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Everything posted by DusK

  1. Your definition of "evidence" dictates that if someone tags someone on Facebook, or put them in the credits for a game, that means they fucked. Be real. You don't care about evidence.
  2. As they say over at 8chan, top kek. He didn't attack your character. And if anyone ever did attack your character, he'd report them. Hell, you probably just faked all that stuff about your character being attacked. #GamerGate To be completely serious though, Turbo provided an excellent example of why the "GamerGate" tag, considering its fallacious origins, is still used: There will always be people so opposed to reason that they need to cling to conspiracy theories. Birthers, 9/11 truthers, HAARPers... five guysers?
  3. Nah, he just really cares about ethics in game journalism.
  4. Wait wait wait. You just typed up a post -- another in a series of posts, actually -- hinting at the concept that it's erroneous to judge an entire group of people based on anecdotal statements... ...and then linked to a blog that continuously judges an entire group of people based on anecdotal statements. How do you not understand why nobody is taking you seriously yet?
  5. Guys, don't criticize an entire movement based off of its prominent widespread image perpetuated by many self-identified supporters of that movement. Only pro-GGers are allowed to do that.
  6. Guys, don't judge an entire movement based on a single person's opinions or actions. Only pro-GG people are allowed to do that, apparently.
  7. I will submit a bonus mix, time permitting.
  8. Yeah, where was that scolding shit when he posted his own snark a page ago? Bias and double standards. Bias and double standards everywhere.
  9. So, I have to ask: Is GamerGate rooted heavily in slander and Alex Jones-esque conspiracy theories, or is Turbo simply not an accurate representation of GamerGate?
  10. Don't worry. It did fine without you.
  11. Libelous character assassination is bad. Now, for your entertainment, I'm going to say that Zoe Quinn slept around with game journalists for reviews. #GamerGate
  12. For a picture claiming to prove something, it does a pretty bad job of proving anything. Should I let everyone I've tagged on Facebook know that I'm banging all of them? Also, Grayson reviewed her game? When? Let's see it. Actually, let's just get right to the point: Post a single review of Depression Quest written by someone she allegedly slept with.
  13. He showed up and insisted that my music should be boycotted by "decent, reasonable people" because I, as a "misandrist gamma male", needed to be "taught a lesson". He also proceeded to spout that debunked stuff about Zoe Quinn sleeping around with game reviewers and whatnot on my G+ page. I deleted his comment and banned him. I don't deal with trolls any more than that, usually. Just found it interesting that my very first run-in with someone pro-GG was a troll. But I'm sure I just made that stuff up, right? #GamerGate #notyourshield
  14. Ran into my first pro-GG'er today. He's been busy trolling all over my recent YouTube video just because I retweeted some anti-GG tweets. Ya know, because the whole movement is about ethics in journalism.
  15. Doing one tonight.
  16. This bums me out. Any chance for a hand-off this year?
  17. Definitely interested, though dreading to discover what the price tag will be.
  18. It's dead in the water right now. I'm kinda rethinking it.

  19. He might be in the same situation I found myself in, where he thought he'd have enough time and something came up.
  20. IMHO, Soule's best work to date is his soundtrack for Guild Wars 2. It looks like his work for EQN might very well be changing that.
  21. Nailed it. But seriously, it looks like Shariq just went, "Glad he signed up. Glad he signed up too! Cool, glad he signed up as well. Nice to see he signed up. Nice, knew he'd sign up. Ew. Oh nice, he signed up. Oh, glad they signed up!"
  22. I like how everyone's name is correctly formatted, and then there's just "dusk".
  23. And my point is that you -- and the fedora brothers over there -- are completely incorrect in your assessment that such a heinous response is in any way to be expected. When you post something controversial on the Internet, especially if it's just a personal opinion, it's not in any way a reasonable expectation to be doxxed, harassed, or to have your life threatened. The Internet isn't some dark alley, and posting something controversial isn't like leaving your wallet out. Anyway, I'm done. All this victim blaming is tiring. I'm just going to reiterate what is by far the most accurate thing posted in this thread since I showed up:
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