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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Bahahahaha, fore on the floor. Ahahahaha. Bahahaha. Awesome bass.
  2. : |You'll regret it. Betcha. Don't come crying to me when you do either.
  3. This is sexy? Just wait 'till you see the music video. (There is no music video.) Awesome writeup and awesome comments. You guys are awesome.
  4. My rule of thumb for laptops is that despite how impressive the hardware is/sounds, it'll always run half as well as its desktop counterpart. Proof there is no God- or if there is, he hates portable machines. So in your case... Yeah, perhaps give this one a miss.
  5. Why not Strawberry? Or just the good old regular one?

  6. Like ALL Stevo's stuff. Lotsa emotion into what he does.
  7. Noooooooo!! It's not possible!!

  9. Oh yeah man, I never said and I totally was gunna- I'd never heard any of your music and then, suddenly, Retro City Zone.

    Colour me a fan.

  10. Quoted for truth.Seriously, this thing is awesome, no idea how it slipped under my radar. Pretty versitile stuff so there's [cliché]bound to be something for everybody![/cliché]. Five is Average all the way.
  11. Yeah, this is sick. This kinda jazz is oh-so-right down my street. Terrible end though, it's like it's a WIP or something.
  12. You make so much music it's hard to keep up. Brilliant work man, this'll go just swell in my 'long walk to my destination' playlist. Brill title.
  13. FYI, we use miles.

    Metric for everything else.

  14. /downloaded Yeah, this is pretty chill. I'm loving the mastering on this, the emphasis on the low-bass range and the little high-end percussive hits are perfect for this genre, kinda reminicient of the way halc masters his stuff. Compositions are solid, whilst I'd've liked a little more variation, I can totally get that this is chill-out and it's just opinion. Resurfaced is my personal favourite, some sweet chord progressions you have thar. Were you at all influenced by the Flower soundtrack at all, just sounds similar in places. Also. I hate the cover art. Sorry.
  15. "A bad, delayed album will forever tarnish the reputation of the project leader." --Sir Francis Drake, 1969.
  16. I don't count. You're not a true chip-artist/real man 'till you start tracking in something like LSDJ. My music is trashy pop in comparison.
  17. Mmm.I agree as well. Shallow and pedantic.
  18. Absolutely fantastic. Some bloody excellent chipmusic, instant fan. This desperately needs some C-Disc love.
  19. Right. The start for me seems to be a little cluttered 'round the mids/low mids, all the instruments are competing for space a bit, not sure it's a huge problem. 1:36 onwards however, is pretty good IMO, everything's pretty clear and very well produced, kick and snare included. Seriously digging the square and saw lines, lots of love gone into those parts and it shows. The glitch and FX I couldn't do better myself, they're mad-crazy good. Gario's on the ball with this one though, I'd say it was pushing it source-wise but I wouldn't change anything you have melody-wise, that would ruin it- just add more sections *happyfacetime*. As for the drum beat, I don't think it's as lame and boring as Garizzle makes out, just, if you're going to add more sections, make sure you mix things up there. I love the track, I am totally not adverse to dance music, especially when it's got that glitch, chippy feel. Good good. Keep me posted on updates.
  20. It's back up. Dunno what happened. Oh man, definitely, if you're up to it. I'll hit you up with a PM later.
  21. Ack! Forgot about this! Wow Ecgotorotrofofroefregima, you pimp'd me hardcore there; thanks! I agree with you BTW on the length issue, you tend to use up so much of your creative juice on the first 2 minutes you literally cannot see where it's going any more. Something to think about fo' sho'. Yeah I'll be adding my own vocals if I can't get anyone more suitable I guess. :'( Oh yeah, HeiswhoheisbutwhoamI, that bit you're right about, I could stick some more harmony on that chromatic section definitely. I'll have that nailed in the final mixdown.
  22. I have this massive rose-tinted glasses thing going for Grandia. It was the game for me back when I was kid. D'aw well, he wasn't going to make another one anyway.
  23. Yep.Every track will horrendously abuse the "It's time to D-D-D-Duel" sound clip and the lyrics will be a namedrop of ancient Egyptian Gods and YuGiOh! The Abridged Series quotes.
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