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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. How do you think half the people here learnt this stuff, at school? Pfft. You learn through experimentation. When someone says, "the low end is really cluttered, perhaps use an EQ", you go try and find the "EQ" setting in your DAW. You play with it, see what sounds it makes, perhaps Wiki it to see what's going on technically. With any of these criticisms you simply Google words you don't understand, perhaps ask for clarification if you're really stuck and just experiment.You're not good right off the bat, it takes time.
  2. Ah. Don't worry, perhaps I just ingest emotive media. Onomnmnmnoonnomnom.
  3. Wasn't he heavily autistic or something? I remember the US wanting to go all out and imprison the guy for life despite having no real ill intentions and not really knowing what he was doing.
  4. Thanks so much to everyone who's commented and double x10^999999 to those who have donated. Seriously, thanks. Didn't expect to get this much response. Extremely glad you're enjoying the release! And please, if you didn't like it, tell me why! Perhaps next time 'round I'll do a better job! ------- To all those who are worried about the incorrect tracklisting - I accidentally uploaded the old back cover art. Chthonic had an older version of the album which was ordered slightly differently, hence old back cover. The current tracklisting in the download is the 100% official final. EDIT - fix'd
  5. http://protodome.bandcamp.com/album/bluenoise So! As some of you may know, over the last few months I've been working on an album for a university project. I was going to leave it as that, just a project, but I figured why waste a perfectly good album rotting on my HDD? So here we are. BLUENOISE is essentially a collection of seven original tracks all in my typical chiptune-inspired jazz style - a little chipmusic for each day of the week, not that I'd realised that until now. Again, another Bandcamp release, so remember to punch in 0.00 to get it no-strings-attached-it-can't-be-true-life free. Although, any donations to my poor student music fund are very welcome and much appreciated! Would love to hear what you thought of the album/artwork, whatever! Hope you enjoy the listen! If you dig it, tweet, like, post - spread it! Proto’s debut, bleep-bloop, stupidly cute, saccharine-sweet, jazzy chiptune album. Seven tracks to make even the most hardened chiptune fans *ahem* ‘squee’ . Seriously, it's pretty cool stuff. (The Japanese text (ブルーノイズ) simply reads "Blue Noise". Unfortunately, Band Camp had a HUGE problem with Japanese, so I had to cut it from the title. Feel free to re-tag it yourself.) A quick shout out: Thanks to everyone who helped out in the latter stages of the project, you guys really did me a favour there. <3 <3 <3
  6. Apart from all the square, triangle and saw waves that exist in the universe, yes you are right.
  7. Whoa, whoa back up. So really, you think dirty sine waves are beautiful? Because that's cool too.Not like the beautiful, pure, unadulterated, basic waveforms.
  8. So then don't offer to help unless you already have something decent. It's not hard, don't overcomplicate the guy's offer. It sounds pretty reasonable to me.
  9. I actually know a guy who won't buy guitars anymore, he makes them.You're just not as musical as him bro. Give it up.
  10. This. Yeah, that's like saying famous composers such as Debussy or Wagner were actually pretty unoriginal because a whole orchestra performed their work - and they didn't even have direct control over attack envolopes and individual note velocities. Shame on them.
  11. Funny you said that because I didn't like it. I found the acting to be weak from the supporting characters (Hopkins was good though), the plot to be pretty uninspired, super predictable and a little boring. I do realise this is an adaptation of the comics, but compared to the fantastic Iron Man, this just pales in comparison (not Iron Man 2, that was a terrible film). Although it has to be said, yeah, there were funny moments admittedly, and the CGI was very impressive at times (Asgard looked fantastic).
  12. BTW dude, if anyone asks, your name is ‘halc’ (pronounced /‘hælsi/).

    Fo' reel n everehthin.

  13. But I don't see how that YouTube video will help. I don't have a problem with Global Snapping, I just don't know how to apply a Quick Quantize.
  14. Glide relates to portamento too. Portamento is that slide up to pitch when the note is triggered; it can be applied to polyphonic synths too, hence why it doesn't apply to mono blah blah you knew that. Glide is the time it takes to slide between notes. When applied to a mono synth, the higher the glide time, the slower it takes to slide between notes. A high glide on portamento will take longer to slide up to the note.BASICALLY: Both portamento and mono can be used on the same synth- glide just controls the time it takes to resolve note pitch. This all makes sense right?
  15. Yeah, you've just gotta have your synth set to 'mono', then adjust the glide time between notes. It can be found in the synth patch window, or in that poppy-uppy instrumenty boxy thing in one of the windows. Then once you've set synth to mono, just overlap the notes in the piano roll. Usually you get a saccharine-kawaii-squee~<3 sort of sound by using it repeatedly with lots of pitch bends. Have fun with my incredibly confusing description, someone else clear this up please. EDIT - Tensei, I don't think he's talking about portamento, I think he's talking about mono with a slow glide time, hence the post. But portamento is also awesome, do that.
  16. You lied through your teeth and I could tell.

    Srsly tho, thnxz

  17. Please update the track after subbing, this is seriously wonderful. Loving all this neoclassical, romantic stuff on the WIP forums lately, so totally getting me into the genre again.
  18. If it's not italics then lets have our paragraph with a healthy helping of bold (unless it's in brackets).
  19. Modus, like Coop has said, it's an ownership thing. When you have the physical CD (cartridge, floppy disc, memory stick, whatever) you OWN that software outright and can install it on your PC, your new PC, your new new new PC how many times you want, whenever, forever. Unless you break it physically it'll never degrade or stop working. Streaming a game, heck, even Steam, what happens when that company goes out of business in 2030 and you're left wanting to play all your old games? You'll need authentication from a service that no longer exists; or after reformating your vintage 2010 PC you'll have no way of redownloading. Personally, I don't think this mentality will ever change because we, as a society, are inherently materialistic. Portal 2 for example; it probably would have been cheaper to play it in an arcade (if it had a cabinet), it's not very long at all, but most would turn their noses up at that idea and pay possibly $20 extra to own the software, even if they never replay it. Take music for example; yes, buying through iTunes is popular, but how many people do you know that have loved a band/song so much they've gone out to buy the CD just so they can own a physical copy? Unless they can find a way of making the materialists happy, I think physical copies of games will always exist (through our lifetimes anyway), even if they become simply 'collector's editions'. If I am wrong and everything goes virtual, as long as that mentality exists, there will always be piracy, not simply to get out of paying for the stuff, but so you can OWN that software outright.
  20. Most 100% completely definitely yes, of course, affirmative.S'cool.
  21. Agreed. It makes cracks and other pirated software more favourable, even if you had every intent on purchasing the product. At least then you outright own the game and can make your own CDs.
  22. That is EXACTLY what I posted before. EXACTLY.Great addition to the conversation.
  23. This. Find a basic tutorial to guide you around the main program windows and get familiar with how it all works. As soon as, begin experimenting, loading up the preview files and making stuff you think is good at the time.Trust me, you'll feel like a music genius at first then you'll hit a point where you start to realise just how terrible you really are, despite whatever musical experience you've had previously.
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