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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. A re-vote? Why would you want a re-vote? if its passed, its passed. Besides, even by todays standards, this would probably pass. It passed when it did, we know fishy can do better, but instead of saying "oh this could have been better if he'd done it with his skills today", think of it as showing how far he's come as an artist, and HOW MUCH HE KICKS YOUR ASS even when he'd just started Ok so... the mix. I've had this for longer than most of you guys, and I can say that it stands the test of time well, its a keeper - i've still got it
  2. THIS. For me, this is one of the most important projects in ocrs long history in the sense that so many artists make their start here. I did, fishy did, protodome did... you know what scratch that, this project just got invaded by a bunch of british newbs Seriously tho, this project is where it all really kicked off for me, and I know i'm not the only one that applies for. I think people like damned, prophetik, and everyone else who helped direct and make this project a reality deserves a big thank you from all the mixers involved. So, I'd just like to say thank you damned. Was along time coming, but if it wasn't, then I don't think it would have the same impact on everyone involved that it did.
  3. I'm actually quite honored to get in the debut post for this album. It was the first album I joined, the one i've contributed most to (MMX doesn't count since more than half of those were GMRB mixes). Also, being a game of my childhood, these games really meant alot to me, and was great fun remixing them. Not to mention, this project was the home of my first attempts at various styles (namely rock music) and also the first time I ever did a collab (with rozo) This collab was a bit of an experiment in style change ups mid remix. Not done anything like that before, and working with Protodome and halc was alot of fun. Also, protodome and halc get credit for coming up with the title and putting in that infamous quote in the intro, both things I consider master strokes in making this remix more appealing (I think) and stuff I would NEVER have thought of adding myself.
  4. youtube is on its way out man. Nothing uploaded after 2009 gets any views unless its partner videos. Hate to be negative, but thats the reality of it. Its like a bad joke. Youtube is made so random people can get their own videos out to an audience, and now, its all about disney and lady fucking gaga. Youtube has long since lost its original vision.
  5. This makes me sad. Also, the text for bullet for my piloswine on the site is cut off as well. Regarding the album itself... pretty epic. Gotta download 'em all!
  6. haha and with charmander as well. Impressive stuff.
  7. haha you have NO IDEA how old this album is do you and if there is any incite, the damned wanted to release it when I joined iirc... then protodome joined. The rest is history.
  8. My views on this still stand but I can see this is going to go ahead, and no ocr release means less work for the staff. You get a good luck from me man. Do the release justice.
  9. This. No point releasing an album thats already technically been released just so you can have a mix or two on it when you could easily make them and sub them like most people would. Liking the games and music is fine, its the same of all of us, but this really isn't necessary. If this had been seen as an unfinished project, then maybe, but everyone was in agreement it was basically done in the thread and on top of that, you still have to finish final fantasy. You say its nearly done? Finish that then, instead of restarting another technically finished project in the meantime that frankly, doesn't even need restarting.
  10. it was ash that got hurt at the end of the first movie. Not pikachu. You NUB.
  11. hey this is very nice stuff. This remix really showcases the similarities between Green Hill Zone and Dreams of Absolution as well, was half expecting vocals to hit at any moment. Really enjoyable stuff, but I have one complaint. This was released two months early!
  12. If you are trying to get FF1 finished and released now, then why not focus all your attention on that until its done, or even released, and then do this? No one would have any problem with that, and you'd still get the release of a great album you wanted... so its not that it wouldn't happen but it would just be postponed so ocr isn't overrun with finished projects. Also, the "no more projects" debate is actually coming from people who care the most about projects, and people who want to conserve resources. I'm going to assume that regardless of what I say tho, you'll still go ahead with this If thats the case, I got a few questions: How many songs are you planning on making for this project and is joe cam getting a call on floodposts when this releases?
  13. Take what I say with a grain of salt man but I think this is a bad idea. How many albums are you trying to release at the moment? 6? I really think you need to slow down and focus on one, rather than taking someone elses project and saying "give me ocr quality songs so I can release this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE with as little effort as I can" I mean... really dude, considering just how many albums are about to be released on ocr, you adding to the list really isn't helping matters. I think you should drop this for now, slow down, and focus on FF1 and make it a grand and epic project, rather than trying to release 6 that will quite frankly, seem like rushed efforts and there is really no good reason for it. If you do decide to carry on with this, then good luck to you, but I just thought I'd say that, and sorry if it offends anyone, or if i'm talking out of place, but it needs to be said imho.
  14. This video crashed my mac computer. aww yeah. its THAT bad.
  15. Quit kicking a dog while he's down. YOU AREN'T EVEN ON THIS PROJECT GTFO.
  16. 1 week left guys. Get those wips in or else Also, The Opening Theme is now... Open. Come and claim!
  17. Like this idea me do yes yes. Me sinfs, you Jass Cords and FL Sleigher.

  18. FL slayer is bomb, me so bad want how much monie cost this plug in awesome.

  19. Gotta say, overall this is a nice listen. Seems somewhat unpolished at points with some strange choices (the panned kick drum, and it generally seems unbalanced at points with everything coming out of the left speaker) but nothing strong enough to make much an impact on the overall listen. There are some nice samples here, one or two of them seem slightly low quality but if you were going for the "old school mcvaffe" type sound, you NAILED it. Not to mention, this being your first jump into the style, and not just a new style, but something COMPLETELY different, you've done a great job Personally, I'm just happy to see you do something different man, as good as your chiptune stuff is it was starting to get to the point where it was like... "ah another standard halc chiptune mix". Not that its a bad thing, but nothing really stood out to me, and this change of style makes this one stick out hugely in my mind, and reveals alot of added depth to your capabilities and growth as an artist. Keep this up man
  20. Don't worry about it man. I know how you feel. Really That said, he said as far as he'd been told - I assume by larry - 2 remixes had been done. That probably means only two at that point were passable, which could mean any of us. I wouldn't take it too personally. Heck, you want, just tweet the guy your remix, I know zircon did
  21. Relax dude, more will probably come, its just zircon and I practically gave in our tracks at the same time (assuming he IS talking about me as well as zircon) and first of everyone afaik. Zircon beat me by a few hours iirc That doesn't mean that other peoples efforts won't be just as appreciated. Also bare in mind this was posted 2 weeks ago, so some others might not have even finished their tracks at that point, which are done now.
  22. Or you could just send your stuff right on down to the wip boards for MOD EVALUTION! Get the same answer much quicker from less qualified and totally less important people!
  23. Damn 1/4 of a century old and still going strong. That's a testament to the lifespan of the series
  24. Yeah there was a twitter post from the same guy when Zircon's mix got posted... I also think there was a comment from their youtube channel on the ocr youtube vid iirc
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