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Everything posted by Halt

  1. What about the Final Fantasy Series, I think 13 comes out next fall. I'm looking forward to it. It will be ported on 360 and PS3.
  2. Welcome to the forums. Looking forward to hearing some of your work in the future.
  3. Man, this is some tight music. Great work. Looking forward to hear more music from you in the future. Another great album to add to my never ending music collection. Again, Great work. I love it.
  4. Must you contradict everyone and anyone when you get the chance? This is about YOUR Top Video Game Moment of 2008. Not what you think it should be for everyone. If they like Mirrors Edge, leave it at that. Don't contradict everyone. Its just plain annoying and rude. Nobody cares for your opinion either..
  5. 26' Dynex HDTV for me, and some fishing things for my dad. my ma didnt want anything. so we let her pick out her own gift.
  6. Mesden, do you have my Voice Overs still for Kotch? Or Not? Im CodeinCody, if you didnt know.
  7. Uhm. Why are you using FL 5?
  8. Eh. Only other game I have been playing is CoD5. Im not as much as a Hardcore Gamer as I used to be. Before CoD5. Fable 2. Which was fun. If I shouldn't choose L4D. Then Happend, eh. Last week or so playing with a few friends online CoD5. Search and Destroy. I planted a few Bouncin' Bettys, as I was nearing a guy, a guy ran into one of my claymores. then the guy who i was approching, neared me. he died on my other one. And, killed the other 2 and planted the bomb, and won that round. I do not have a comp to run TF2 YET. will in june though
  9. I say Lupin the 3rd, Funny and awesome at the same time. :]
  10. Top video game moment? L4D. Last level first campaign, 2 tanks, 2 smokers and a hunter. i missed getting to because a smoke dragged me back.. and i had 5 health left. and didnt make it. Was good fun
  11. Other then a good deal, who wouldnt want to Jam out and party with some friends at MAG? I sure as hell would.
  12. Thats a good question... He always struck me as an asshole to be honest. But I dont know the guy personally. So, I cant make a correct judgment.
  13. Thats pretty tight. Nice work.
  14. The Damned forgot to add this piece. There is a new model for the DS comming out soon.. it has a built in camera and SD card slot in it with bigger screens. I seen it in my Game Informer Magazine.
  15. I hope you know, there is a new model of DS lite comming out, capable with an SD Card, and a built in Camera. If you choose that path.
  16. lmfao. Mesden still has my lines, and I cant even get a response from him on msn or OCR, which is quite annoying. I play Kotch, I hit on Sexy Cloud/Aeris/Tifa. one of thoes three. I dont remeber O_o/
  17. Im sure it will. djp wont let it go down, too much history has came from this place. The recent Street Fighter OST, and such. Im sure it will be around for many years to come.
  18. Congrats Andy and Jill. . I dont know how to say what I want in words. ill just say, again Congratulations.
  19. Yeah, Im Kotch, one of the silly henchmen who hits on Aeris :]
  20. It seems microsoft knew the 360's Scratched discs? I've Witnessed this first hand when my 360 scratched a big thick circle on my Madden 08 game, and I never got a Replacement game, but I got a brand new consel. Would be nice if someone could post the article, so I could read it. As I'm at school. If the link is wrong get to it via Yahoo Homepage. http://www.yahoo.com/s/1003601
  21. As far as I know, I am one of the voices, One of Don Corneo's Henchmen. Mesden helped me setup my lines, and whatnot.
  22. I dont think you should be playing a game while working out man, I think you should focus more on your routine, then a game, it will be there when you get home dude. Focus on your workout, come home, shower get some food. and relax in front of a game for an hour or so. I played a rather good game of dodgeball again, and did some light lifting on monday with some hoops.
  23. Yeah, no kidding. Im invovled in this, and are looking forward to it. Good to know its still in the works.
  24. Hey... could someone tell me if this is a no go? I had a part of it, but I hardly ever see Mesden online msn. Was looking forward to this, so maybe someone could fill me in? Mesden was the one getting the Voice-Overs correct? Wish I knew what was going on. Haha.
  25. Congrats. Heres to long and happy days. Have a good one.
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