe thats just me
  14. Hehe I remember this one... incidentally this brings halc's mixposts in the last 5 months to a total of... 8. I CALL HALC BIAS DJP SIR Seriously tho, this is nice mix. Awesome chippy stuff, as per usual
  15. the cake is a lie

  16. dude this shit is awesome. the whole album was worth buying for Blueberry Jam alone, fucking AMAZING song. Constantly good stuff and dude when did your production get so good. Make us all look bad why don't you. I dig, but JESUS I WANT MORE NOW. YOU TEASE
  17. Nice trailer but only one track showcased? Surely it would be better to have more than one track in the trailer seeing as it is for a remix album
  18. and you were sceptical at first to give me the track. SCEPTICAL. to give it to ME. Your friend and fellow musician. I WAT MAH CAR NUB ^-^
  19. Everyone get in your WAVs RITE NAOW so I can get a new set of wheels. Emu will probably have disabled the breaks tho knowing him.
  20. Thanks dude, I look forward to your tracks also, going to be a fierce compo! :)

  21. Due to University Commitments I'd also like to request being put in the second bracket please Is this ok DarkeSword?
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