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Everything posted by Halt

  1. Hey, Im looking for some Electronica/NES-SNES. i downloaded DarkeSwords SNES one, but i want a more varity, can anyone help me out?
  2. Of course theres more, im just disspointed in the fact that the movie doesnt involve them.
  3. Since Ryu and Ken are not even in the movie or are just side characters. im not going to even bother with the damn movie, thats bullshit..
  4. OC Remix, is going to places maybe djp might not have expected.. First Capcom comes along and haves The community make a Soundtrack. Whos next? Great days for OC Remix, and even greater to come for sure.
  5. Really? Now that is my mistake:lol:. I know what Metal Gear is I just read it as Metal Gear Solid 2 for some reason, and when I did, just didnt care to watch the videos xD.
  6. This made me curious, lets say in the future, I made my first album. How would I go about licensing that album, and the music?
  7. You might also want to include a section on OverClocking, Cause i dont think thats there either, and needed component wise when OverClocking, and/or if your PC is able to as well. Over all, Awesome Guide
  8. Looks like its allll there. If its not, thats enough of a guide to get a good idea, You may want to include something about Thermal Paste, I didnt seem to find anything about that? It seems like a common question Though.
  9. Poor? Thats just classic Style
  10. I played a intense game of floor hockey today, regardless of my jammed finger, I went and played anyways, couldnt grasp the hockey stick as good as I would have liked to, but good enough to do the normal things. .
  11. I knew you ment MGS2. (I should be more specific more often.) MGS in General. Very Primitive? That is where ReMixing comes in. In all honesty. It makes no difference. . But lets end this little debate or whatever you would like to call it. I wouldnt mind seeing a MGS"2" ReMix or any other MGS for that fact. Just me being opinionated.
  12. Nah, I was very interested in Web/Software Design for a good while until i stumbled into OCR, and Computer hardware. Halt has always been a favorite word of mine. simply because it was used in the olden days, of med evil times. Alot of people thought it had to do with Codein XD. But yeah, just time for a change. I could use some vicodin right now though, damn jammed finger, but, eh ill live.
  13. I loved the Days of Ruin Soundtrack. Was simply amazing...
  14. If I could get my User name changed to Halt that would be great. . My Coding Days are over. So. Im choosing to change my user name based on that. Its all Music and Computers ;D
  15. Im not saying he cant request, I just dont see a MGS worth it, more an opinion of mine. I disagree with it is all. I agree there should be some Metroid. I dont agree with MGS. Not saying it wont and cant happen, just saying out of my personal opinion, I dont like the idea of it. This is one guys opinion. Would be up to the ReMixers if anyone, as I am not nearly skilled enough yet.
  16. I disagree with the MGS Request personally. Metroid though, if it were to be remixed, I would like to see the original remixed, if any of them.
  17. My workout/exercise regimen is sadly on hold for the time being. Excuse my punctuation, if it worsens, a bit hard to type with a jammed finger, but todays workout went awesome, worked out with my friend Bo, after we were both satisfied, we went to play some 1v1 b-ball, well bout 5 mins left, i was on D. Went to grab the ball on a clear opening.. misjudged it and didnt extend my arm long enough and crashed my middle finger into the ball.. thus giving me a very painfull Jammed Finger. I can still work my abs though
  18. Awesome. Im ordering a guitar from them soon too, and I will be supporting OCR with all my sales from zzounds. Thanks a bunch. Now to determine to spend my taxes on my PC im building, or headphones. i should get roughly 400$ in taxes back 350-400. xD. Not sure yet.
  19. Eh. $100 Sound good? My job sucks xD
  20. Im looking into some headsets and am not sure whats good and whats not for a starting ReMixer. So if anyone could suggest me something thats not so expensive, but good for the price. i would appreciate that.
  21. Yes. I figured this out, and thank you.
  22. It has two CDs ill put them separately in the music folder, ID3 tags? Got me lost there.. They just scatter.. the Street Fighter Album didnt..
  23. My thoughts exactly. The only somewhat kind of storyline I can think of is the creation of Yoshumitsu(sp?) Created by Dr.whatshisface. Cant recall his name. Other then that, I can see them making a shitty ass storyline in place to just have one that will suck
  24. Im picking that up since i cant drop the money on this by friday, more important things, like my guitar and something in febuary. More on topic, Sonik Synth 2, according t Musicians Friend, has over 5000 sounds and 8gb of them as well. So im assuming there just sucky.
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