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Everything posted by Halt

  1. This thread makes me sad, since I have to wait for this game until fall. But if you notice big title releases there mostly in the fall. Every year. They even talked about this on G4. about Why don't devs release big titles in the summer when kids have money. haha.
  2. Happy birthday Brad !
  3. 2010? Weird... could have sworn i heard fall 09. I guess we'll find out in time I suppose.
  4. Last I knew, its coming out in the fall. I may pre-order it too. I've waited a long time for the Final Fantasy franchise to come over to Microsofts consel. I just cannot wait. Anybody know any huge details on the story-line? or has it nothing been released?
  5. Happy Birthday man. Have a good one.
  6. Happy birthday! wooo. have a good one.
  7. An amazing track. Sixto's music holds a special place in my collection, as some of the most bad ass guitar ReMixes I have. Nothing less, this is one amazing track,
  8. This is true, rofl. Nekos song from a recent OHC is bad ass its hilarious. its all fun and games, but kinda just for some practice, is what its aimed at. to get better
  9. Please? I'm curious to listen to this now. haha.
  10. Damn you Snapple, now theres no chance of me making it
  11. Could you add my NES Games for sale too? just click the link under my sig, thanks. Theres still quite a few for sale. 20-25 left.
  12. I disagree. within the first 3 months of my zune headphones I blew them, they just crackled for 2 secs and bzzzzzzzzzz, Gone. Done. My Sennheiser 280Pros and my $10 pair of sony ear buds work great. I'd reconsider anything but zune headphones...
  13. Alright, now, I just need some of the best badass songs to ever hit OCR. Just throw them at me, I need more OC ReMixes. I'd download the torrent, but it would take god knows how long with my internet :[ Mod, please change thread title to: Some of the best badass OC ReMixes?
  14. I'm building a PC ordering some parts sunday. But, the reason I'd get a mac is because for on the go remixing, nothing big. and my laptop i have now I dislike. Not even sure what OS I'm gonna use on my PC I'm building (My PC is a budget cause I have a shitty job ) But Krow is set on a Mac
  15. You can always dual-boot the mac Luke. thats what alot of people do. Hell, I was thinking about getting a Mac laptop, or a MacBook Pro. If I do. I plan to dual-boot it so I can run FL on it.
  16. Read the cnn link in the first post man, or watch the news, I'm sure it will be on there.
  17. Yeah it is. It could get alot of people fucked over in the long run too. Something I hope does not happen to anyone from OC ReMix
  18. Its said this virus will be released tomorrow April 1st. HAR HAR HAR. Anyways. Just don't be opening anything you shouldn't and downloading stuff you're not too sure about its contents, and all should be good.
  19. Thats great, someone is going to owe zirc some money
  20. Check out some of Game Overs ReMixes, and some songs from there site http://www.nintendometal.com/ I listen to them when work out. and alot of OC ReMixes. and Mash-ups (Thanks F4T4L) from. Tunes at GB
  21. Rainwave tells me upon signup i cannot use it. Why is that?
  22. I don't have another e-mail then a hotmail. and I can't use it. cause it silently deletes the rainwave e-mails? O_o
  23. Something in the electronic style stuff. sounds to use to ReMix, Create Original Tracks of my own. Ect. Example: Beatdrops and Zircons type of sounds. Like on Beatdrops Revolution, and the stuff on Zirc's new album
  24. Lately, every time I start to compose. I get a good bass line going, but then when it gets into the lead. none of my sounds can match what I want the piece to sound like. Now. I know there are soundfonts and such out there. Thing is. I've been working on an electronic style track, I simply don't have the sounds to do do so. Does Independence free have a good source of electronic sounds? because thats what I need.. If you can route me some more options, that'd be great.
  25. Music of my Groin, I have that, hahahaha. Good shit.
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