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  • Real Name
    Justin A.
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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Bass

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  1. New version. I actually like this better; the drums feel more consistent.
  2. Yes! Love Juno Reactor! I guess that's showing through a bit, huh? I understand what you mean, but I still kind of want a snare to be present. I have a version with changed drums at :53 and 2:53 to match closer to what the main part is. I wanted something different to break up the repetition, but it is kind of an awkward part. Will upload soon.
  3. Yes lol I totally agree. Thank you very much for the input! The entire kit itself has been a pain in the ass for me the whole time; so in response, changed the whole thing. I also simplified certain parts especially with the high hat. I kind of want the beat to have a bit of a "swing" feel to it (with lack of a better word), and have it change up a few times. Snare is def beefier now
  4. So few things I'm curious about for those of you that have your music setup for streaming with Spotify. So it's okay for VGM covers/remixes to be posted? What about audio samples from Movies /TV shows etc..? I plan to upload a handful of older albums produced by my friend and I, which has a BUNCH of short samples from movies like Jurassic Park, Kids and The Shining, which are strewn about in a few songs. So far I've read that no one really cares, unless the tracks were to start gaining significant traction. Just curious what the heavy Spotify users think. Wouldn't want any issues down the road, as we've already had a Podcast of ours get wiped out do to making one mistake. Thanks
  5. OK did a small update. Dropped the snare's pitch and two toned it, sounds a bit beefier than before. Tried a few different snares, but I've become quite accustomed to the snappiness of this one. So I'm keeping it. Tweeked the Arp during the middle portion, although it's still there I've changed it up a little with some new accents and hardened the EQ swell. Aside from some minor re-balancing I've done I feel this is about 90% of the way there. This remix has come a long way, so thanks again for the input.
  6. Sweet, thanks for the input, guys! Yeah the snare always bugged me, I have adjusted it multiple times, and am now considering changing it all together. I kind of want the Arp part to be constant throughout the mix, but during the middle part, I may screw with it a bit more. As for the low end, I have it cut on most tracks except for the bass line and drums, perhaps I have too much of a stereo effect causing some freq bleeding. The hihats are getting raised, I like to start low on a mix and bring up to taste.
  7. Updated:3 Sat on this for too long, felt like working on it.
  8. Finished my new 8-track album! VGM inspired Electronica. A bit atmospheric and melancholic, but I enjoyed working on it. https://audiocolor.bandcamp.com/album/diamond-in-the-rough
  9. I've been doing a side project over the past few years called 1000 Mice. Kind of lo-fi electronic rock / instrumental combo ("lo-fi" sonically and production wise, not chill hip-hop). Heavy emphasis on keeping it simple and utilizing some of my old school keyboards. Made to have almost a warm nostalgic 8-track sound, while still implementing some modern elements. Spaceship Moon is my most recent release and figured I would drop it here, cause why not:) Also, our label, Lo-Fi Solutions, has a lot of random stuff to offer; much unconventional rambling to be had here. Ranging from improvised hand-recorded jams to experimental hiphop and screamo. https://lofisolutions.bandcamp.com/
  10. Main part done. Still have some adjusting to do; breakdown might be re-written, gonna see if it grows on me. PS: Tried posting the embedded code, but I can't get it to come up... dontknow..
  11. Here's a new original of mine added to soundcloud. Still have a bit of finalizing to do, but it's one of my favs.
  12. Hey all, Got a remix here that I would love any and all input on. I plan on speeding it up a little, adding some more drum/synth variations and well as contemplating completely replacing the last part to help eliminate repetition. I've been working on this on and off for about a year now and sounds pretty different than how I originally had it. Though I kind of dig it:) Thanks
  13. Like it, very pretty! Only thing I've noticed is that it's kind of quiet, especially the accompaniment.
  14. Aside from 2 Remix WIPS, I have two Original Tracks uploaded to Soundcloud for all to enjoy! Let me know what you all think. I'm still working on the details to mixing with Cubase, but I feel like these are coming along nicely.
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