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Jenz Drake

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Everything posted by Jenz Drake

  1. I'm gonna have to agree and tell you to as well. and thanks for the laugh Coop and Bahamut.
  2. It's not techno...that's pretty much dead. =P Congrats to Wes for finally announcing this. Get Beatdrop in on this.
  3. BUMPING this! Total of 8 tracks completed. This makes me REALLY happy. Vampire Hunter Dan & Oinkness is on my awesome team. W00000000000000t. Diggi Dis also claimed a track. Some have given me a WIP or updated their's. Thank you FFmusic Dj for giving me something and abg for updating. 5 tracks left to claim.... come on everybody. Please keep the tracks you claimed and do something to show me soon!!
  4. You visited my page so I visited yours.

  5. I love you LuIzA and Stevo. Your WIP is sounding great! The beginning of the game is a very slow start, but when it picks up...man... =) It's friggin' awesome. MAYBE you can play Wild ARMs 2 as well... =) I have just updated the list everybody. Got a couple more WIPs in. Joshua Morse is def in the game now with a rough WIP, thank God. I was afraid he would also drop. Some other artists dropped because of scheduling so hopefully I will get some more WIPs in. Please speed this up guys. I've given you more then enough time to at least give me something rough. Happy new year to everyone and hope you all had a great Christmas.
  6. I love you. and your project.

  7. Hey homes. Anything new I can get? =P

  8. How are you not my friend already? =P Be my friend.

  9. Hi friend! =) Anyone can be my friend!

  10. Homes you need to cool it. Anyone is capable of doing a project. Stop being so hard on him. Let people dream. My project proved you don't need to be an official remixer to get a project rolling.
  11. One of my old friends in high school introduced me to this site in 2001 and I'm still here downloading and posting sometimes, and nowadays I'm a project director of Wild ARMs 1 and the wife of the vet, bLiNd. It's possible for people to stay once mentioned...though none of my friends seem interested at all in this site and that's lame. That's why I made a lot of friends here.... Actually, my real friends are from OCR. I've grown distant to those I don't live by anymore.
  12. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG TOTALLY did not expect this to be POSTED on OCR... I know he was working on a song for me lately 'cos I cheated looking at his monitor the other day... but gotta say this surpasses anything he has ever done. Better then White Skies (Club Mix) or Jade Catacombs. Lyrics couldn't be any better. My favorite word is "free" and I always try to find songs with that word so this totally made me haaaaaaaappppppppppppy. Ashleigh did an excellent job and I must admit her vocals is better then anything I've heard in a long time. I was very impressed. So glad OCR grabbed the best lyrical track ever on this site. Thank you Ashleigh for doing this for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Can't say much else 'cept special thanks to DJP and everyone who was in on the secret and kept it from me for a while... =P My bebay made sure we had an awesome anny. Even with all the money in the world, this day couldn't have been any better (minus the fact I had to work half the day) =)
  13. Sixto is the man!!!!!

  14. Awesome remixes the past 10 years.... Now go post Level99 to be an official OC ReMixer and more bLiNd remixes, will ya?!
  15. Happy 10th anniversary! Best OC ReMix to me - "Dragon Song" by Harmony
  16. Well, I already know that. Larry records them...but he takes long to post them. :\ I think it would be kool to have a live webcast.
  17. Okay whenever you guys have every other awesome guest on this show, I wanna be on it again. You both rock.
  18. rofl I guess he can eat 20 cupcakes after that remark.
  19. Game released today and it's already got amazing reviews. I CAN'T WAIT TO BUY IT!!!!!!
  20. Since we can't go to Magfest 8 this year.... =( is there any way for a webcam hook-up in the panel?
  21. Riviera: The Promised Land... I LOVE this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgJLCZlAG3A (PSP version) & (GBA version)
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