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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. Rebuild, perchance?

    And yeah... zombie games, especially, have to offer quite a bit more in order to differentiate themselves from each other, just because the genre... well, it isn't really a genre. You can't make a game whose premise is simply 'it has zombies'. Doooesn't quite work.

  2. It's definitely expressive compared to many synths, and I can tell you put a lot of thought into the dynamics etc. I've heard some mixes posted with surprisingly synthy strings, even in the past few years, but one never knows where to expect leniency from the panel. :-) In any case, it would sound infinitely more amazing with real musicians.

    True, but this is a little over the edge. Since the whole piece is composed of solely that set of samples, it really can't stand on its own. Bad strings can work if mixed with other, better samples.

    And yes, pretty much everything orchestral sounds better live. ;)

  3. I don't see how any song having any religious content would be ineligible or undeserving of an award. If you weren't told this was the Lord's Prayer in Swahili, you would be none the wiser; the song holds merit with or without knowledge of the lyrics. Taking offense at Christianity does not equate to taking offense at anything remotely connected to Christianity, or leveraging well-known material related to it.

    As it is, I personally don't quite see what makes the song so special; then again, having not played Civ IV myself, I'm probably not seeing it in full context. Certainly a bit catchy, but not as deserving as some others, I think. Hoping to see this trend continue for other game-based compositions as well!

  4. Good suggestions. Can't forget the Romantic period composers; a lot of those are a more experimental, and stretch beyond the bounds of basic theory more, without stepping into the stranger grounds of the Modern period. The Romantic period tends to push more into the emotional aspects of music than the earlier periods did, I think (although I'm not very familiar with musical history by a long shot).

  5. A big problem is that most people come to orchestral music expecting bland, boring, baroque and stiff and strict. But orchestras provide much more than that: they have the ability, more than any other form of music, to convey an enormous range of emotions and relations. Once people can get past the initial block, an entire world is opened up.

    Okay, enough with the silly banter. Some examples?

    Two Steps From Hell, run by Nick Phoenix and Thomas Bergersen, take this concept to its formulaic extension: they create shorter pieces for the sole purpose of advertising and spots for media. They use techniques and combinations that are known to evoke specific emotional responses of awe, wonder, and tension.

    Hans Zimmer, a well-known film composer. Now, before the hatahs come in and tell me he's not good, I'd like to point to the fact that, while he does use a pretty narrow bag of tricks, he is incredibly flexible, versatile, and his themes really work. They're catchy ear-worms that enhance whatever they're used with.

    Josh Whelchel, up-and-coming indie composer, and local OCR artist, has made some wonderful soundtracks. His works are often founded on orchestra, with other elements intermingled. The purely orchestral pieces, however, are incredibly strong, conveying much more than the most complex techno can simply never do.

    All of these are just a taste of what's out there, if you're willing to look for it.

    , and James Newton
    are just a few of the many incredibly talented composers out there, and there's even more that go beyond simply composing 'big', and are able to also compose deep; not every epic song needs to be grandiose or loud. All it takes is the right melody, the perfect movement, sweeping from a narrow point to soaring wings to touch your soul. This is the power of orchestral music.

    And wow, I sound so pretentious now. xD

  6. True. Once a fairly good team sets up on your cart, it's a real pain knocking them off, especially since by definition, there's a pretty clear line-of-sight toward either end of the tracks. And if a good team is attacking, it's like they're piloting a steam roller.

  7. As a lefty, I feel it's my right to discriminate against right-handed folk.

    As a righty, I feel it's my left to sympathize with the left-handed, yet understand that due to basic human-machine interface restrictions, the decision is unfortunately out of our hands: left, or right, as the case may be.

  8. I don't consider the original cave story retro, despite the music and graphics. It was just what he had available to program. It would have been retro if it's "antiquity" was part of the concept of design (think bit trip on wii). But from what I understand, I don't think it was.

    Sort of. Even though those were the resources he had, it doesn't change the fact that low-res graphics and music leads to nostalgia often associated with retro games, and has a distinct feel to it that games with layers of spit-shined graphics and audio often don't have. While it may not have intended to be retro, it ends up falling into that category.

  9. The original would have stood on its own, retro or not. Retro simply lent it nostalgia and a certain charm. A true remake, not a 'port' like Cave Story Wii, could show beauty in a whole new way. That art for Mimiga Village is gorgeous, and I can't wait to see how this progresses.

  10. Yeah, that's a causality fallacy. Buuut, given a large enough sample, you could show a definite correlation for those who play several of those kinds of games. It would be interesting to perform a study with no particular bias, either towards the type of games played, or the people playing them. Right now, they're pulling from a 'contaminated' sample set, too narrow to draw any conclusions from.

  11. I've only played part of the first Valkyrie Profile, but wow. It only hits you after the first couple of recruitments, but the the whole theme is somber. You can't help but feel sad each time you play through one of the recruitment stories.

    I really need to finish it.

  12. The main tie I saw to FF in Spirits Within was to the Gaia/Terra plot seen in Final Fantasy IX. As a matter of fact, it was incredibly similar to that plot. Some of the humor was mildly entertaining. But the music... the music is incredible. While nothing like your average FF title, it's still a surprisingly delicious soundtrack.

    In terms of Uwe Boll movies... never seen one yet. And from what I've heard, I may just avoid them for as long as possible. How a director like that keeps getting funded/green-lighted, I'll never know.

    EDIT: ACK. luhny and me have the same pic, this is gonna get confusing. :S

  13. That's about what I have to do, too. You have to go a sizable ways lower than what most guides tell you to. And even then, some spams have not-so-good balancing, so it'll still hurt to listen to; those take more TLC and tweaking.

    And it would be AWESOME to have a ReMix spam night. What if we asked everyone who can to come prepared with a set of mixes? Or we could set up a voting system, where we nominate which one should be played next... This could be fuuun. :)

  14. Some removals are in order, please. All under For Sale.


    Silver PSP 2000 + 16 GB and 2x 4 GB Memory Sticks, 6 UMD Games, Pandora's Battery/Magic Memory Stick, Case, and PlayStation Store Account with many games, info here: $150 + shipping [kanthos] (12/10)

    And thanks, Kanthos, for the excellent sale! Everything shipped fine, and I've been enjoying it since I got it. If I could put an A+ on some record pertaining to your sales, I would. But hopefully, this will suffice! :)

  15. A very good point, Jack, though any story that relies on mystery and hiding of the facts could be expected to have this problem, too. I wonder how it could be made more compelling.

    Resolving amnesia quickly, can help, too; for example, Terra, in Final Fantasy VI, resolves the worst of her identity crisis early on, and then proceeds to develop based on what is discovered after she remembers. Then again, amnesia strikes at several points to several characters in that game, all of which end up being fairly effective storytelling. Rachel and Strago, if I recall correctly?

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