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Everything posted by Halt

  1. Not sure if this counts as Gamer Shame, But. When I was, eh. I'd like to say 10-12. Can't remember. I JUST got done beating the Dead Sea in Chrono Chross.. Right? Well, I shut off the playstation 2. Normally I keep my memory cards in my pocket due to my little brother stealing them. he was like 5 or something at the time. I go back to play CC, and my memory card was gone. So I go as my mom, who is sitting by my little brothers swimming pool, lone behold. as I'm walking around the corner... There it is. Sitting in the pool. That one memory card went through the wash about a dozen times, and still worked. but the pool took it out.. I still haven't beatin CC
  2. I have fully decided on a class to work on in before and after ladder. Wind Druid.
  3. After ladder reset. I may go druid. I don't know. right now, I'm doing a poision necro.
  4. I think I'm progressing. My Muscle mass has been increased, now i want it to keep increasing, and get rid of some of this fat . I hardly weigh anything, I'm under weight if anything. But I've learned to love running on the tredmil and the school track. Running a mile isn't as hard as I thought it was. I cut out junk food dramaticly, as for soda almost completely. When I want a snack, I have a bowl of healthy cereal. like cherrios, or honey chex or whatever. or fruits :]
  5. I'll just dick around exploring chars, until the patch . Looking at a poisin necro.
  6. add my account to the first page please HaltSounds Yeah, what are some good places to level up?
  7. Congrats! Must have been a blast, and one hell of an experience. Thats just awesome man.
  8. I'm Being a necro Something. So yeah. I'm new to the game
  9. I'll join when I get my paycheck thursday or I can get someone I know to paypal me some money. xD I'll be joining you in the next couple weeks
  10. I cannot wait for TF2 to get done downloading, even though it will take A LONG ASS TIME. i will be able to play :3
  11. My laptop Lags out on public servers. Not sure about the OCR Server. I'd have to redownload and try. Although system Req Labs Says I CAN run it, every server I tried, lagged me out, or cause of my high ping rate. Not sure If I could play on the OCR Server Steam name: MagnumRage I've been given word, that I should be able to play on the OCR Server, Redownloading now.
  12. I have it for 360. and, I'm broke, so . Unless someone would gift me it. Which I doubt it.
  13. I've probably listened to VoTL way too many times. Just sitting here enjoying great music from it. But this track, is a cool track I liked. Always reminded me of the times as a kid, playing me some FF7, and even some Chrono Cross
  14. aha, DoD has always been cool. I need to get more DoD stuff and throw it in a DoD Album. Anyways, Awesome mix. I cannot get enough of stuff like this. Plus, I have a bunch of Ashane's other stuff. As expected, Great stuff man, keep on doing what your doing. ;P
  15. anytime prophet. You wouldn't happen to know someone interested in nes games? I really do need money ;P
  16. I'm just going to say, since prophet lists all the sales and wants. He doesn't have to list yours, if he does not want to. I got the same thing he got from it. Your selling it to the OCR Community, of whom wants to buy it. Don't be so arrogant. Anyways, more on topic. Anybody looking for some NES game? I need money. :3
  17. Happy birthday man. By the way, your tutorial was very helpful . Have a good one, and keep the music coming.
  18. That would work great. Because, when I get ready to remix. I have a whole mess of stuff. But without some VG FX and sounds. There pretty useless to me. I would like some for the playstation, and snes and such, but if there is a way to get them, I'm all for it. Could you get a link or something? I can't get it to download from some sites... I don't know why. The page where it originated from the download page comes up as 403 forbiddein
  19. There is always that part of a song I want to keep EXACTLY how it is, but I don't have the sound or instrument to sequence it.
  20. Of course not, but can't you get the instruments from them to sequence?
  21. Alright. I'm starting to come to the point where I feel I could potentially start a remix. But I have a couple questions. People say they pull the instruments from the MIDI and sequence them. I use FL so how would I do that? If I could figure that out, I would start on a wip right now. What things should I work on when it comes to remixng. Not so much as the songs. More like should I work on reverb, EQing, and such? or what should I work on? The WIP I've been working on the is still in WIP. I hope to change that soon. Any advice would be appreciated.
  22. http://soundtempest.net/guides/the-best-free-music-software/ Thats another good souce. Also, zircon has some tutorials in the tutorial topic, check them out as well as his sites. he owns soundtempest too ;P
  23. What I did, even though I'm not a posted remixer, I feel I have learned alot in the months I've been practicing with FL Studio (My Current DAW). What I did first is I sat down. pretty much messed with it learned what this and that do, how to maniulate it, looked in the manuals, and got help from the forums when things stumped me. You don't HAVE to have alot of equipment to get started with electronic music. For sounds, theres soundfonts, you could browse the web for, or pick up a copy of Electronic Musician, which comes with free software, and wav sounds for you to use. Also, check out zircons tutorials check the tutorial thread too if you havent already and www.zirconstudios.com Practice is a key into learning your DAW. You might find it confusing for a while but as you start messing with it and such, you'll learn its controls, how to use them, manipulate them ect. I messed with FL for 3 or so months before I even bought it (I'm still not anywere great in using it )
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