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Everything posted by DusK

  1. It's not even really just Payload, either. Both Torb and Symmetra are solid picks for defense on any Assault map.
  2. Doesn't surprise me; it's easier to win a game on defense than offense.
  3. I'm not seeing this argument about Torb turrets being OP. A Genji reflect plus a couple of left clicks takes it out. Cornershots with Widowmaker make short work of turrets as well, all while taking no damage yourself. I don't play Hanzo a whole lot, but I'd imagine it'd be the same with him. Range really isn't an issue there; I've done it point-blank with Widowmaker. Pharah wrecks turrets from anywhere, with minimal damage. Cornershooting or just popping over walls for a bit. Winston can drop a shield right next to the turret, waltz up to the border of the shield, and make short work of the turret. Rein can charge the turret, stun it, and destroy it in a single swing, or a couple if Torb's right there. Reaper can counter too, just spectre up and shoot it a few times, though it's usually kinda painful. Hell, cornershooting with McCree or using heal crossfade + amp it up with Lucio and cornershooting can take care of a turret as well. I'm sure there are more, but those are the easy solo counters. Team communication can make things easier. Rein's shield or DVa's defense matrix + just about any class can take care of a turret with zero damage to the team.
  4. Apparently, the McCree nerf will be to Fan the Hammer, and D.Va will have her mobility buffed rather than her damage. These would be good changes.
  5. Use characters that can clear the wall, particularly Pharah, Genji, Mercy, and D. Va, and attack as a group. Pharah's also good against turrets, and could probably clear it out before the wall jump.
  6. Played a few rounds with @Sir_NutS tonight. Had a hearty lol when this happened.
  7. I really don't get this mindset of it not feeling like a community effort simply because you weren't involved in it directly. Personally, I'm proud of the fact that I belong to -- and contributed to -- a community full of people talented enough to create stuff like this. I put out remixes that were re-upped as content for the site, directed an album, bought shirts, and advertised, and all of that helped OCR grow. So maybe I feel that, on some level, I actually did help with this. As should every OC ReMixer and community member, because you all did the same.
  8. Whew! Clinched it. Didn't have the time to make the production as tight as I'd like, but I think we put out a good track nonetheless.
  9. Bought the game. Add me. DusK#1660
  10. My vocalist came through. Crunch time!
  11. If my vocalist comes through, it won't.
  12. I'm using my PC. It's happening on the desktop version of the site.
  13. Here's one example. I'll amend when I see more. EDIT: Here's a second.
  14. Honestly, I think it makes everything look kinda silly. Titles, profiles, posts, all of it. Was the line-wrapping intentional?
  15. Version 3 posted, working off of crits posted here and over at the Unreal Tournament development forums.
  16. Good crits. I can see pretty much all of that stuff now. I'll have to disagree on the snare being " totally lost during the heavy guitars" -- it's coming in loud and clear on every setup I have -- but I guess it couldn't hurt to cut the guitars a little bit more where it comes in.
  17. So, today I threw together a hopeful for the UT4 soundtrack. I'm pretty proud of it. However, I'm no electronic musician. That genre in particular is very new to me. So I'm looking for feedback to make this track better. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. EDIT 2: Version 3 posted.
  18. You pretty much described the entire reason I hugely advocate for games having some sort of skill-based matchmaking system.
  19. Haters gonna hate. And make Final Fight pay for it?
  20. https://itstartsatdusk.bandcamp.com/album/heroes-of-tyria-first-wave Today, I decided to release a compilation of orchestral tracks I did between January 2014 and May 2015 as the first in a series of albums. It consists of a single remix of a couple of core Guild Wars 2 themes, seven original character themes, and two boss battle concept pieces -- one for a boss battle that never existed, and one for a boss battle that does. Stylistically, these pieces were largely inspired by the music of Guild Wars 2 and some of my favorite JRPGS and composers. This album represents my very first attempts at orchestral music, and documents me -- a musician with no formal training whatsoever in music composition, notation, or orchestration -- using pretty much nothing but a budget-end orchestral library and a passion for music and Guild Wars 2 to create orchestral music, and sort of catalogues my growth in that aspect during the past two years. Please check it out if you have the time.
  21. Just posted my submission. Lots of fun was had making that remix. Again, thanks for bringing this to my attention, @Corstin Sephari.
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