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Everything posted by Sensai

  1. I want to see the replays. I may suck at the game, but I do enjoy watching it.
  2. Dammit Rambo, we had come so far without problems. Why would you bring this up? ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN CHRISTMAS....IN JULY!?!And I think Hoodoo is one of those maps that's fine as long as there aren't too many Engineers (please see: Goldrush, Dustbowl, Badwater before the second point)....unless it's the last Hoodoo stage, in which case it's easy for a Red Pyro to just jump down and light everyone on fire over and over and over again.
  3. Ah Pyro...how you are so misunderstood. Y'see, gents, it's not the W+M1 that gets you...it's the W+M2.
  4. Oh, oops. I definitely thought there were more custom maps on the rotation.I take my previous statement back.
  5. Gotta agree with Depo. There are already so many custom maps on the rotation. I mean, I wouldn't be against putting 'em on the server for RTV, but the fact is that almost anytime a custom map comes up it hurts the server population and we end up RTVing off of it in a few moments.
  6. I agree. I really wouldn't have a problem with the random unlock system if the ability to trade had been introduced alongside it. Honestly. @ whoever was talking about Spy achievements: I think they're easier with Spy than other classes. I don't aim to get achievements, just letting them happen in due time, and in the first four hours of play after the patch came out I had 22 of the Spy achievements. That's including the time that I wasn't playing Spy. :-/
  7. That is certainly the oddest Engineer I've seen. ENGINEER UNLOCK CONFIRMED (Also, if a server randomly started awarding me stuff in droves I'd stay there until I got all the hats, at least. I'm not one to idle [although I did for a few hours in OCR that one day, I don't think I got anything that I didn't already have], but simply playing way more than I should to punish Valve for a shitty system? Sure!) [Edit:] I love it when my parentheses enclosed statements are longer than the non-parentheses enclosed statements.
  8. Sorry I missed it, but happy belated birthday, Nekomate. Now get back to trolling Grebe with your voice changer.
  9. Ugh. Now you people have got me excited about SC2 and wanting to play/watch more SC1.
  10. Hooray! Patch! Yay they fixed the Ambassador!Yay they nerfed the Dead Ringer! Yay they might have fixed the way the Dead Ringer feigns death! Boo I don't think they fixed the Jarate glitch on Badwater! Boo after using the Dead Ringer so much I suck at Spy!
  11. You're right Bleck. We completely forgot to try Spies. Man...if only the Spy were updated recently...we probably woulda had a ton! (We had 4 spies.) @ Baha: Okey dokey. As long as I can snipe (and get killed a ton) on 2fort, I s'pose I'm good.
  12. You really think that Pavlvs and Action Hawk aren't helpful? Really? Yesterday (or maybe the day before...my biological clock is really messed up ATM) I was on BLU on Goldrush 1. My team was literally debilitated by Gibbo, Lumpy and Pav. We simply couldn't do anything to counter them. I'm not saying we had the best team, but the point still stands. Also, new Heavy unlockables confirmed: http://ccmcs.org/4sc/.meimei/84707.jpg
  13. duckyboy, I think they mean more like 'if you play a lot now, you're going to get more items,' not 'if you've played thirty thousands hours you're more likly going to get a drop than that guy who just started.' I could be wrong, but if the entire point behind the random drop system is to bring in new players, the way you're proposing simply wouldn't make sense. @ Bahamut: I really think 2 is too few, though. Pav, Action Hawk, Gibbo, and Lumpy all on a team, all as Sniper would be perfectly fine. The problem is when you have skateboardguy2 along with his buddy dragonkpr1289 both playing Sniper simply to troll. The problem we're having is that people completely incompetent seem to be playing only one or two classes, which makes it a lot more obvious than having said incompetent people spread across all the classes. Limiting the number of people in a certain class may be the best course of action to prevent these people, but it also limits a lot of people who aren't trolling. @ Powerlord: It'll calm down as soon as everyone gets their precious weapons, haha.
  14. Worth the grind...or worth the time not playing and doing something else? But really, I like the Huntsman. I'm still an incredibly bad Sniper, but it's nice to look at the body and have one of those 'oh, this is where I shot him' moments. Apparently, I shoot people in the hands. A lot. Also, I think three is a more reasonable number for the class caps, unless this is like an admin 'call it like you see it' type thing.
  15. I honestly do not see the need for a second server. I guess there are probably ~30 OCR affiliated players, plus a few here and there that tag along. There's really not any reason to pony up anyone's money to purchase another server. (Disclaimer: I think that's what you're talking about, right? I haven't slept all night [it's noon] and it's all complicated regardless of lack of sleep.) Sure, a Ventrillo would be nice....but that's about it. Another server is unncessary, we already have a L4D server (that no one uses 'cause L4D's really a poorly masked 360 game, but that's another rant), and I'm not even sure what a Mumble server is. OK...I'mma find something productive and not sleep inducing to do.
  16. Tiddly described to me why the Ambassador (<3<3, BTW) can shoot through spawn doors. Apparently, it's due to the fact that spawn doors, like players, are 'entities,' which Valve allows the Ambassador (<3<3) to shoot through. Also, the Dead Ringer is a lot of fun. It's...pretty busted, IMO. Me and Tiddly did quite a bit of testing and found out that it pretty much withstands anything. We're talking a backstab does ~50 damage when it sets off the cloak and ~20 while you're in it. A crit rocket does ~10 to set off the cloak. Also did some more testing and found out that, as of this writing, the Ambassador does more damage if it DOESN'T mini-crit. Jeah, that's right: Ambassador hitting an arm does more damage than hitting someone's head. [Edit:] @ Clefairy: No, but that's a great idea. I'm going to backup my maps folder right now. Thank you.
  17. I really really hate ctf_staging_a11 or whatever it's called. Like...I feel it's probably the worst map on the server ATM. When we went there today, everyone immediately rocked the vote and _two_ maps came up that I recognized. Tur(tle)bine...and 2fort. /sigh
  18. So...remember when the scout update came about and they were promoting the FAN in that old timey, mail in coupon way? Well...some people apparently mailed it in. What's even better is that Valve mailed them back. http://kotaku.com/5261930/team-fortress-2-characters-actually-respond-to-customer-correspondence
  19. So...are we resetting the stats? Or not so much?
  20. Five person teams. Wow....that's very odd.
  21. Clefairy, you're making a case for Goldrush and Dustbowl to get the axe? Have you somehow forgot about 2fort? And wow about the Spy update. I leave my computer for 24 hours and Valve drops some crazy bombshell.
  22. Brushfire, everytime I see that I'm absolutely amazed. That looks so damn cool. Dude...Axetinguisher. The difference between an average Pyro and a great Pyro is in the ability to airblast and, more importantly, Axetinguish like the life depends on it. 'Cause, well, it does.Team talk day would be fun...but I feel that we might drift again into serious business. I also really like the ability to talk with everyone on both teams. Wasn't there some way a while back where we could have two different types of talking? So...V would be team talk and then another key would be all talk?
  23. HEY RAMBO REMEMBER THAT TIME WHERE I SWITCHED TEAMS etc etc. @ Brushfire: Ouch. My cap at my University was set to 60kbps, although I'm not sure if that's during game sessions too. Also, seemingly at random, that restriction would be uplifted for a bit of time. Ah...such happy times.
  24. For me, I dipped out when custom maps came around because I was on really bad 'nets. Meaning I dipped out. (Until Powerlord put all the custom maps in a .zip file that I hastily downloaded...over the course of two days. Thanks again mate.) But I've noticed a drop in most custom maps as well. Which, is fine. I mean, I don't mind switching from srs bizness Goldrush with a full 24/25 to a fun custom map with only OCR or OCR affiliated people on it. Nice change of pace, IMO. And yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay I'm home.
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